The graduate

A new phase of life begins..

My son graduated from pre school last night. My wife and I could not have been more proud of him. Little Ayden, once a nervous little man enrolled in day care and now a child poised and ready to read and write. His eye swelled up with pride during the event. He was on stage with friends. At a few points during the ceremony, in his cap and gown, he peered down at his parents. His bright eyes alive with joy an innocence. He looked like he understood his place in the world and even had an inking as to how the near future was a going to work. When he looked at me and Tara, as our eyes locked, we had the feeling that his youthful energy was burning right through our own souls. Words were not spoken but somehow a message was sent and received. It was an amazing moment.

Just as it seems Ayden now has a bit more of a clue as to how life will work, I think we as parent have less. The cycles of life--childhood and teenage years, the 20s and now the 30 somethings--all come with benefits and tragedies. Each passing moment is just one page in a chapter. Each chapter is a section of book. We don't know the ending and often forget the beginning. There are times we are reading that book of life and just, page by page, stop paying attention to what we are even seeing. When the book comes time to end, we forget everything that happened because we were too busy on peripheral devices or dividing time between sets of activities that never mattered to begin with.

And that is why last night was momentous for me. Without getting involved too heavily with the tears and details, it was a moving ceremony. I cried at how time passed but had tears of joy when I saw Ayden running and playing with friends. Creating memories. Writing his book.

When you are young, you play and pay attention to the book you're in. Every page matters. As we grow, others tell us that our books are not worth anything. Their pages matter more, we start to believe. We often forget the vibrancy we had in youth. By adulthood, acting like a child (in the good ways) is frowned on. We start to take ourselves very, very seriously. To our own demise.

Be young.

Think young

Stop ACTING your age an start being you.

And enjoy each moment. Each page. Each chapter. Your book will one day and someone will review it.  Don't be a bad read.

Act like a child. Like Ayden and is friends. Get a fire in your eye and passion--really, not work related either--and burn the world with the fire of life.

An old fashioned Sunday morning sidewalk of news

Confused about your health? Try these! One new study says cutting back on salt can HURT your health! Another story running in the LA TIMES argues it's time to MOVE BEYDOND the GMO debate.. That GMOs are safe. Frankenfoods no more. My only caution: Always take a peak beyond the headline and look at who funds the survey.. who writes the story.. and who sits on the board of directors at the corporate conglomerate that wants you to believe all is well with genetically modified foods.

Those marching against MONSANTO and BAYER not believe the latest news that GMOs are safe..

1 in 8 swimming pools in the US closed for health reasons.. Summer on hold.. 8 in 10 regularly fail health inspections..

ZIKA virus infects dozens of pregnant women in New York City..
"Imported to America from Africa"

The incredible truth about the human nose..
Genes that determine the shape have been found..

Eh??? Japanese startup firm to use satellites to create ARTIFICIAL METEOR SHOWERS..
Plan it for the 2020 Olympics..

Company in Virginia aims to help explain honeybee losses..

Astronomers find faintest furthest galaxy yet..

Calvin Harris is recovering after being injured in a car crash in Los Angeles Friday, which has prompted him to cancel two gigs. A police spokesperson told E! News a teenage female driver driving several people in a Volkswagen Beetle on a narrow canyon ....

New world: Now you can print 3D gummies of your face and eat them..


NEIGHBORS 2 lands second well behind expectations

The habitable zone: Maybe the entire entire universe. New research says the life count could be in the trillions

Alien Civilizations May Number In The Trillions, New Study Says »

Proving again that we hardly know anything about our universe and certainly nothing about the potential for how abundant life may be ‘out there’ in the cosmos.. enter this study.

The research, published in the journal Astrobiology last week, suggests that more planets in the Milky Way galaxy may harbor advanced civilizations than we previously imagined.
Study co-authors Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan looked at recent discoveries of potentially habitable exoplanets and considered the odds of whether sophisticated civilizations existed on them in the past or present.
“What we showed was the ‘floor’ on the probability for a civilization to form on any randomly chosen planet,” Frank, a University of Rochester physics and astronomy professor, told The Huffington Post in an email. “If we are the only civilization in cosmic history, then that what we calculated is the actual probability nature has set. But if the actual probability is higher than that floor, then civilizations have happened before.”

According to the theory, the amount of life on planets beyond ours is potentially staggering.

“Even if you are pretty pessimistic and think that you’d have to search through 100 billion (habitable zone) planets before you found one where a civilization developed, then there have still been a trillion civilizations over cosmic history!” Frank wrote. “When I think about that, my mind reels — even if there is just a one in a 100 billion chance of evolution creating exo-civilizations, the universe still has made so many of them that we are swamped by histories other than our own.”

So there you have your “feeling small on Sunday morning” post.. The notion that we are just existent in a universe abundant in other civilizations like this. Or maybe hopefully NOT like us at all..

If a tree talks in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?

This is an amazing study.. Trees were studied in two nations for a first of its kind analysis.. Proving, perhaps, that trees do sleep?

The full story is here..

Read it. It’s truly amazing to consider that trees actually become at rest during the darkness of night.. Sleeping Giants in the woods around us.

When I was younger, my father used to tell me that trees could hear and see.. That trees could listen and understand. And that they were smart…
These days with CIA spying it’s more likely that trees literally watch you.

But while I laughed when I was younger at my dad’s tall tales, I realized he wasn’t kidding in what he said and quite possibly was correct in some creepy and deeply paranormal way..

Have you ever been in the woods, alone, but felt like every tree was either greeting you with open branches or dismissing you with fluttering leaves? Have you even felt like a tree, in all its might, may just be able to see and discern your intentions?
And maybe trees have to sleep too..

It’s not easy standing that tall for hundreds of years. Even trees have to take a break sometime.