The monkey village of Jakarta
This is a little creepy on one hand and awful on another..
There is a village in Jakarta where the masked monkeys prevail..
It’s known as the monkey village..Their plight is wretched.. and then they are forced to wear the creepiest masks I have ever seen..
Pounding away finally pays off..
Big news in the radio world..
You may remember the deep voice of John B. Wells on Coast to Coast AM. He was the weekend guy on the show until George Noory figured out that he was getting more popular than him and had him terminated from memory at the show..
Wells went off into Internet radio land, doing his own show called Caravan to Midnight—an odd name for a morning program..
But the uphill battle is paying off.. Wells has now been launched into national syndication..Talkers Magazine reports,
Entercom’s WRKO, Boston joins the affiliate roster as the first major market station, airing a Saturday evening edition of the show. The “Caravan to Midnight” program debuted in February of this year
Wells’ website offered up a brief feature of the types of programs he has been broadcasting..
I have constantly supported Wells, except during those times when he delved a little far too much off a deep end of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories.. But it’s good to see him succeed when, without a doubt, the Noory circle of jerkles never wanted him too.
Three cheers for John B.
Out of the dark of the deep range and into the light of the deep strange…
Yet more paranormal activity makes the rounds on mainstream news, as it so often happens these days in the aftermath of the gates of hell exploding open..
There is video online and being shared amongst the masses of an exorcism outside a Starbucks in Texas.. Some are mocking the scene as just another day in the Bible belt, others are freaked out to their core by the nature of the footage..
The video was posted on REDDIT.. the user said that he regularly sees Bible meetings at the Starbucks, but that this was the first time a saliva spewing exorcism took place..
No word on the amount of expresso that went into the possessed man before the video was filmed. Nor is there any expression of opinion from anyone involved or the Starbucks where it was filmed..
And as to whether it’s a hoax? Also unknown..
But this is: The woman person right inside the window could care less, with each photo showing the person continuous reading a book as though the demon is not being expelled outside..
Bizarre scene.. deep in the demonic heart of a caffeinated Texas..
In youuuuurrr face: Just a few cracks and headlines
History made: A European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission successfully placed a small spacecraft on the surface of a speeding comet on Wednesday..
From Russia, with cold shoulders: Tension between Putin and Obama in Beijing..
Gum chewing “rapper” Obama angers China..
Putin flirts with China’s flirt lady as Chinese censors not amused..
11 women in India die after botched sterilizations.. The women were set to undergo the procedure to control population at a government run camp..
Eugenics. What could go wrong!?
Since we’re no the subject: 19 times as many women are sterilized by the Indian government as are males.Good food for thought..<br
Radiation from Fukushima off the coast of California..but the media tells us not to worry. Yet.
The rise of exorcisms..
While a probe did not land on Kim Kardashian, her nude rear end and full frontal did blow up the Internet..
Large quake rattles Kansas and Oklahoma..
Arkansas too..
AR2192, the biggest sunspot in a long time, back again.. Looking even worse..There are expectations that when it is back in the view of planet Earth, solar activity and solar flare activity could uptick sharply..
National Mall mayhem: EMINEM shouts “happy f&*(^ing Veterans Day” and more than a dozen other F bombs at the ‘Concert for Valor’..
A pill to make you smart? Scientists’ breakthrough in unlocking the brain’s potential by returning it to child-like state..
Is this a photo of a ghost in a schoolhouse in the UK?
This is creepy.. disturbing.. you name it, it is it. A woman bought a fairy wand for her daughter at a dollar store.. the image on the wand was a demonic girl slitting her wrist..
A new report says that a type of dementia may have contributed to Robin Williams’ suicide..
Attention? Ghost hunter stabs himself in home where people died in 1912..
From Russia, with cold shoulders: Tension between Putin and Obama in Beijing..
Gum chewing “rapper” Obama angers China..
Putin flirts with China’s flirt lady as Chinese censors not amused..
11 women in India die after botched sterilizations.. The women were set to undergo the procedure to control population at a government run camp..
Eugenics. What could go wrong!?
Since we’re no the subject: 19 times as many women are sterilized by the Indian government as are males.Good food for thought..<br
Radiation from Fukushima off the coast of California..but the media tells us not to worry. Yet.
The rise of exorcisms..
While a probe did not land on Kim Kardashian, her nude rear end and full frontal did blow up the Internet..
Large quake rattles Kansas and Oklahoma..
Arkansas too..
AR2192, the biggest sunspot in a long time, back again.. Looking even worse..There are expectations that when it is back in the view of planet Earth, solar activity and solar flare activity could uptick sharply..
National Mall mayhem: EMINEM shouts “happy f&*(^ing Veterans Day” and more than a dozen other F bombs at the ‘Concert for Valor’..
A pill to make you smart? Scientists’ breakthrough in unlocking the brain’s potential by returning it to child-like state..
Is this a photo of a ghost in a schoolhouse in the UK?
This is creepy.. disturbing.. you name it, it is it. A woman bought a fairy wand for her daughter at a dollar store.. the image on the wand was a demonic girl slitting her wrist..
A new report says that a type of dementia may have contributed to Robin Williams’ suicide..
Attention? Ghost hunter stabs himself in home where people died in 1912..
When I tell friends, family members, and co workers that there is a very real hunt to find the key to live forever, I’m scoffed at. Some inform me that the prospect of unending eternity is never going to happen.. They assure me God will step in and disallow any science to give us the ability to extend life far beyond the measure we currently can. I’m told it’s the stuff of science fiction and improbable if not just downright impossible.
Of course at one time that was also said about discovering the world.. Imagine the first person who announced that he or she would set sail across the world to find new land–not Columbus of course, since we know he was not first in 1492 no matter how much the ocean was blue.. They were most likely mocked too, told that their mission was in vain and success would never be found. Impossible!
The future is coming very quickly.. actually the future 2 seconds ago just became the present. With each discovery and invention, each new medical advancement and treatment, we get closer and closer to solving the unnerving mysteries of life. We also inch closer to the real possibility of life extension.. And virtually living forever..
Will it be just for the wealthy, rich and famous? Will they feast on the blood of the young? Will the poor and middle class be subjected to slavery to the masses of elite? These are questions we often comfortably think future generations will need to answer. At the rate of discovery, though, people living today may have to grapple with such moral problems..
Take this story for example from REUTERS. Will Dunham writes for the news service that scientists are actively scouring the genomes of people who live past 110. A professor from Stanford University, Stuart Kim, was quoted by Dunham. Kim says this marks the beginning of the scientific reality of living forever–the hunt is on for the genes that create this exclusive club of people. Notably, most of them who live long are women.. Another surprising myth that may crush your current way of thinking: Half of the people who live really, really long also were smokers… Put that in your pipe and smoke it…
There are some other movements being made in the hunt for eternal existence. It’s elementary, Dear Watson. IBM’s Watson is helping.. the IBM Watson supercomputer is setting out to examine your DNA, as PCMAG reports.. It will tell you how much you should It will supply the answers on the best way to keep yourself healthy and fit. A computer will be your dietitian, medical adviser, and exercise instructor.. no more need for people. They are being phased out.
There is an interesting dynamic setting up for the future, if you have not noticed. On one hand, we are eliminating the need for people. Robots to do our jobs and kiosks to perform our services. While some wild eyed politicians and union officials are arguing until they are blue in the face about a minimum wage increase for fast food workers, fast food restaurants are quickly outsourcing the jobs of people cooking hamburgers and taking orders to robots. No more talking to pimply faced teenieboppers who plug in your order and have a computer to tell them the change to give you.. instead you do it yourself, swipe you card and maybe one day our bitcoin, and your processed plate of sludge comes out of the conveyor. Error free..
And on the flipside of so many efforts being made to end the need for people, we are in a hunt to live forever.. a desire to get blood transfusions from the healthy and fit, and have a diet of steady goodness without the additives and Monsanto flavored GMO killers.
At what point does this meet in the middle?
And at what stage does a breaking point come?
I spoke before of the disbelief of some that we will ever really live forever. But if we do, they tell me, they don’t want to. Instead they are compelled to just die, give up, and resign from life. I tell them, though, that they are either lying to me or lying to themselves..
I say this: If future advancements will be enough to create the possibility of a healthy life with virtually no death via cancer and other diseases, people will want to live forever.. Imagine having the years of experience of someone who is 200 but only feeling like someone who is 30!
So often people say they want to die, but when a serious illness befalls them they attempt to gain the best and brightest people in medicine to find a way for them to live longer.. see family grow a little older.. see grandchildren graduate or get married.. Just a few more years. Just a few more hours.. We all want to buy some more time, and fear death like nothing else.
That is why it’s a completely natural endeavor, this quest for living until eternity tells us not to. It is remarkable that more people don’t admit the obvious: That they want to live forever..
Sure, some with those awful diseases and sicknesses that plague happiness will give up and throw in the proverbial towel.. but even some of them would fight to die another day if there’d be a promise of health and medical advancement to wipe away their pain and suffering..
And just think.. if we can live forever, the idea of the fate of a death penalty would be much worse for people to contemplate than it is now..
Some religious people tell me that God will not permit people to live forever on earth. That is, they say, the reward of heaven..
But why does it have to be?
God never said to die young.. even those who take the Bible literally would admit that people of old days, as it is written, lived well into the hundreds.. So why couldn’t we in our modern reality do as those old fabled men and women did in Bible times before a flood and rainbow changed the world?
We can..
And God willing, or unwilling, we will strive to..
I think if there is a God, he wants us to live forever.. he wants us to reach for the stars.. at this point, with the trash buildup on the planet earth, I think a God would even want us to find another barren planet to dump our rubbish.. Why not?
We are human beings, who really have not been alive very long in the totality of the universe.. we are young.
Maybe one day when the first person lives to 200, 300, 500, and 1,000, we will look back at these days of people living until a ‘ripe old age’ of social security receivership, we will break down in laughter at these dark ages.
The future is coming..
One small step for man.. one giant leap to living forever..
Embrace it.
Of course at one time that was also said about discovering the world.. Imagine the first person who announced that he or she would set sail across the world to find new land–not Columbus of course, since we know he was not first in 1492 no matter how much the ocean was blue.. They were most likely mocked too, told that their mission was in vain and success would never be found. Impossible!
The future is coming very quickly.. actually the future 2 seconds ago just became the present. With each discovery and invention, each new medical advancement and treatment, we get closer and closer to solving the unnerving mysteries of life. We also inch closer to the real possibility of life extension.. And virtually living forever..
Will it be just for the wealthy, rich and famous? Will they feast on the blood of the young? Will the poor and middle class be subjected to slavery to the masses of elite? These are questions we often comfortably think future generations will need to answer. At the rate of discovery, though, people living today may have to grapple with such moral problems..
Take this story for example from REUTERS. Will Dunham writes for the news service that scientists are actively scouring the genomes of people who live past 110. A professor from Stanford University, Stuart Kim, was quoted by Dunham. Kim says this marks the beginning of the scientific reality of living forever–the hunt is on for the genes that create this exclusive club of people. Notably, most of them who live long are women.. Another surprising myth that may crush your current way of thinking: Half of the people who live really, really long also were smokers… Put that in your pipe and smoke it…
There are some other movements being made in the hunt for eternal existence. It’s elementary, Dear Watson. IBM’s Watson is helping.. the IBM Watson supercomputer is setting out to examine your DNA, as PCMAG reports.. It will tell you how much you should It will supply the answers on the best way to keep yourself healthy and fit. A computer will be your dietitian, medical adviser, and exercise instructor.. no more need for people. They are being phased out.
There is an interesting dynamic setting up for the future, if you have not noticed. On one hand, we are eliminating the need for people. Robots to do our jobs and kiosks to perform our services. While some wild eyed politicians and union officials are arguing until they are blue in the face about a minimum wage increase for fast food workers, fast food restaurants are quickly outsourcing the jobs of people cooking hamburgers and taking orders to robots. No more talking to pimply faced teenieboppers who plug in your order and have a computer to tell them the change to give you.. instead you do it yourself, swipe you card and maybe one day our bitcoin, and your processed plate of sludge comes out of the conveyor. Error free..
And on the flipside of so many efforts being made to end the need for people, we are in a hunt to live forever.. a desire to get blood transfusions from the healthy and fit, and have a diet of steady goodness without the additives and Monsanto flavored GMO killers.
At what point does this meet in the middle?
And at what stage does a breaking point come?
I spoke before of the disbelief of some that we will ever really live forever. But if we do, they tell me, they don’t want to. Instead they are compelled to just die, give up, and resign from life. I tell them, though, that they are either lying to me or lying to themselves..
I say this: If future advancements will be enough to create the possibility of a healthy life with virtually no death via cancer and other diseases, people will want to live forever.. Imagine having the years of experience of someone who is 200 but only feeling like someone who is 30!
So often people say they want to die, but when a serious illness befalls them they attempt to gain the best and brightest people in medicine to find a way for them to live longer.. see family grow a little older.. see grandchildren graduate or get married.. Just a few more years. Just a few more hours.. We all want to buy some more time, and fear death like nothing else.
That is why it’s a completely natural endeavor, this quest for living until eternity tells us not to. It is remarkable that more people don’t admit the obvious: That they want to live forever..
Sure, some with those awful diseases and sicknesses that plague happiness will give up and throw in the proverbial towel.. but even some of them would fight to die another day if there’d be a promise of health and medical advancement to wipe away their pain and suffering..
And just think.. if we can live forever, the idea of the fate of a death penalty would be much worse for people to contemplate than it is now..
Some religious people tell me that God will not permit people to live forever on earth. That is, they say, the reward of heaven..
But why does it have to be?
God never said to die young.. even those who take the Bible literally would admit that people of old days, as it is written, lived well into the hundreds.. So why couldn’t we in our modern reality do as those old fabled men and women did in Bible times before a flood and rainbow changed the world?
We can..
And God willing, or unwilling, we will strive to..
I think if there is a God, he wants us to live forever.. he wants us to reach for the stars.. at this point, with the trash buildup on the planet earth, I think a God would even want us to find another barren planet to dump our rubbish.. Why not?
We are human beings, who really have not been alive very long in the totality of the universe.. we are young.
Maybe one day when the first person lives to 200, 300, 500, and 1,000, we will look back at these days of people living until a ‘ripe old age’ of social security receivership, we will break down in laughter at these dark ages.
The future is coming..
One small step for man.. one giant leap to living forever..
Embrace it.
It was the year 1919. The Treaty of Versailles was signed.. a cease fire ended hostilities..
World War I had just ended.. Those of us who remember those fairy tales from from history class know that it was termed ‘the war to end all wars.’ Instead power brokers created an entirely new version of the Middle East, one that seemingly has doomed the world to eternal conquest and quagmire..
But back during those happy times of the war’s ending, right after Sgt Henry Gunther had just either commited an act of valor or suicide, the powers in conflict declared Armistice. The war had ended.. and with this newfound peacetime came a widespread global thanksgiving to the troops that weathered the war.. A minute of silence to honor veterans who fought is often used across the planet on November 11 at 11am.. after that minute comes another, one to honor the wives and children of the men who sacrificed time and toil to fight the war that didn’t end a thing..
This day is not just Veterans Day in the United States. It is also a celebration of those who honor troops from Britain to France.. solemn ceremonies take place. In the United States, a Chief Executive or Vice President–this year Joe Biden–lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier..
After World War I turned into more wars, the United States renamed November 11 Veterans’ Day to include all of those who fought in wars. World War II, Korea, Vietnam.. and more recently the American misadventures in no mans’ Afghanistan and Iraq.. It is one of the most solemn and serious of occasions.. Federal buildings .. for some, things are a standstill in observation..
Kind hearted acts of charity are plentiful today. Restaurants and businesses give away little freebies–breakfast for free at Friendly’s this morning was unusually busy while I waited for my vehicle inspection at Jack Williams.. It was filled with veterans of all branches, proudly decorated with their honorable mentions across lapels.. Also they were adorned with symbols of their branches, coats to display their pride, and wrinkled older faces to show what the wear and tear of wounds of war can do to their body.. I ate alone while waiting for the car repairs, and desperately attempted to keep my people watching to a minimum. But it was difficult today. I saw a number of vets coming in, alone, almost looking gaunt and aged. Some of them clearly are nearing their end, the great generation of yesterday turning into the lackluster one of the present. Others were with wives, or children. One rather boisterous table was in clear celebration mode: A number of veterans and their wives, children, and even grandchildren. All of them getting a free meal. And that’s a good deal.
Beyond those corporate acts of goodness, though, what else exists for veterans? Friend after friend on my Facebook news feed this morning thanked veterans and offered their public statements to honor those who served in the military. It is so often like my friends, people of little stature in the global complex of power, are all movie stars offering up their public relation-vetted statements on every day affairs. Does anyone care of Bill from Pittsburgh or Steve from New Jersey says that we should honor veterans? Not really.. their words are words. Their actions, more than likely, do little to honor anything today. I bet they did not even know that 2 minutes of silence are to be adhered to at 11am in whatever time zone you inhabit..
Even more apparent this year–but somehow not being talked about virtually anywhere–is the complete and total collapse of the Veterans Affairs Administration. Let us keep in mind: Despite news organizations’ blackouts concerning the scandal of mistreatment and mismanagement in the agency Lincoln said should “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan,” things aren’t over. As a matter of fact, Robert McDonald, the new VA chief, may fire 1000 staffers in response to the awful health care received by veterans in the United States. That is a monumentally big deal. One that is unspoken on this day..
The latest two wars that lasted way too long have become nightmares on main street for veterans who lived. So often in previous wars, people injured would have ended up as the killed in action. With medical advancements, though, they can live without limbs. Or in paralysis. And they do, so often.. They also get treated like mentally ill patients by Veterans Affairs–all the while the department completely botches up their mental health programs for veterans who desperately need them..
Another problem for veterans returning: Apprenticeship programs, despite new attention and marketing, aren’t propelling the United States into a positive realm economically. Factories are so often closing rather than opening.. Jobs are vanishing. Robots are taking over..
Veterans had to defend the United States’ missions in a global theater. And they also had to defend many higher paid contractors from the RAND CORP and Blackwater..
The plot is also thickening on that.
The original Armistice Day celebrated the end of a war.. subsequent presidents renamed and changed dates and changed them back again for the American version called Veterans’ Day. But there is an enormous elephant in the room that no one is talking about.
George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld did an enormous service to those who serve–those who serve in private corporations in war. Blackwater and the RAND CORP, Halliburton and others all achieved enormous success due to the wartime footing the United States put itself on after September 11, 2001. They overbilled the United States, they often put phantom employees on payroll just to reap more profit, they also have been accused of being involved with sex trafficking and also the murder of innocent Iraqis during the Iraq war. United States servicemen had to defend them, guard them, and keep them safe. In the mean time, troops were making far less in dollars than the private contractors. Also, private contractors receiving orders and being permitted to kill in the name of war is also a creepy path to morally difficult questions. But it happened. And still is.
Whether RAND and Blackwater and their ilk should or should not take part in battle has already been answered by our leaders: They are active participants, for better or worse, constitutional or not. The legal question aside, a very practical and poignant question arises: Should they also be honored on Veterans Day for what they do?
The WEEK magazine had a good article this week about the sacrifice of American contractors.United States services took a big hit during Afghanistan and Iraq, with 6,838 troops dying during combat. But there were 6,800 contractors killed as well, those numbers are often not reported and the sacrifices of those who lost limbs and now suffer permanent disability are never mentioned. And they don’t get veterans’ benefits. They cannot walk into a VA and attempt to get health care, no matter how first or second rate the care may be. Some of the big contractors, THE WEEK reports, have also been actively denying contractors medical care after being injured during wartime.
The American government is often giving the duties of warfare to private individuals. They are permitted to fight and die for the nation.. but they are not honored.
Should they be?
This is a divisive question.
Veterans often don’t like the premise to begin with: They often had to go first in line before contractors in Iraq, getting hit with roadside IEDs or bullets..They made less money.. and they did not get involved with war for profit; instead they often volunteered for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps because they felt it was their patriotic duty. After 9/11, many rushed to sign up for their chosen branch. They proudly engaged in battle. Even if the rules of engagement were fuzzy and the Bush Administration permits pushed the envelope in the run up to Gulf War II, American fighting forces proudly served..
So did contractors. For them, it was a job. Employment.. they were paid, sometimes highly paid. And they did some wretched things.. Their bosses engaged in some frivolous attempts to defraud taxpayers.. But 6,8000 contractors were killed and many, many more were injured beyond repair.
So .. should they be honored?
Do they deserve their own day?
And if not, should we stop using their services?
This is one of the biggest questions of our time.
In the future, when robots fight our battles, the question will become: Do we honor the machines who keep us safe?
This world is changing..
One contract at a time.
World War I had just ended.. Those of us who remember those fairy tales from from history class know that it was termed ‘the war to end all wars.’ Instead power brokers created an entirely new version of the Middle East, one that seemingly has doomed the world to eternal conquest and quagmire..
But back during those happy times of the war’s ending, right after Sgt Henry Gunther had just either commited an act of valor or suicide, the powers in conflict declared Armistice. The war had ended.. and with this newfound peacetime came a widespread global thanksgiving to the troops that weathered the war.. A minute of silence to honor veterans who fought is often used across the planet on November 11 at 11am.. after that minute comes another, one to honor the wives and children of the men who sacrificed time and toil to fight the war that didn’t end a thing..
This day is not just Veterans Day in the United States. It is also a celebration of those who honor troops from Britain to France.. solemn ceremonies take place. In the United States, a Chief Executive or Vice President–this year Joe Biden–lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier..
After World War I turned into more wars, the United States renamed November 11 Veterans’ Day to include all of those who fought in wars. World War II, Korea, Vietnam.. and more recently the American misadventures in no mans’ Afghanistan and Iraq.. It is one of the most solemn and serious of occasions.. Federal buildings .. for some, things are a standstill in observation..
Kind hearted acts of charity are plentiful today. Restaurants and businesses give away little freebies–breakfast for free at Friendly’s this morning was unusually busy while I waited for my vehicle inspection at Jack Williams.. It was filled with veterans of all branches, proudly decorated with their honorable mentions across lapels.. Also they were adorned with symbols of their branches, coats to display their pride, and wrinkled older faces to show what the wear and tear of wounds of war can do to their body.. I ate alone while waiting for the car repairs, and desperately attempted to keep my people watching to a minimum. But it was difficult today. I saw a number of vets coming in, alone, almost looking gaunt and aged. Some of them clearly are nearing their end, the great generation of yesterday turning into the lackluster one of the present. Others were with wives, or children. One rather boisterous table was in clear celebration mode: A number of veterans and their wives, children, and even grandchildren. All of them getting a free meal. And that’s a good deal.
Beyond those corporate acts of goodness, though, what else exists for veterans? Friend after friend on my Facebook news feed this morning thanked veterans and offered their public statements to honor those who served in the military. It is so often like my friends, people of little stature in the global complex of power, are all movie stars offering up their public relation-vetted statements on every day affairs. Does anyone care of Bill from Pittsburgh or Steve from New Jersey says that we should honor veterans? Not really.. their words are words. Their actions, more than likely, do little to honor anything today. I bet they did not even know that 2 minutes of silence are to be adhered to at 11am in whatever time zone you inhabit..
Even more apparent this year–but somehow not being talked about virtually anywhere–is the complete and total collapse of the Veterans Affairs Administration. Let us keep in mind: Despite news organizations’ blackouts concerning the scandal of mistreatment and mismanagement in the agency Lincoln said should “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan,” things aren’t over. As a matter of fact, Robert McDonald, the new VA chief, may fire 1000 staffers in response to the awful health care received by veterans in the United States. That is a monumentally big deal. One that is unspoken on this day..
The latest two wars that lasted way too long have become nightmares on main street for veterans who lived. So often in previous wars, people injured would have ended up as the killed in action. With medical advancements, though, they can live without limbs. Or in paralysis. And they do, so often.. They also get treated like mentally ill patients by Veterans Affairs–all the while the department completely botches up their mental health programs for veterans who desperately need them..
Another problem for veterans returning: Apprenticeship programs, despite new attention and marketing, aren’t propelling the United States into a positive realm economically. Factories are so often closing rather than opening.. Jobs are vanishing. Robots are taking over..
Veterans had to defend the United States’ missions in a global theater. And they also had to defend many higher paid contractors from the RAND CORP and Blackwater..
The plot is also thickening on that.
The original Armistice Day celebrated the end of a war.. subsequent presidents renamed and changed dates and changed them back again for the American version called Veterans’ Day. But there is an enormous elephant in the room that no one is talking about.
George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld did an enormous service to those who serve–those who serve in private corporations in war. Blackwater and the RAND CORP, Halliburton and others all achieved enormous success due to the wartime footing the United States put itself on after September 11, 2001. They overbilled the United States, they often put phantom employees on payroll just to reap more profit, they also have been accused of being involved with sex trafficking and also the murder of innocent Iraqis during the Iraq war. United States servicemen had to defend them, guard them, and keep them safe. In the mean time, troops were making far less in dollars than the private contractors. Also, private contractors receiving orders and being permitted to kill in the name of war is also a creepy path to morally difficult questions. But it happened. And still is.
Whether RAND and Blackwater and their ilk should or should not take part in battle has already been answered by our leaders: They are active participants, for better or worse, constitutional or not. The legal question aside, a very practical and poignant question arises: Should they also be honored on Veterans Day for what they do?
The WEEK magazine had a good article this week about the sacrifice of American contractors.United States services took a big hit during Afghanistan and Iraq, with 6,838 troops dying during combat. But there were 6,800 contractors killed as well, those numbers are often not reported and the sacrifices of those who lost limbs and now suffer permanent disability are never mentioned. And they don’t get veterans’ benefits. They cannot walk into a VA and attempt to get health care, no matter how first or second rate the care may be. Some of the big contractors, THE WEEK reports, have also been actively denying contractors medical care after being injured during wartime.
The American government is often giving the duties of warfare to private individuals. They are permitted to fight and die for the nation.. but they are not honored.
Should they be?
This is a divisive question.
Veterans often don’t like the premise to begin with: They often had to go first in line before contractors in Iraq, getting hit with roadside IEDs or bullets..They made less money.. and they did not get involved with war for profit; instead they often volunteered for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps because they felt it was their patriotic duty. After 9/11, many rushed to sign up for their chosen branch. They proudly engaged in battle. Even if the rules of engagement were fuzzy and the Bush Administration permits pushed the envelope in the run up to Gulf War II, American fighting forces proudly served..
So did contractors. For them, it was a job. Employment.. they were paid, sometimes highly paid. And they did some wretched things.. Their bosses engaged in some frivolous attempts to defraud taxpayers.. But 6,8000 contractors were killed and many, many more were injured beyond repair.
So .. should they be honored?
Do they deserve their own day?
And if not, should we stop using their services?
This is one of the biggest questions of our time.
In the future, when robots fight our battles, the question will become: Do we honor the machines who keep us safe?
This world is changing..
One contract at a time.
The Sunday morning sidewalk
A Sunday morning sidewalk view of the planet earth and beyond.. things making news from sea to sea and everywhere in between..
This week: The polar vortex comes back.. and with it, 200 million Americans will be struggling to find winter coats, and in my cases, snow shovels.. I am not looking forward to the cold and snow--for the first time in my life.. Just not looking forward at all..
News from the media world.. The HUFFINGTON POST is busy defending itself after several news reporters were disciplined.. High drama. I assume these are the handful of reporters that the HUFFINGTON POST actually pays for working..
Pope Francis strikes again: He says that many people claims to be Christians but are in name only.. they are living the life of pagans, he says..
Yes, you are looking at an image of a girl slicing her wrist.. The oddest part of all: The image was revealed by a girl playing with a 'princess wand.' The wand is also called an 'evil stick,' so some argue the woman should have known what she was buying.. This disturbing image is a little unwarranted to me. Perhaps it is because suicide is so prevalent and seemingly so many adults are also coaxing children into trying to explore the notion of taking their own lives.. This evil stick, of princess stick, whatever it is called, is disturbing..This image is a bit too much for children in my humble opinion..
Fear over the future: Elon Musk thinks that we may be summoning the demon with artificial intelligence.. He worries about robots and cars that drive themselves.. Progress is progress, and the future is steamrolling to us fast. Is Elon Musk just a more conservative voice during a time of technological revolution, or.. does he have a point?
X-MEN style mind control to become reality..
The pink stars are falling again.. This time video captures a giant meteor over Texas.. yet again, the fireball was reported to be 'bright green,' just like the one across the Eastern United States and Japan last week..
Life after the gates of hell: The murder of Christians by Muslims in Pakistan has gotten much darker.. this is how it happened: They broke the legs of Christians so they could not run away and then tossed them into a large oven to cook them alive..
Why are we divided by race when there is no such thing? Good question.. As those who profit off of purposely dividing us, or those who win elections by doing so.. Everything is divided by race by our media, by entertainers.. by everyone.. It needs to stop. We are a human race..
'Interstellar' Animators Made A Physics Breakthrough While Creating A Black Hole For The Movie..
This from the site CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY: Exorcisms on the rise and a 'pastoral emergency' is seen.. Apparently, some would say, demonic activity is on the rise..
Last night I watched the movie DELIVER US FROM EVIL with my wife and niece.. it was a late night viewing session after my son had gone to sleep and the lights were out. I know the movie is old at this point and ten bucks and a cup of coffee says most of you have seen it, but I just don't get the chance to see films like I once did. But the viewing of this film was disturbing.. it may have had one of the most intense exorcism scenes I have ever seen in film.. Ralph Sarchie believes that the demonic activity described in the film is true.. This film was effective.. it may have been the best exorcism story I have ever seen..
But do you feel like Sarchie does? Do you think demons are real, that they can manifest themselves in ways beyond even the sights and sounds of DELIVER US FROM EVIL..? There are so many news bits lately about exorcisms being 'on the rise.' But is it mental disorders? Drugs? ...often we blame demons before science can explain. But what about the 5% that cannot be explained? The superhuman strength and the ancient languages ... the foaming of the mouth.. all that demonic stuff. Fake? For the sake of humanity, let's hope yes.
This week: The polar vortex comes back.. and with it, 200 million Americans will be struggling to find winter coats, and in my cases, snow shovels.. I am not looking forward to the cold and snow--for the first time in my life.. Just not looking forward at all..
News from the media world.. The HUFFINGTON POST is busy defending itself after several news reporters were disciplined.. High drama. I assume these are the handful of reporters that the HUFFINGTON POST actually pays for working..
Pope Francis strikes again: He says that many people claims to be Christians but are in name only.. they are living the life of pagans, he says..
Yes, you are looking at an image of a girl slicing her wrist.. The oddest part of all: The image was revealed by a girl playing with a 'princess wand.' The wand is also called an 'evil stick,' so some argue the woman should have known what she was buying.. This disturbing image is a little unwarranted to me. Perhaps it is because suicide is so prevalent and seemingly so many adults are also coaxing children into trying to explore the notion of taking their own lives.. This evil stick, of princess stick, whatever it is called, is disturbing..This image is a bit too much for children in my humble opinion..
Fear over the future: Elon Musk thinks that we may be summoning the demon with artificial intelligence.. He worries about robots and cars that drive themselves.. Progress is progress, and the future is steamrolling to us fast. Is Elon Musk just a more conservative voice during a time of technological revolution, or.. does he have a point?
X-MEN style mind control to become reality..
The pink stars are falling again.. This time video captures a giant meteor over Texas.. yet again, the fireball was reported to be 'bright green,' just like the one across the Eastern United States and Japan last week..
Life after the gates of hell: The murder of Christians by Muslims in Pakistan has gotten much darker.. this is how it happened: They broke the legs of Christians so they could not run away and then tossed them into a large oven to cook them alive..
Why are we divided by race when there is no such thing? Good question.. As those who profit off of purposely dividing us, or those who win elections by doing so.. Everything is divided by race by our media, by entertainers.. by everyone.. It needs to stop. We are a human race..
'Interstellar' Animators Made A Physics Breakthrough While Creating A Black Hole For The Movie..
This from the site CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY: Exorcisms on the rise and a 'pastoral emergency' is seen.. Apparently, some would say, demonic activity is on the rise..
Last night I watched the movie DELIVER US FROM EVIL with my wife and niece.. it was a late night viewing session after my son had gone to sleep and the lights were out. I know the movie is old at this point and ten bucks and a cup of coffee says most of you have seen it, but I just don't get the chance to see films like I once did. But the viewing of this film was disturbing.. it may have had one of the most intense exorcism scenes I have ever seen in film.. Ralph Sarchie believes that the demonic activity described in the film is true.. This film was effective.. it may have been the best exorcism story I have ever seen..
But do you feel like Sarchie does? Do you think demons are real, that they can manifest themselves in ways beyond even the sights and sounds of DELIVER US FROM EVIL..? There are so many news bits lately about exorcisms being 'on the rise.' But is it mental disorders? Drugs? ...often we blame demons before science can explain. But what about the 5% that cannot be explained? The superhuman strength and the ancient languages ... the foaming of the mouth.. all that demonic stuff. Fake? For the sake of humanity, let's hope yes.
I took some notice so something..
I am eating way too much of my son's Halloween candy, sugary snacks he earned by dressing as Spiderman. I was just a dad that night, no Freddy attire.. nothing. He rightfully has the candy jar..
But.. at the same time, I am perplexed by his non-desire to eat it.. He likes the Skittles and a few of the taffy candies, but the majority of the chocolate bars go untouched. Which is a problem for me..
I am the hunter an I found my prey.. Hershey bars and, my favorite, Baby Ruths.
I secretly put them in the freezer to get them nice and cold.. when Ayden Morris is not looking, I get one out.. munching on it in private like it's a piece of the most desired product on the face of the earth. I used to drink a lot of beer and wine. I stopped months ago and really don't regret that conscious decision to get healthy and cleanse my body.
Since October 31st, I have replaced the goodness of having no vices with a major body bomb: Endless pieces of candy from a Spider-man head Halloween bucket. I need an intervention..
I am eating way too much of my son's Halloween candy, sugary snacks he earned by dressing as Spiderman. I was just a dad that night, no Freddy attire.. nothing. He rightfully has the candy jar..
But.. at the same time, I am perplexed by his non-desire to eat it.. He likes the Skittles and a few of the taffy candies, but the majority of the chocolate bars go untouched. Which is a problem for me..
I am the hunter an I found my prey.. Hershey bars and, my favorite, Baby Ruths.
I secretly put them in the freezer to get them nice and cold.. when Ayden Morris is not looking, I get one out.. munching on it in private like it's a piece of the most desired product on the face of the earth. I used to drink a lot of beer and wine. I stopped months ago and really don't regret that conscious decision to get healthy and cleanse my body.
Since October 31st, I have replaced the goodness of having no vices with a major body bomb: Endless pieces of candy from a Spider-man head Halloween bucket. I need an intervention..
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