Hell in the heartland: No one wants to admit the problem that plagues their families and kills their friends. Or them.

The media sensations are abundant..
Trump said what!?
Cruz did who!?
And those terrorists? Those unholy hell fighters.. the scourge of the earth. ISIS is bad. But FOX NEWS and the immediate media have got people feeling there's a terrorist behind every tree. That mainstreet USA is going to be nuked. That you should get that duct tape you put away in 2003 with the Tom Ridge color code heyday and bring it back from the dusty underbelly of your closet.
And if that's not enough, Lil Kim Jung Un continues to fire .. things .. into the ocean.

All the hell.. all the oddities.. all the experimentation of reality.

But what is really killing you? What is really destroying your family? What is really plaguing the neighborhood playground, school yard, and living room or kitchen table?

Heroin and fentanyl.  Two filthy pieces of reality that the matrix has seemingly constructed to destroy civilization as we know it.

Forget the fentanyl, let's just focus on the poppy: Before you scoff at such a notion, a few facts are worth factoiding for the public record.. Things like these:
Heroin is an opioid painkiller. Heroin is prescribed as an analgesic, and less commonly as a cough suppressant and as an antidiarrhoeal. It is also used as a recreational drug for its euphoric effects..


IUPAC ID: (5α,6α)-7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3,6-diol diacetate


Formula: C21H23NO5


Molar mass: 369.411 g/mol


Melting point: 343.4°F (173°C)


CAS ID: 561-27-3

The same poppy plant that blooms with the fragrant red flowers often depicted in beautiful paintings, as well as produces poppy seeds to top breads and bagels, also makes the substances in heroin..  When heroin first enters the brain, users will feel a sense of euphoria, or rush. But this high is followed by a period when users experience a state that alternates between drowsiness and wakefulness for several hours. It is referred to as being "on the nod."  Tolerance to heroin develops with regular use, so after a short time more heroin is needed to produce the same level of intensity.  Health risks to using heroin include:Fatal overdose, High risk of infections such as HIV/AIDS, Collapsed veins, Infection of the heart lining and valves, Liver disease...

And there you have it. Some of those sterile facts.

This has quickly become an epidemic .. of massive proportions. It's quickly eclipsing the normal cause of death in the USA: Auto accidents. It's quickly ruining families, causing children to be forced into foster homes, destroying friendships and faces, and killing family members.. killing .. you?

The whole idea of the epidemic is how many lives it has touched... the ripple effects are horrid and far reaching. There are chances that you, YOU, right now reading this, are nodding your head in dour and glum agreement. This drug addiction has hit you .. and hard.

It may start with pain killers.. it could even be some childhood prescription from a narcotic dealing doctor for ADHD.. Eventually other harder substances come.

In the 80s, we had crack to ruin cities.. in the 21st century we have a heartland torn apart by heroin..

Heroin — now cheap, plentiful and more potent than ever — is killing people at record rates. Across the nation, deaths from heroin overdoses nearly quadrupled in the decade ending in 2013, according to a new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Actually from 2013 to 2014:  overdose deaths increased from 13.8 per 100,000 people to 14.7 per 100,000. 47,055 people died from drug overdose in 2014, more than any other year on record and surpassing the number of automobile-related deaths. ..

Hundreds of opioid deaths are also occurring from the use of fentanyl..

Cartels and drug dealers have gone deep into the suburban areas of the United States.. deep into the heartland.. deep into small town USA.  Given the fact this is the HORROR REPORT, there is an old movie poster that this whole scourge reminds me of.. the poster for the 1970s flick based on true crimes in Texas THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN. Just replace the masked killer with a needle ... an arm.. a brain immersed in the pain and death path of the drug..

The entire thing is madness..
While I will not take any position on whether drugs should be or should not be legalized or decriminalized (I have  my personal opinions that I will keep personal) the entire notion of how we get heroin is quite insane .. Picture it: Afghan farmers grow poppy seeds.. shipped to Iran to refine and create.. shipped to Europe to go on boats.. arriving in Central America for cartels to sort.. traveling through armed checkpoints.. ending up in dealers' hands.. getting to cities... making a trip to small town USA.. ending up in people's arms and brains.. killing young children and innocent people.. ruining families. Money to be made. Millions per day per dealer. Other money going back into the hands of terrorists who will most likely use it to bomb innocent men, women, and children in places that they think are safe. A day in the life of the planet earth.  I said I'd keep my feelings on drug decriminalization a secret. But maybe you can infer something from the simplistic description I pronounced..

And speaking of Afghanistan: In 2014 the Afghan opium cultivation has once again hit a record high, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s 2014 Afghan Opium Survey

The spoils of war indeed.

What a strange connection... A Bush declared war in 2001.. a thriving poppy plant. A hard hitting heroin epidemic a few years later..

There are persistent rumors -- RUMORS -- that the CIA has been involved.  Those rumors harken back to the 1980s/90s rumors that the CIA was also involved in the thriving crack epidemic that ruined the lives of African Americans in inner cities.  Back in 1996, then CIA director John Deutch stepped into the lion's den about that very subject..

Modern age: 90-95% of illegal opiates originate in Afghanistan and have fairly consistently since the 2001 invasion. Who put Karsai in anyway? Oh.. we did.

The war on drugs..
Just say no.
"DARE" to tell a kid how to do drugs and then educate them not to...
What a mess...
What a travesty..

On a personal note, I would not be writing about this in such detail if the scourge did not effect my circle of friends and family..

It's not at all something to be shamed because of.. but instead something to force one to educate others, get involved, and try to find a solution instead of harboring old stupid grudges and hatred..

Drug addicts? They are not always criminals.
And more often than not, they are you sons.. your daughters.. your moms.. and dads.

Perhaps it's high time -- pun intended -- for the search for terrorists under shrubs to be called off. And replaced with a very honest and straightforward national conversation about heroin and all the side effects of the plague that come with it.

ALL THUMBS! Megan would avoid JONAH HEX if she could do it all again

Megan Fox continues her publicity tour for the newest NINJA TURTLES incarnation.. but she is also showering some hopeless words on a past flick that she wishes she'd never made: JONAH HEX..

Josh Brolin hated it too..

The movie was an utter failure. Slammed by critics and panned by fans. The COMIC flick didn't capture much imagination.. as a matter of fact, when I saw the comments about Fox hating the movie, I had to re-Google the year the movie even came out! 2010 for the record.

No word on whether she's be JENNIFER'S BODY again.

But we know the HEX she'd avoid.

If only thumbs could turn back time.


When the dramatically high Easter Sunday numbers were posted about BATMAN VS SUPERMAN, I had a hunch.. Those numbers were so good.. soo amazing.. and sooo ready to crash and burn the week after. The movie was talked about all week around water coolers and on school buses.. and people were all in agreement: IT sucks.

This may be one where critics and moviegoers actually find some common ground..

I am choosing not to see the film. Friends of mine who did regard it as one of the lesser qualify pieces of art they have ever consumed.. a few kids think it is cool because of explosions and special effects. But the story line.. the Affleck .. the awfulness of it all..

This weekend is crash and burn time!

Already Friday night lights were dimmed for other films, not BAT vs the super one with WONDER WOMAN somehow thrown in for good measure.

A 79% drop Friday night when compared to the previous weekend. The overall weekend will most likely finish $50 mil with a 69% falloff..

Does that mean the movie is going to flop? No .. it still has some bit to go to make up the over $800 million budget it filmed on, however. But it will make it.

One thing is for sure: ZOOTOPIA is coming in second place and still--second place after this many weeks--showcasing itself as a major hit ..


Steven Avery - Making A Murderer

The Netflix documentary about the convictions of Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery have had a widespread effect on America--people talked about it for weeks as they closely studied the ten-part special about the murder of a young photographer and subsequent conviction of both Avery and Dassey. People felt it was unfair.. some think the cops and and prosecutors did wrong.. Justice not served. Others in the law enforcement community despise the documentary and bill it as one sided.

Today Britain is weighing in. They watched it as well, and are planning a huge April 2 2016 protest outside the US Embassy in London..

The Facebook organizers who planned the protest wrote this: "For the hardcore of you who are able make it down early, we will start at the US Embassy with the vital task of showing the US just what we we think of their so-called justice system! There will be bloggers, videographers and journalists in attendance. We will then break for lunch where we can enjoy some refreshment and discuss the case between us."

In other MAKING A MURDERER news..

The former attorney for Avery is getting the chance to host a crime documentary..
Dassey, again, is missing Wrestlemania..

And finally,

Khloe Kardashian is really, really enraged about the whole thing after she watched the documentary on Netflix.

SO there you have it.

The devil's selfie

A very long conversation has developed on Twitter, Facebook, and other 'social' media locations across the information superhighway.. What in the world is going on in this selfie!? A man, innocently taking a snap of him and his most likely lover.. both smiling for the cell camera to capture the perfect moment. And in the background, the strange development: We don't see the back of the woman's head but instead ... her smiling at us in the reflection..

The net has freaked out. As it so often does..

Even the UK EXPRESS (Love this tabloid) posted a full article about the selfie..

A few points to note:
We don't know who the people are.
The picture is most likely fake.
Photoshop is an amazing thing.
It was April Fool's Day yesterday.
And ... the picture is fake.

If there is more to the story I'd sure love to hear it.

And the creep factor is evident..
But also evident: Photo manipulation.

Fun of course..
Very fun.


Now .. if it's not fake and I am wrong? ..
Well then.. I'd never take a selfie again.



Coffee and phantom killers.. All night reading and sleepless filler. What phantoms emerge from the darkened halls? What silent threats will cause your fall?

Coffee and phantom killers.. All night reading and sleepless filler. What phantoms emerge from the darkened halls? What silent threats will cause your fall?

Rumors abound?! SUICIDE SQUAD not funny enough ?!

The persistent rumor now buzzing the net: Suicide Squad reshooting!

Not funny enough?! Too grim and grimy? Dark and dim?

Will the reshoots help?!

Mrs. Joker? Make a joke..

The fear of nothingness

I have written countless times about near death experiences.. Even today my main headline is an article about comedian Tracy Morgan claiming he had a near death experience after his near fatal accident on a tour bus..

But I have a fear.. As I am sure you do too.. The fear of nothing.

The fear that maybe the afterlife is a bleak pit of nothing. Just a dark cavern of empty space accompanied by silence. Hellish silence.

This is the portrayal from someone on REDDIT. You can read the account and the news article and subsequent media story highlight the twice deceased person's testimony of the afterlife or lack thereof..

So what scares you more? Devils and ghouls... Or the lack of them?

The balancing baby: Spooky video or special effects ?

News of the weird gets weirder.. It seems like everyday a new paranormal story is gracing major organizations' headlines..

There is a video getting more than 2 million views showing a baby doing superhuman things and being shoved by what looks to be invisible forces..

Some have alleged it's CGI special edge at.. Others say it may be a real life footage of a demonic entity..

A few feel it's the brewing of an upcoming horror movie..

Time will tell. But the uploaders coyly claim that no infants were harmed in the making of the video..

You be the judge ..

But I will say this: If the child was being filmed, and permitted to cry uncontrollably, just for some fun on YouTube, it's a viral video worth ditching. That's not cool parenting. It's pretty sick actually.

Advice for the day..

 Ignore headlines and news articles.. Wait until April 2. The fool may be you for believing something traveling on the news wires that ends up being a global con job..
 I never liked April fools day.. The occult mean Aside and ..all of that stuff.
 As a matter of fact, I may just got party like it's 1492 and celebrate New Years today. I'll be the fool.

Holes in the Sun Are Threatening to Throw Birds, GPS Off Course!

Holes in the Sun Are Threatening to Throw Birds, GPS Off Course!:

It’s from coronal hole 67.. And the U.S. and U.K. predict the stream from the sun could confuse migrating birds and other animals, cause minor problems with satellites and make an aurora visible as far south as Maine and Michigan.

The storms could rise to G2 level on a five-step scale, which would mean the Northern Lights might be seen in New York and some electrical transformers could be damaged.

Man builds 'Scarlett Johansson' robot from scratch to 'fulfil childhood dream' - and it's scarily lifelike

Man builds 'Scarlett Johansson' robot from scratch to 'fulfil childhood dream' - and it's scarily lifelike :

Lifelike indeed. The future is now. No more tomorrow when the androids look real today..

The return of exorcism

The return of exorcism :

It’s en vogue … Demons abound…

But is it really really rising?

Michael Cuneo, sociologist and author of newly published “American Exorcism,” asserts “Exorcism is more readily available today in the United States than perhaps ever before.”

He goes on to say: “By conservative estimates, there are at least five or six hundred evangelical exorcism ministries in operation (in the US) today, and quite possibly two or three times this many.”

Mental illness …. Or the devil. Pick your poison.

Strange baby faces popping up around Denver

Strange baby faces popping up around Denver :

Fox 31 in DENVER reporting this:
– Call it guerrilla art with a baby face.

For months, small baby doll faces have been creeping up across Denver and creeping out many people who see them.

From South Broadway to Cherry Creek and many places in between, the hard, 3-D faces have been posted on curbs, medians and buildings. Many of them have been photographed, yet many often go overlooked.

“I’ve seen one over at Capitol Hill and another at Speer and Downing at the bridge,” Elaine Wahlquist said. “I’ve commented to my husband, ‘Look at those.’ But he never seems to notice them.”

Most of the faces are pink and less than 6 inches long, but there are other sizes and colors. Some have also been torn down or broken in recent months.

Several pink faces were plastered below a sign for Strictly Nails Salon at Downing Street and Alameda Avenue, but owner Pam Schwasinger had overlooked them until they were pointed out.

“I don’t know. I think they’re … they’re a little disturbing,” Schwasinger said.

Bizarre indeed..

The HORROR REPORT will keep this oddity on the radar..


Victor Salva's sordid history is coming back to haunt him like the character in one of his films..

During the last century, Salva was involved with a sexual relation with an underage member of the film CLOWNHOUSE.. Salva was convicted of sexual misconduct with a 12-year-old boy, who was one of the stars of his movie Clownhouse. He also videotaped one of the encounters.

The 15 months in prison did not stop his 2001 JEEPERS CREEPERS from becoming an unexpected hit--the movie has long been celebrated for creativity and ingenuity..

Fast forward to 2016.. just as Bill Cosby's history from the 80s came back to mar his career, Salva is undergoing the same look..

The Union of BC Performers (UBCP) has issued a warning to actors in the province about the casting for Jeepers Creepers III.  The director of the film, Victor Salva, was convicted of sexual misconduct in 1988 and the union says performers should remember they have the right to refuse work if they believe the work is unsafe.

UBCP says in a release “no minor shall be required to work in a situation which places the minor in danger to life or limb, is unsafe or unhealthy, or if the minor or parent/guardian has an honestly held belief that the minor is in such a situation.”

The casting notice was already PULLED in Canada..

Days before the troubles boiled over, news was released that Gina Philips was in line to return for a CREEPERS 3..


The sky falls in Pennsylvania! Is the West Shore's mystery ice chunk a meteor?

The sky falls in Pennsylvania! Is the West Shore's mystery ice chunk a meteor? :

It fell onto a car a few days ago..

Now a doctor is set to study the origins and source..

“I’ll check the salinity of it and do a chemical analysis of it,” Dr. Kreiger said.

Dr. Kreiger plans to drill through it. On the inside and outside, he’ll do an isotopic analysis and check the ice’s acidity, density and how much salt is in it.

The chunk’s density and white color are signs it could be a meteor. But police told Kreiger the chunk of ice has a flat surface.

“Flat edges. I say was it on a roof? No, it was on an airplane probably,” Dr. Kreiger said.

Planet Nine (or 10. Or X): Scientists find more evidence that hidden planet is sitting at the edge of our solar system

Planet Nine (or 10. Or X): Scientists find more evidence that hidden planet is sitting at the edge of our solar system :

Claims were made a few months back of a giant object at the edge of our solar system..

Mike Brown, who made those original claims, says that he has tracked another object in that Kuiper Belt that is also moving unusually. And its strange movement is exactly how what would be expected if Planet Nine is real, he claimed.

Nothing peer reviewed yet.. No images. No word of Annunaki inhabitants at the hour..

But all things are possible.

Something just hit Jupiter

Two amateur astronomers in different parts of the world captured what looks like an asteroid or comet impacting Jupiter on March 17.

The independent videos — captured by John Mckeon and Gerrit Kernbauer on March 17 — show something slamming into Jupiter on its right side. The Jovian impact — which was first reported by Phil Plait at Slate and confirmed by Mashable — looks like a small flash just above Jupiter's distinctive clouds before disappearing.


Trump social networking

Saw a very impressive DONALD TRUMP meme today on social media..

Trump as the Jack Nicholson version of the JOKER created by a genius only..

As things go, viral, no real credit is paid to jokes that seem to be a higher caliber.. this image is a prize.

We may have only paid attention to it for virtually little to no time online today. But enjoy it.. soak it up.. Print it out.

Love it, random ONLINE REDDIT or Tumblr or 4CHAN user..


Police make arrest in UFO theft

This is a REAL UFO story..

Teenagers in Roswell New Mexico, the famed town of UFO lure, have been arrested for theft of a UFO..

KRQE reports that the flying saucer was stolen from the INTERNATIONAL UFO MUSEUM in the town last week.

There are two other suspects being sought..

Fodder for your late local news tonight. I am sure you'll see the video..

Beaming up, from somewhere out there: Stupid teenagers smuggling a replica flying saucer.

House hunting? Or hunting those inside?

You may recall this house from a few months back: A beautiful abode. With a stalker..

The Westfield New Jersey house made some news.

Now it's back in headlines again because it's for sale, back on the market (the market did not accept it before) ..

Here is the catch: Someone is watching.

As NBC NEWS reports,

Six bedrooms, four bathrooms, one stalker.
A Westfield, New Jersey, home supposedly afflicted with a "watcher" who sends menacing notes is back on the market — this time at a reduced price.

The homeowners, Derek and Maria Broaddus, say the "watcher" sent his first note to them and their three kids just three days after they closed on the $1.35 million home in 2014.

The Broadduses tried unsuccessfully to sell the home last year after they claim they received a disturbing letter that read in part: "My grandfather watched the house in the 1920s and my father watched in the 1960s. It is now my time."

And more:
The listing says the house, located about 25 miles from New York City, is a "stately colonial designed with all the character and charm of the early 1900's."

The Broaddus family never moved into the home due to the letters and have sued the previous owners, claiming they knew but didn't disclose that someone had a "mentally disturbed fixation" on the house.

It's a buyer's market.

Or stalker's market, perhaps?

‘Jeepers Creepers III’ Casting Notice Removed After Victor Salva’s Past Revealed!

‘Jeepers Creepers III’ Casting Notice Removed After Victor Salva’s Past Revealed!:

The casting notice sought an 18-year-old actress for the role of Addison, who at the age of 13 had been sent to live with her grandmother after her stepfather “started making overtures” to her. Salva could not be reached for comment to the DEADLINE article..

Salva was embroiled in a criminal controversy in the 1980s for copulating with the 12-year-old star of CLOWNHOUSE..

His fame came again in 2001 with a horror gem called JEEPERS CREEPERS..

The new age of social media brought forth knowledge of Salva’s past sins–items that have long been discussed on the HORROR REPORT over the past 15 years since the original JEEPERS..

Some even thought JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 was displayed homoerotic of the scenes with the cast, in the film an underage group of bare chested high school boys..

The newest information showcases how one man’s past never quite leaves someone..

Ask Bill Cosby.

And now Victor Salva.

But is a fair game?....

that is the question..



After nearly a decade of cutting back on steaks, burgers, and pot roast, the USDA estimates that Americans’ red meat consumption will rise for the first time since 2006..

The trend away from cow corpse seemingly has ended..

Tove Danovich writes this:
Even outside the world of fast food, restaurants are seeing their food costs fall: Beef or steak dishes can cost a restaurant up to half of the menu price for ingredients versus a pasta dish, which may have a food cost of only 18 percent, Forbes reported. Even a decline of one dollar per pound makes a big difference to a restaurant’s tight margins.

But for many farmers, that Americans are eating red meat again doesn’t matter as much as what kind of meat they’re eating. As hog farmers are fond of saying, if a pig were made of pork chops, they’d all be rich—the same goes for cows and ribeyes. When beef prices went up, retailers focused on ground beef—mostly in the form of hamburgers—to keep customers coming in, financial services group Rabobank found.

Especially during a recession, diners gravitate toward the $10 burger over the $30 steak. But steak, with its high margins, is where the money is made in the beef industry. Due to the increased demand for hamburgers, “ground beef prices were up 87.5%, compared to 45% for steak” between March 2010 and March 2015, Quartz found. “You don’t raise animals for ground beef,” Jamie Schweid, executive vice president at burger chain Schweid & Sons, told Quartz. “We want middle meats to be in demand.”

Prices set to follow the increase.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Cow says..
Cow says who?
No.. the dead cow said moo.

Isis has ‘advanced plans to attack Jewish children’ in Turkey, intelligence sources reporting

Isis has ‘advanced plans to attack Jewish children’ in Turkey, intelligence sources reporting :
Isis has advanced plans to carry out a terror attack heavily targeting Jewish children in Turkey, according to intelligence officials.

Sky News reports that six operatives from the terror group, arrested in the Turkish city of Gaziantep last week, revealed information about an “imminent” attack.

Istanbul’s synagogue in Beyoglu is understood to be the most probable target of the allegedly impending attacks, which has a community centre and school attached to it.

Hey, any time that higher power wants to weigh in, we are waiting…

Suffer the children all of the time… This word is so often pitiful for so many..

Concrete crumbles like sand in shoddy ‘new’ Chinese apartment building

Concrete crumbles like sand in shoddy ‘new’ Chinese apartment building :

Concrete walls crumble like sand..

Megan Fox weighed 107lbs during filming for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel

Megan Fox weighed 107lbs during filming for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel :

The big reveal came at a fan convention… Fox made light of her ‘beefy’ co stats bragging up their weight stats while her less than 5'4" and thumbs nearly stayed below 100 pounds..

The secret?! She said stop eating dairy.

Actually she has a point.. Cheese, milk, butter.. All of it. Stop eating and consuming cow chunks. Your body will be healthier and happier because of it..

If you doubt that advice give yourself about five minutes to have a looksee into it and find some credible information showcasing how America’s disastrous love affair with cheese has soared as much as heart problems and disease..
Links and looks.
Just look.

NINJA TURTLES set to rock the summer box. Included in the mix, lightweight Fox and her two thumbs.

Australia's dark heart inspires horror movie boom

Australia's dark heart inspires horror movie boom :

The BBC reporting,

“Australia broadcasts this laid-back easiness but it is really a very conservative country,” says the British-born director. “Art takes off in those periods when you’re being stifled and oppressed. There is a sort of darkness that lurks [here] somewhere.”
In Sims-Dennett’s eyes Sydney is fast becoming a nanny state, suffocated by draconian lockout laws and surveillance, and he touches on these issues in Observance.
Premiering next month in Australia, industry bible The Hollywood Reporter has already dubbed the film a “chilling experience” that grips “viewers by the throat”.

I have heard amazing things about OBSERVANCE..

Last year’s amazing things were said about BABADOOK..

Before that, WOLF CREEK.
Before that.. FORTRESS–a 1985 movie about a teacher and children fighting for their lives as a maniacs in Santa and Easter bunny masks chase them..

Before all of that, CROCODILE DUNDEE. I kid.

The point being made by the BBC and me is how often good scary horror films come from the land down under.

Perhaps it indeed is the rough terrain or just independent movie makers with keen ideas on how to create scares that Hollywood can’t dream up… Either way keep it coming.

Volcano in Alaska sends ash spewing 37,000 feet up!!

Volcano in Alaska sends ash spewing 37,000 feet up!!:

Alaska’s Pavlof Volcano, which erupted unexpectedly over the weekend, continued to rumble and fling ash into the sky Monday, the Alaska Volcano Observatory said.

The ash plume is now 37,000 feet high and trails some 400 miles to the northeast over the Alaskan interior. Aviation alerts were up in the region.

Boy shot in back by stray bullet after pleading in video for end to Chicago violence

Boy shot in back by stray bullet after pleading in video for end to Chicago violence :
Last year, 12-year-old Zarriel Trotter spoke out against the violence roiling his Chicago neighborhood.

“I don’t want to live around my community where I’ve got to keep on hearing and hearing: People keep on getting shot, people keep on getting killed,” Trotter said in a public service announcement about the effect of gun violence on the city’s black youth.

The video won an award, but gun violence in Chicago only got worse.

And on Friday, in a tragic and ironic twist, Trotter became one of its latest victims.

You can deny God or pray to him. At a time like this for the suffering children across the planet–suffering because of adults kind you–I think we should all ask for a divine intervention.. Meanwhile, on your late local news, madness abounds .. It’s not supposed to be this way..

Boy shot in back by stray bullet after pleading in video for end to Chicago violence

Boy shot in back by stray bullet after pleading in video for end to Chicago violence :
Last year, 12-year-old Zarriel Trotter spoke out against the violence roiling his Chicago neighborhood.

“I don’t want to live around my community where I’ve got to keep on hearing and hearing: People keep on getting shot, people keep on getting killed,” Trotter said in a public service announcement about the effect of gun violence on the city’s black youth.

The video won an award, but gun violence in Chicago only got worse.

And on Friday, in a tragic and ironic twist, Trotter became one of its latest victims.

You can deny God or pray to him. At a time like this for the suffering children across the planet–suffering because of adults kind you–I think we should all ask for a divine intervention.. Meanwhile, on your late local news, madness abounds .. It’s not supposed to be this way..

Tabloids convulse at sight of Bieber's naked butt

Tabloids convulse at sight of Bieber's naked butt:

Can we all calm down?!
Chill out?!

Biebs not only posted his nude rear near a lake but –take a breath–‘liked’ one of Selena Gomez’s photos on Instagram!! Ok now screen like a teen!

This is getting old, old media. Even the tabloids in Amurica have gotten stale..

As for Instagram, I’ll take Chelsea Handler’s nipples any day. At least their cutting edge. Especially in the cold.

Red alert: why is scarlet fever spreading across Britain?

Red alert: why is scarlet fever spreading across Britain? :

There are a tremendous amount of cases this year in the UK..

Reporting from the GUARDIAN:

Could the spread of scarlet fever be down to us forgetting about this infection and failing to diagnose it quickly enough to stop to spreading? Lamagni thinks this is unlikely, because most parents wouldn’t ignore its distinctive sandpapery, red rash, which usually first appears on the chest and stomach, alongside a fever and a swollen tongue.

The current outbreak remains a mystery, but it has left me convinced of one thing: that my children will catch it just in time for the Easter holidays.

FBI says it has cracked terrorist's iPhone without Apple's help

FBI says it has cracked terrorist's iPhone without Apple's help:

The Department of Justice says the FBI has accessed the iPhone used by one of the gunmen in the San Bernardino terrorist shooting.

Law enforcement officials were able to break into the phone used by Syed Farook with the help of an unnamed third party. Government officials did not go into detail about what was found on the phone.

Should the FBI be applauded? Or lauded? Or feared…

Take your pick… Read on your iPhone..



So much for bad reviews! So much for negative ROTTEN TOMATOES.. the Batcave is buzzing today with box office results to rock any Easter Sunday ham: $170 mil in the United States domestics for BATMAN VS SUPERMAN.. and a whopping take of $425 mil worldwide– halfway home to the goal of making back the $800 mil it cost to create this movie..

It got rotten grades.. but $424 mil  beats Avengers’ $392.5M opening, and is the fourth highest global bow of all-time, even outflyingUniversal’s Furious 7‘s $397.7M

Until then..


Did we forget that …the Batcave is not real?

Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island - March 28, 1979

Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island - March 28, 1979:

At 4 a.m. on March 28, 1979, the worst accident in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry begins when a pressure valve in the Unit-2 reactor at Three Mile Island fails to close. Cooling water, contaminated with radiation, drained from the open valve into adjoining buildings, and the core began to dangerously overheat.

And it just so happens I’m looking at the cooling towers in the horizon as I type this now..
A beautiful sight for some. A constant reminder of danger for others.
Money to be made and energy to be created. Hell or high water, nuclear phantoms lurk.

ISIS carries out Good Friday crucifixion of Catholic priest Tom Uzhunnalil in Yemen

ISIS carries out Good Friday crucifixion of Catholic priest Tom Uzhunnalil in Yemen :

This is horrendous news… The world on fire with hate and violence.. The priest kidnapped by ISIS-linked terrorists in Yemen earlier this month was crucified on Good Friday, it has been claimed.

Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, 56, was taken by Islamist gunmen, reportedly linked to ISIS, who attacked an old people’s home in Aden, southern Yemen, killing at least 15 people, on March 4.

The terrorists reportedly carried out the heinous murder on Good Friday, after threatening to do so earlier in the week, according to the Archbishop of Vienna..

Can’t we see the blue skies and sunshine? Can’t we hear the birds sing? Can’t the caring God we pray too help stop hate?
The miracles are on hold.
It’s desolate on this beautiful planet lately..
Events of real time prove the hard times life during wartime can bring.

ISIS carries out Good Friday crucifixion of Catholic priest Tom Uzhunnalil in Yemen

ISIS carries out Good Friday crucifixion of Catholic priest Tom Uzhunnalil in Yemen :

This is horrendous news… The world on fire with hate and violence.. The priest kidnapped by ISIS-linked terrorists in Yemen earlier this month was crucified on Good Friday, it has been claimed.

Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, 56, was taken by Islamist gunmen, reportedly linked to ISIS, who attacked an old people’s home in Aden, southern Yemen, killing at least 15 people, on March 4.

The terrorists reportedly carried out the heinous murder on Good Friday, after threatening to do so earlier in the week, according to the Archbishop of Vienna..

Can’t we see the blue skies and sunshine? Can’t we hear the birds sing? Can’t the caring God we pray too help stop hate?
The miracles are on hold.
It’s desolate on this beautiful planet lately..
Events of real time prove the hard times life during wartime can bring.



A happy Easter to those who celebrate.. A solstice party for the others.. Thank you for reading, following, and your friendship over the years.
The HORROR REPORT is  17 this MAY.


Hard to believe the time has gone on.. hard to believe the old GEOCITIES page that this website originally was on. Then it got a ‘DASH’ .. minused that out in 2009 live since without it..

No reason for nostalgic melancholy. As I AGE I realize that gets one no where but down in a dump.. the HORROR REPORT will move forward. The past does not exist anymore. Neither does the future. The only thing that’s real — or as real as we can conjure– is the present time. The moment now. The impressive and unbelievable chance that we all have to breath and live.. This world is a beautiful place for dreamers and dancers– so dance the night away and leave the dreams until the day. Because we are in this together.

Bombs and hate are filling the air. I know you can feel it. I can.  That is why together as people we need to persevere and continue doing what we do best: Living and smiling in spite of the darkness

The HORROR REPORT does report on gravely serious things.. life after death.. UFOs.. BATMAN VS SUPERMAN and all the sideshows.. In the final analysis, you can get your information from countless sources online.

But for me, this website is special. It’s a part of who I am.. 17 years? That’s a long time. There have been gaps and pauses, bumps and periodic temper tantrums. The growing period. But the HORROR REPORT can drive now, baby. And it’s driving into the future..
The magic and maniacal Month of April ….
Easter 2016.. If you believe, then he is risen. Either way, the sun is rising. Horus or Jesus have won.\


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