Truth and dating: Two creepy clips from the past to get under your skin
Two blasts from the past can prove that, courtesy of users who have uploaded certain videos to YouTube.
Ed Edwards was a serial killer who murdered countless amounts of people around the United States. There is even a new book claiming that he may have been involved with the 1990s famed Jon Bonet Ramsey murder.. There are others who even believe that Edwards was the Zodiac Killer. But On October 17, 1972, Edward Wayne Edwards, the man we know was a mass murderer, appeared on the game show TO TELL THE TRUTH. He was a con man.. And clearly, even on this show, was telling things very far from the truth:
x x x x
Rodney Alcala was another murderer and rapist who made a television debut on a game show in the 1970s.. A number of sexually explicit photographs of boys were also found, some of which could have been additional victims of him.. Alcala was also known as the DATING GAME killer, because that was the 1970s show he appeared on ..
There is something obviously very grisly and creepy about serial killers.. but match them up with obscure and equally creepy 1970s pop culture, and you have the ultimate of oddity and weirdness..
Keep in mind the brutality of these two people.. and couple that with the fact that their crimes had already been started by the point where they were able to get through background checks and be transmitted into living rooms across America..
The other question I often ponder based off of these two incidents: Are there people today, on modern game shows, who will one day be revealed to the world as the next horrid killer among us?
The first trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS debuted this Thanksgiving weekend.. after much anticipation, the biggest thing that people have seemingly latched onto is the newest light saber style for the Empire.. The Dark Side is back with the red color, but the flames seem to make a letter T.. some compared it to a bizarre style of the cross, perhaps a the perversion of the trinity? A deeper message in the hooded figure walking in the forest?
As for me? I like it.. It surprised me a bit when I saw it, maybe that was the intention..
For those of you who aren't a STAR WARS fan and don't have one in your inner circle of family and friends, you need to understand that these changes, while slight and meaningless to some, set the fanboy-girl world on fire with debate and theatrics. Thanks to the internet, people immediately rant on Facebook, cuss on Twitter, and rumble on Tumblr..
Along with this new STAR WARS light saber style, though, comes some pretty inventive memes floating around the net..
The always reliable MASHABLE has a bit of an accounting of some of the best ..Including these:
And this, perhaps my favorite:
The creative stylings of fans online never ceases to amaze me..
Inventive minds are always at work. Memes are the most refreshing of examples of how people can still think outside the box.
x x x
There is a bit of sad news in relations to the STAR WARS franchise being reported today, though.. The story comes from the UK MIRROR.. the tabloid is profiling David Prowse.. he is the giant, literally speaking at 6 feet plus, who played DARTH VADER in the original Lucas films.. The unfortunate way life has played out for him, however, is not happy: He is suffering from dementia and, according to his own confession, not improving with medication. In the article, Prowse admits that since Darth Vader was killed from the movie, there's really no way back.. I feel awful for him, though, to be one of the few who could not reprise a role in the newest film.
And that note, memes and Prowse aside, I wonder this: The ultimate test for the new STAR WARS film will be to achieve a new Darth Vader of our time.. will that occur? Could the dark side come with a new being in this film, one that will make DARTH VADER look like an amateur?
There has been some opinions that the greatest movie villain of all time has VADER in the top 5, if not 3..
STAR WARS is awakening with a new force.. But will they be able to provide this generation of selfies and tech addicts the villain they want, or better yet, the villain they need?
We will find out in December 2015.
Until then, I trust a number of more memes will be released with each trailer..
Saturday morning cartoons: A collection of news briefs from the world and beyond
In the world at large, some news can be consider leftovers.. Here's what I think matters to me, and perhaps should to you, as well. Presented in link form. Click on what you want and you can go away.
Shopping in Ferguson and St Louis were affected by large protests over the Michael Brown shooting.. It led to arrests and even mall closures..
One rallying call being heard in some places on Black Friday: No justice, No profit. The protesters can't stop the steamrolling profit of online stores, though.. Amazon smashed Black Friday sales yesterday with their busiest day of the year. And if you're a protester, how do you stop online retail?
Check this out: An Air Canada passenger has captured the moment a screw came loose from the plane, struck a propeller, and lodged itself in a window.. Wonder why I don't fly?
Clyde Lewis made a good point about this photo on his Facebook page. Check out the number of media whores taking a shot of the fight over this product in a UK mall.. It would almost look staged to me..
Cable is dying. Some predict that by 2030 it will be completely dead.. Here is an article that is detailing how streaming is taking over our lives and pop culture. And this is one future shock I am in favor of.. Cable and DirectTV and all the like give us a plate full of garbage.. the crap that is broadcast so often us unneeded. I have one friend who has completely gone off the grid known as cable, and only streams.. He's perfectly fine with that. Netflix and Hulu are the way to go.. in the next 20 years, we will also have more options when it comes to streaming.. Cable will indeed by dead by 2030.
People are really, really excited over the new trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS.
Benedict Cumberbatch speaks: Stop taking selfies.
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 5 (sigh) getting a 3D release..
What scares AMERICAN HORROR STORY actor Michael Chiklis? Every script of the show..
And finally, check out this video:
Whoever posted it would like you to believe it is a flying horse in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. There are a ton of theories already online, including the possibility that it is a balloon which looks like a horse. Others who cannot discern properly are quoting scripture .. But what is clear is this: Pigs cannot fly, nor can horses. Someone needs to go back to the drawing board and get a better horse. Or maybe it was a drone in a horse's body? Whatever it was, it's comic relief for your Saturday morning..
Either that or the end times are upon us..
Dook .. Dook.. Dook.. The horror movie of the year?
Yesterday, the HORROR REPORT linked up several news sites' stories about the horror film BABADOOK. All were positive--for a horror movie that is surprising to have mainstream sources actually back the film. There's another today: SLATE magazine says that you should see this terrifying movie about motherhood..
And there is more: The LA TIMES says that the movie is smart and delivers grown up horrors..
The Mary Sue says you will never escape this best horror movie of 2014..
The reaction to BABABDOOK has been interesting to read.. I have read countless reader reviews and many of them say that the movie was so off-putting about children, they have decided not to have any.. One commenter on a story even wrote that the child was so repulsive in this film, they were rooting for the monster..
The BABADOOK is a metaphor in our time for sometimes.. I think for the pains of single parenting. This is a scary thought that many people have to endure .. There are tons of single moms and dads out there, split by a high divorce rate or even the tragic experiences of death itself of one of the people in the family.. Raising one child alone--or even more-- is an unsettling premise in itself. Imagine when you through in some paranormal entities and a dook dook dook pounding on a night time door.. It's a frightening thought to say the least..
The movie clearly features an overwhelmed mother and a troubled child
But if you want to see this 'greatest horror movie' of the year, good luck: 99.9% of you will not be able to in theaters, since the release is so small. You may need to be in Los Angeles to see it..
Or on Demand.
So demand it. And see it.
Empty restaurants and quiet streets
When you're a dad, and your wife is a mom, you're tired by ten and rarely get the chance to get out of the house.. date nights are a dime a dozen, and even when they take place you're mostly worried for the last half of it about how your child is doing at home with whoever is watching..
There are other times though where a simple act of driving can open the floodgates of memories.. Last night, a simple act like that did happen. Around 9, I got extremely hungry for food from a little place called Hollywood Pizza in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania--I name it because you should consider it if you're ever in a zip code nearby, it's some of the greatest pizza that is eaten on the crust of the planet.. Before I digress into a litany of food related statements, let me get back to my drive.. It was 9pm, cold as hell--if that's possible--and the streets were empty. Only 9pm on a Friday night? Empty? It was so quiet I could hear the electricity surge through the lines above me, that faint and dull hum that comes with it filled the night air with some form of noise..
Bars were empty, it seemed..
Even the restaurant I picked my food up was without customers most of the night..
And my nostalgia hit.. I recalled very similar nights in my early 20s, with friends, walking on a cold street into a watering house or food establishment.. I remember the laughter and the strange things we'd do, trying to act as adults when we needed to but still refrain from adulthood when we could.. I was fond of those times, though nostalgia normally shields your memory from the boring nights or horrid times..
What confounds me is this: On Thanksgiving night, while driving home from a family dinner, I witnessed with my own eyes how busy malls and Walmarts were. But that seemed to change on Friday.. I doubt that Black Friday sales will be as good as what was expected..
I am actually beginning to consider the possibility that people have evolved away from enjoying night life .. It seems that once nightfall comes, house doors and windows get locked and computers go on, people slip away from life to peruse Facebook for too many hours or play Farm Heroes way too long. The watering house always has empty seats.. We are choosing virtual reality over reality..
I am 34 this year.. While some may consider that young, I feel old. Joints are aching and my body is aging. Then again, friends and family remind me often that I shared those same complaints with them at 24. Things have changed greatly in ten years.. And with changes comes fond memories of times past.. Nostalgia..
But is nostalgia a good thing? And even more, what is it? Smell and touch can bring it back.. short little snippets of sayings may inspire it.. times of the year often hit you with it.. But it can also be deceptive.. people can be turn a dark past into a bright memory with a bit of falsehood in a brain. I try to explain this to people, often without success, but I get very nostalgic on 9/11 each year.. Not because I enjoyed watching 3000 people die, but because I turned 21 and recall the immense patriotism after 9/11 in 2001. Nostalgia can trick you ..
There is a study I recall reading that nostalgia is more present when you are lonely or sad. Last night, while I walked a lonely sidewalk under a street light to get my meal, perhaps that is exactly what I was feeling. After all, here it was, a Friday night, and I heard no music. No laughter.. nothing. Just dimly lit bars without customers. And hell, even a crowded barroom is a lonely place.. Just picture a taproom void of people..
Perhaps this generation growing is the last that will encounter social life in the same way we know it to exist. . ? Maybe those virtual reality worlds will give us the sense of companionship we desire? Perhaps we can program it into us..? Maybe the future will come complete with an adroid robot sex doll for our love and a headset and computer for social experimentation.
And if that is the case, how will nostalgia work in the future? What will people reminiscent about ?
The good old days weren't ever that good.
Tomorrow is not as bad as it seems. Billy Joel sang that long before we thought that..
And those two statements make sense now..
Crowded and smoky barrooms of my 20s weren't great. They were repulsive many times, and by 2am a complete insult to humanity itself.
And tomorrow, the future, really won't be as bad..
A Black Friday news collection
The news:
The New York TIMES has an interesting profile running on Marcel-Lehel Lazar, otherwise known as the hacker GUCCIFER. He caused chaos and heartache to all of those who he stole the emails of.. The New York TIMES also mentions one other Guccifer prediction that may scare your Christmas socks off: A 2015 nuclear attack in Chicago and an unnamed city in Pennsylvania.. Many are discounting that as conspiracy lunacy, while others may be getting their iodine ready..
There is some perspective on Black Friday today courtesy of a YouTube video that compares shoppers in 1983 and today. Needless to say, our animal instincts have kicked in to high gear and we are acting like hunters in ancient times again. The 1980s outfits were more colorful, too.. why do we all dress in black anymore? SO drab and boring, so morose and melancholy. Let's pep this experience up, zombies! IT'S CHRISTMASTIME!
More on the shopping sensation: Mark Dice is back again with his annual tradition: Dressing up like Santa and shaming shoppers. It works.
Ebay has sent out an urgent message to any of its sellers: The IRS wants you to pay your taxes.. You must pay Uncle Sam if you sell that old junk inn your closet. So ifs ands or buts .. You've been warned.
Again! The sunspot is back has been renamed active region 12192..It looks like quite a dangerous sunspot capable of producing flares.. be aware. You can choose between or for your best viewing of news in relation to the sun..
Ferguson protests are not done yet.. they have moved from the streets of fire into the stores of chaos on Black Friday..
The horror movie BABADOOK is getting some more attention.. the latest from NPR, which gives it high praise.. It is noteworthy, and mentioned in the article, that this movie is scoring nearly a 100% high rating on ROTTEN TOMATOES, coming in at 97.. that's amazing, it's a score that is difficult to get to on that site or any other.. this movie is going to be one of the greatest horror movies ever seen by those who choose to see it..
You know who Megan Fox is. But do you know the other Megan Fox? Thanks to the Internet (and a friend of mine who found her on my behalf) she is making the rounds in a viral fashion. She compares a can of Coke to evolution.. she visits a museum and mocks science. And she reviews cloth diapers. Get ready Megan Fox for the real Megan Fox..
REAL WORLD star dead at 29.. choked on his own vomit after a night of partying..
CREED frontman says he's broke.. .. "Right now, I'm living in a Holiday Inn, by the grace of God, because there's been a couple of weeks where I had to live in my truck"
They're off! Black Friday madness from sea to sea.
The media does just that. In Ferguson last week, after drumming up people and revving their airwave engines, they inspired a riot. They wanted it. They needed ratings, and knew that once the grand jury decision regarding the Michael Brown shooting would be revealed, their dreams could be fulfilled. A town burned, even some media folk got their heads slammed with bricks. And the next day, as the smoldering mess was still too hot to touch, the media slowly vacated the scene and took their news trucks with them. They really, really don't care about Michael Brown, nor do they care about justice or a police state. They wanted ratings.. for a brief night in November, they got astounding ratings. And a city burned..
Now, with Black Friday upon us, the media has the same desire. They want rage, blood, fights, and gore. They hope that the shopping scene is chaos, that store owners will be in peril, and that shoppers fighting over foreign made slave products will punch and push their way through lines in stores all over the United States. Luckily for the media, people on Black Friday are somewhat predictable. This type of event will most likely happen today--violence has marred Black Fridays in the past, so why wouldn't this year be the same? The media will get what it wants. And it will go away..
But what do Black Friday shoppers want? They want deals..I get that. I think they want something more than that. I believe they want to feel they are a part of a group, a little branch of humanity. They want to share laughs, share stories, and they want to be in line with other human hunters for goods.. In a sense, they are a part of something today. A part of a herd, sure, and yes they will be cattle prodded through WALMARTS across the fruited plain.. but I think becoming a shopper on Black Friday is a bit like being a part of a team. Either you're on team Shopper or on Team StayatHome. You are choosing your side once you get your keys in hand and trek to the mall..
There are some horrific past experiences of people on Black Friday.. this video captures that in opening rounds from 2012 and 2013.
And this year, so far, there have been some photographic evidence of humanity's brutality over material possessions, and it's not just the US of A:
And another from London:
Just one more.. in this one, shoppers look more like brain hungry zombies as they reach as far as they can for the store's products..
These scenes will happen anywhere the smell of commerce is existent today..
Do you want to be a part of this scene? Or you can simply wait for Cyber Monday. Clicks don't hurt other people.
OR Local Saturday.. whatever they call it these days..
For a person like me, someone who actually wouldn't mind just getting out of the house today with a three year old, where would I go? Malls could be vicious and dangerous. Even grocery stores may be fraught with hidden dangers. My local Turkey Hill market is selling ice cream and soda at half price. That sounds like a trample waiting to happen, as well..
The HORROR REPORT will monitor the shopping scenes across America today.. Maybe not in person, but certainly newsworthy events will be shared and tidbits of anarchy will be broadcast on this site.
If you head to a store, may your journey be peaceful and your harvest of cheap plastic be plentiful. Just think before you buy.. And don't throw the first punch. You can be shared in a Black Friday crime.
And in the meantime, here's some humor from the ONION, in a 2012 article.. when 42 million died in the bloodiest black Friday weekend in history.
First off, he is clearly winning.. secondly, I am wearing socks on my hands because I couldn’t find gloves.. and thirdly, in some artistic oddity, it appears that I am vomiting a tree branch..
While I did not do such, my hands were not kept warm by the socks. Ayden whooped me hard with giant ice bombs.. and we laughed until we couldn't feel our toes. An amazing early winter snowstorm of fun.
The big sale: Selling your Thanksgiving for commerce
NIGHT AT THE RACES! The early bird Black Friday specials begin tonight: Thanksgiving »
I am half inclined to not care about this Black Friday mayhem.. To a big degree, throughout my teenage and adult life, Thanksgiving night has been boring. Prior to my married and fatherhood days, friends and I would take to the movie theaters and then whatever 24/7 restaurant still served on Thanksgiving and burn up time.. It was awfully dull. Same often went for Christmas night, too. So I certainly get the idea that people just want to do something and get out of a house—especially if they had it up to their throbbing temples with family brouhahas..
But as far as the shopping? It’s insane to ignite any fire in my rear end to go to a mall or Walmart tonight into tomorrow morning. There will be trampling. Mayhem. Near riots. Shootings. Punches. Fights. Screaming.
Just tonight, while getting a last minute pie on our way to Thanksgiving dinner, we stopped at a Walmart since they were the only slave store still open forcing their employees to miss valuable time with family in exchange for hours behind a cash register. The pre-Black Friday sales were already being planned, with plastic wrap around the things we weren’t allowed to see or take.. There were cattle-herding-type metal gates around the store.. there were taped markers on the floor where people were to form lines.. and there were actually store workers screaming at me, my wife, and son, because we entered on the wrong side of the cattle prodding gates..
But we got our pie..
I will be monitoring the news outlets tomorrow to see what happens in the shopping outlets..
There may be blood. We know that.
But the deals!
Spend until your can’t lend..
Can’t tell you’re in hell..
Your shopping plaza treats you so well.
Enjoy your races to the slaughter tomorrow. Your cash will be dispensed as fast as you spend it.
Or wait, we are cashless now.
So strap in and swipe away..
It’s Black Friday and the turkey has gone cold.
Cold turkeys.
While he’s excited by the prospect of playing in this later, it will most likely only last for a few minutes outside when he ventures away from
Technology and television sets… He’s not a big snow lover, at least not yet.. but one thing he sure loves now is his understanding that today was the first day his daycare got canceled because of the weather..
I remember those days myself as a child, staring at the bottom of the television screen waiting for my school to be named, angry when it wasn’t…
Sometimes being a parent is like watching yourself grow, enjoying the same things they do, and almost feeling like it’s happening for the first time to you as well.
So if it’s snowing where you are enjoy it. If it’s not, enjoy whatever weather nature has given you.
Mutley the Dog got in some action tonight, too..
Careful travels, and let your party night rock. Or be frozen solid as a rock, whichever nature chooses for your night before Thanksgiving..
Season's greetings from the gates of hell
As protests began last night in Ferguson, Missouri, police and people had a stand off, a “Season’s Greetings” sign was evident in a number of photographs.. Fires eventually raged while President Obama addressed the nation, and rest became a blip in history. Another tale of race relations that will be taught in history books–depending on who writes them and what century a teacher picks to teach..
Seasons greetings, indeed..
A season of hell, a season of turbulence and crisis.. a season without reason..
That is what it seems like we are living in right now.
Rage without reason..
Treason in this season,
Greetings from Ferguson,
But who will stop the bleeding?
There was one other piece of oddity today from the news.. Darren Wilson, in a part of his testimony to a grand jury that eventually say no reason to go further in prosecuting the police office, said that Michael Brown looked like a demon during their scuffle.
Demons and villains. |
The media’s ratings were high covering it all–until the media had the crowd turn on them, of course..they backed down when the burning began..
The season that greets us is starting early this year. Shopping will begin early.
Thanksgiving is virtually nonexistent at this point. No time for family or friends, kinship is dead.. The season is here, and it is happening soon..
People often lament the fact that Thanksgiving has lost its meaning, with material possessions winning over the turkeys every time..
People will line up, waiting for store doors to bust open.. They will trample people from sea to shining sea. There will be news blips and articles about people being hurt, perhaps even the Black Friday death count website will tally up the wreckage by day’s end.. and what will we gain from it? Nothing.
Absolutely nothing. Except of course a few pieces of foreign made products that found a home instead of a trash heap.
We will not care much about the personal embarrassment we should feel acting like wild loons rampaging a store for a possession..
And for all of those people who say the looting in Ferguson is reprehensible, they will be doing their own brand of looting come Black Friday, when they violently rummage through store shelves, shoving others out of the way, and getting their deals. Or steals..
Is there a dark and sinister force at play on this planet?
Perhaps a deep and dark underbelly of demonic action on Earth.
Maybe the fires that burn in the city of Ferguson are a symbol of the burning to come.. the PURGING to come..
Purging has been the theme of the year. PURGE fears have abounded many times over across the Internet… while no purge occurred, the ‘purge’ style violence in Ferguson seems to be the culmination of affairs. Other comparisons have been made to the HUNGER GAMES.
There was also a year of false faces–clowns have been abundant throughout the world. Fraudulent smiles painted on men in France, and California, and other places around the planet. The clown phenomenon seemingly has waned since Halloween came and left us, but the darkness that they seem to have represented did not. It’s still there, alive and well.. OR dead and from hell. Take your pick.
The gates of hell opened. We have been told that many times over through pop culture references and even the Vice President of the United States. The gates of hell, unleashed ..
The final seasonal greeting tonight comes in the form of a fire and killing. A teenager, African American, was found shot to death.. a bullet was placed through his head. He was also burned.. This happened in Ferguson. He was found close to the apartments where Michael Brown was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson.. At this point, police say that the killing is suspicious.. It surely sounds like it is.
But these are suspicious times. Very serious times, as well.
We have a number of opinions from a number of people who were not on the scene as to what happened between Michael Brown and Darren Wilson. And we have formed opinions.. So many have based their feelings on racism.. The word thug is being used as code.. We know that. And on the flip side, family members of Brown began screaming to ‘burn the bitch down’ after Wilson was exonerated..
This is the 2014 seasonal greetings.. From hell.
Merry Christmas from demons..
The gates of hell, decorated with blood and murder, and complete with mistletoe. Have a final kiss on Satan.
A horrible day in Afghanistan
But it's Sunday. And if it's Sunday, there's a lonely sidewalk to stroll on. Get ready..
News of the world coming at you now:
Grounded? Thanksgiving snowstorm possible in the Northeast.. Accuweather says this: Delays in Store for Weekend Travel // East on alert..
Washington POST Sunday slams Bill Cosby: The women speak..
To Bill Cosby's defense!! Glenn Beck!?
GRAPHIC IMAGES SHOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE.. These images are rough to see in some respects, but also extremely beautiful if you contemplate what people do to respect a corpse once a soul has left it.. The images actually forced me to contemplate even harder the question, 'what is death?' How could someone, so active and alive, breathe one second but a human bag of flesh void of any marker showcasing the person's life the next? Is it just like a computer shutdown? Something that works one minute just does not the next .. ? Or is it that important soul, if a soul exists? Does the entity that inhabits the body leave? So many questions that will never be answered--but my hunt for any evidence of anything continues unabated..
This is pretty amazing .. A New York startup company has created a gel capable of stopping major bleeding within seconds! Living in a time with such medical advancements is plain fun. Hopefully this becomes a life saving treatment soon at a medical facility near you..
Dozens injured in Japan quake It was a big 6.8 ..
Witches gave invocation at council meeting in Alabama
CBS affiliate presents an expose on a school sanctioned sex conference for kids as young as 11.. Among the many things being taught: Cyber and phone sex, and how to use the internet to remotely control sex toys for their partner. Teledildonics. The term now used by kids that parents probably have no clue of a meaning..
New ISIS propaganda video showcasing children using AK47s in their terror training..
Murdered because they weren't Muslim: Jihadists kill 28 people on Kenyan bus after asking passengers to prove they're not 'infidels'
A good British report from the UK INDEPENDENT on the 'American' Black Friday creation.. The paper asks if the discounts are helpful or it's just a trick.. There's a chance you can find something good. Like my local Turkey Hill offering up Ice Cream for a buck. But most of the stuff that goes on sale is unnecessary junk, just heaps of plastic foreign slave labor made products that don't have a place in someone's less than stellar dwelling. Let's get real this year.. Set a budget, that's one thing. But beyond that, buy something that truly has meaning--even if you give one gift to a person instead of ten, make that one gift be heartfelt and monumental in its importance. Or just brave the madness that will be Black Friday .. you can always do that, too, I suppose (I may, for that ice cream)
Teenage delivery driver in Chicago FIRED for asking for time off for ... cancer treatment. There is some very rightful anger over this..
SNL mocks Obama amnesty executive order with Schoolhouse Rock parody..
Are you ready to get your worldview rocked? VIOLENT CRIME in America has been plummeting. But no one knows it.
The secret that we are alive on Earth: Saturn! That's right.. If Saturn's orbit would have been just a tad bit different, chances are you would not be reading this and I would not be writing this.
Trick of the eyes.. here is a very interesting read about why our brains cannot handle the moon, and why it perceives the wrong depth perception when the moon is near the horizon..
Go to the light! Quite literally.. if you want to feel better and have something serious, light therapy may be for you. Lately, in my personal world of home base, light has been hard to find. Sunny days are not abundant, it's been a very bleak November ever since Halloween ended.. And the cloudy impact has had an emotional one on my well being, with the sun seemingly vacated life, happiness has not abounded.. I just one a sunny day, one to bless my face with warmth .. just one day. It seems so hard to find this time of year. This article is a showcase as to why light, and the sun, is important. Vitamin D's best source is the giant light in the sky.. mood depression and other disorders could be solved with some rays.. As far as wellness, here's an old article suggesting the type of light bulb that may enhance your winter blues and turn the cold frown right around.. It's all about light.
So get out there and enjoy the sun. If not, get some new light bulbs and be the ray of sun wherever it's needed.
This is an important week. Thanksgiving--one of the best holidays of the year. Don't be glum. You're not a turkey.
Happy Sunday.