It's been a while...
Nicaragua evacuates 3,000 as volcano spews ash 2½ miles..
Residents of San Cristobal report hearing loud explosions in the volcano as a cloud of and and gas is spewing into the air..
The awakened volcano
It's been a while...
Nicaragua evacuates 3,000 as volcano spews ash 2½ miles..
Residents of San Cristobal report hearing loud explosions in the volcano as a cloud of and and gas is spewing into the air..
Nicaragua evacuates 3,000 as volcano spews ash 2½ miles..
Residents of San Cristobal report hearing loud explosions in the volcano as a cloud of and and gas is spewing into the air..
Saturday.. September 8!? Already? It was not just ... Memorial Day, and then 4th of July.. and then Labor Day? The secret to beating time is knowing when to surrender. Stop worrying about how fast it goes. The more you count the seconds as they tick away the less time you have to live.
But time is fast. Very fast. This year is proving that daily..
On to the news, like it or not.
Earthquakes continue in California.. there were two stronger jolts that impacted Beverly Hills this past week alone..
After the big earthquake in Costa Rica, 500 aftershocks rattle the nation!
The Costa Rica earthquake has now awakened a giant volcano in Nicaragua--one that has not erupted since 50 bc..
Yet ANOTHER DUSTSTORM shrouds Phoenix, AZ in darkness and dirt.. Thankfully they got rain..
Update on the fish deaths in Lake Erie: Now tens of thousands are dead.. and a 'lack of oxygenn' is being blamed..
Fear: Will food shortages occur in 2013?
Amazing: Birds hold 'funerals' for their dead..
Intruder WITH WEAPON arrested near Miley Cyrus' home..
He had 'scissors'..
Saturday.. September 8!? Already? It was not just ... Memorial Day, and then 4th of July.. and then Labor Day? The secret to beating time is knowing when to surrender. Stop worrying about how fast it goes. The more you count the seconds as they tick away the less time you have to live.
But time is fast. Very fast. This year is proving that daily..
On to the news, like it or not.
Earthquakes continue in California.. there were two stronger jolts that impacted Beverly Hills this past week alone..
After the big earthquake in Costa Rica, 500 aftershocks rattle the nation!
The Costa Rica earthquake has now awakened a giant volcano in Nicaragua--one that has not erupted since 50 bc..
Yet ANOTHER DUSTSTORM shrouds Phoenix, AZ in darkness and dirt.. Thankfully they got rain..
Update on the fish deaths in Lake Erie: Now tens of thousands are dead.. and a 'lack of oxygenn' is being blamed..
Fear: Will food shortages occur in 2013?
Amazing: Birds hold 'funerals' for their dead..
Intruder WITH WEAPON arrested near Miley Cyrus' home..
He had 'scissors'..
It's a reminder of how deadly of a day today could be--forecasters have warned for a week now that today would bring a round of horrid weather across the Northeast, including the threat of tornadoes..
And now this news is breaking of a tornado striking a beachfront neighborhood..
A photo was given to the AP taken by Joey Mure, which shows the tornado over the sea in Breezy Point near Queens:
The photo showcases how the Midwest isn't the only place that can get truly well-formed twisters--and how they don't just hit in spring but can also come when fall rushes in behind cold fronts in the late summer, as is happening today..
More dramatic weather is sure to take place throughout the day. Stay tuned to warnings if you are in affected areas. The HORROR REPORT home base is.. and I will be glued to NOAA radio within an hour or two as the storms begin to rush in..
It's a reminder of how deadly of a day today could be--forecasters have warned for a week now that today would bring a round of horrid weather across the Northeast, including the threat of tornadoes..
And now this news is breaking of a tornado striking a beachfront neighborhood..
A photo was given to the AP taken by Joey Mure, which shows the tornado over the sea in Breezy Point near Queens:
The photo showcases how the Midwest isn't the only place that can get truly well-formed twisters--and how they don't just hit in spring but can also come when fall rushes in behind cold fronts in the late summer, as is happening today..
More dramatic weather is sure to take place throughout the day. Stay tuned to warnings if you are in affected areas. The HORROR REPORT home base is.. and I will be glued to NOAA radio within an hour or two as the storms begin to rush in..
The Yangtze River in China is the longest and largest river in the nation.. yesterday in Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River, the water turned a deep orange-red color. Residents are baffled by the new found color of the "golden" river--some however are blaming it on the widely known problem of waste and pollution from industrial China. Chongquing is an industrial city..
According to international dispatches from the site of the red river, people are so amazed by the circumstances that they are actually going into the water with plastic bottles in order to save the discolored liquid.. others online are proclaiming days of tribulation coming, as Revelation says angels will make water on the planet turn to red during the last days..
To many, the events could signal doom. But to others who are more realistic, other approaches are more likely. Perhaps a chemical spill, perhaps low oxygen levels in the water, and maybe just a chemical dye that leaked into the river and caused the color.
While it's difficult to accept most of what Red China says about orange rivers, it's clear that since this made it through the filter of Chinese censorship, some type of explanation will be forthcoming.. LiveScience is reporting that Chinese officials are investigating the cause, and so far believe it may be an industrial dye or upstream silt..
Cause yet to be identified. I don't expect any officials to admit Armageddon is on the way.
The Yangtze River in China is the longest and largest river in the nation.. yesterday in Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River, the water turned a deep orange-red color. Residents are baffled by the new found color of the "golden" river--some however are blaming it on the widely known problem of waste and pollution from industrial China. Chongquing is an industrial city..
According to international dispatches from the site of the red river, people are so amazed by the circumstances that they are actually going into the water with plastic bottles in order to save the discolored liquid.. others online are proclaiming days of tribulation coming, as Revelation says angels will make water on the planet turn to red during the last days..
To many, the events could signal doom. But to others who are more realistic, other approaches are more likely. Perhaps a chemical spill, perhaps low oxygen levels in the water, and maybe just a chemical dye that leaked into the river and caused the color.
While it's difficult to accept most of what Red China says about orange rivers, it's clear that since this made it through the filter of Chinese censorship, some type of explanation will be forthcoming.. LiveScience is reporting that Chinese officials are investigating the cause, and so far believe it may be an industrial dye or upstream silt..
Cause yet to be identified. I don't expect any officials to admit Armageddon is on the way.
The whole zombie apocalypse was funny--at first.. now maybe the government just be realistic about future disasters .. please?
But in my humble opinion its humor has run dry.. no more laughs when I see the headlines referring to 'it' .. instead now I grumble in annoyance at joke--a joke that has gone on too long and vastly worn out its semi-welcome..
The latest example of the government utilizing the slogan in a tongue in cheek manner comes from the Department of Homeland Security, which said that the 'zombies are coming'.. I suppose the logic may make sense.. they figure if you're ready for zombies you can be ready for the New Madrid Fault rumbling, or California falling off the West Coast, or the Canary Islands erupting and causing the East Coast tsunami.. And interestingly, as the HUFFINGTON POST reports, many the movie ZOMBIELAND '33 rules' for dealing with the dead resembles the list that the federal government is using for disaster preparedness.
Bless the souls of the folks in Homeland Security for wanting people to be prepared. Sure, I get it. But the zombie thing? OLD.. beyond old now.
As a matter of fact, it may have worked for .. about the first month they tried it. Then after that burst of cannibalism earlier this year it sort of got tainted by reality. Suddenly people online speculated that the government REALLY WAS warning of a zombie apocalypse.
What I would argue, again in an opinion that is reeking of humility, is that the federal government should speak to people like we are adults. Prepare us with reality but not fear. Don't say, for example, that if the New Madrid Fault erupts it would be the end of humanity, but instead educate on what happened in the past when it went.. And also, since there is quite a slew of earthquakes striking California in a seemingly odd cluster, perhaps talk realistically about how to prepare for the big one in our modern age of cell phone technology and WIFI connections. And the big one: SOLAR FLARES. We need some reality from the government on their estimates of chances of survival if a large flare knocked out the power grid for some time.
Instead, though, they give us zombies. They figure we can deal with zombies and laugh and roll our eyes.. but in the end, does it help you really prepare? No. It just reinforces the silliness of this whole dead will walk the earth premise.
And in the end, an educated populace is better than one submerged in ludicrous jokes and laughs about zombies roaming the night landscape. We need real science, and mature officials telling humanity how exactly the wise way would be to prepare for future earth changes--changes that seem to get closer every day..
The whole zombie apocalypse was funny--at first.. now maybe the government just be realistic about future disasters .. please?
But in my humble opinion its humor has run dry.. no more laughs when I see the headlines referring to 'it' .. instead now I grumble in annoyance at joke--a joke that has gone on too long and vastly worn out its semi-welcome..
The latest example of the government utilizing the slogan in a tongue in cheek manner comes from the Department of Homeland Security, which said that the 'zombies are coming'.. I suppose the logic may make sense.. they figure if you're ready for zombies you can be ready for the New Madrid Fault rumbling, or California falling off the West Coast, or the Canary Islands erupting and causing the East Coast tsunami.. And interestingly, as the HUFFINGTON POST reports, many the movie ZOMBIELAND '33 rules' for dealing with the dead resembles the list that the federal government is using for disaster preparedness.
Bless the souls of the folks in Homeland Security for wanting people to be prepared. Sure, I get it. But the zombie thing? OLD.. beyond old now.
As a matter of fact, it may have worked for .. about the first month they tried it. Then after that burst of cannibalism earlier this year it sort of got tainted by reality. Suddenly people online speculated that the government REALLY WAS warning of a zombie apocalypse.
What I would argue, again in an opinion that is reeking of humility, is that the federal government should speak to people like we are adults. Prepare us with reality but not fear. Don't say, for example, that if the New Madrid Fault erupts it would be the end of humanity, but instead educate on what happened in the past when it went.. And also, since there is quite a slew of earthquakes striking California in a seemingly odd cluster, perhaps talk realistically about how to prepare for the big one in our modern age of cell phone technology and WIFI connections. And the big one: SOLAR FLARES. We need some reality from the government on their estimates of chances of survival if a large flare knocked out the power grid for some time.
Instead, though, they give us zombies. They figure we can deal with zombies and laugh and roll our eyes.. but in the end, does it help you really prepare? No. It just reinforces the silliness of this whole dead will walk the earth premise.
And in the end, an educated populace is better than one submerged in ludicrous jokes and laughs about zombies roaming the night landscape. We need real science, and mature officials telling humanity how exactly the wise way would be to prepare for future earth changes--changes that seem to get closer every day..
President Obama speaks at DNC convention.. accepts nomination. Fall here.. campaign to November..
Gabby Giffords stirs the crowd..
Voters react to Barry's speech..
The strange speech of Jennifer Granholm at the DNC convention.. Rev up your engines? Meltdown on stage!
Lybian militant claims CIA abuses..
Update on massive Anchorage storm: "It was like a war zone" .. Wind gusts were 131 mph in the Glen Alps area! 131 mph!? That is something that is just .. well, unbelievable. But true.. and even more, imagine standing in that wind, imagine trying to keep your balance.. Imagine your home or business being swept away into the sky during a windstorm that strong.. it's no shock now to see why power was out so quickly during this big Alaska storm..
Big outbreak of high winds and hail occurs from Texas to Kansas..
A rare tornado has hit New Jersey..
Series of earthquakes in China kill at least 50..
New bayou bubbles now occurring miles away from Louisiana sinkhole...
The new normal: The EU is funding an Orwellian AI plan to monitor innocent citizens for 'abnormal behavior'.. the plan is called Project Indect.. While this news comes from the UK, it's clearly the goal of governments around the world. "Pre-crime" was a notion in MINORITY REPORT ... Tom Cruise's film was on to something. It's going to be reality soon--but will the computer programs be as bogus as someone "weighing a soul" after a body dies? Junk science? .. maybe. But lots of convictions of crimes that never get committed may occur 20 years from now. This is the new future. And the future is now..
Low testosterone now linked to Alzheimer's in oder men..
Yosemite extends hantavirus warning..
Is PBS playing a 9/11 truth video?
Monsanto is losing a battle--to a corn rootworm!
Mars image may indicate a presence of water ice!
Astronomers wonder: Are two different galaxies interacting?
Hubble captured the images..
She kissed a boy and she liked it: Katy Perry smooches with boy-band singer Niall Horan..
Are strippers artists? A strip club named Nite Moves in NYC is hoping to get dances classified as 'art' to avoid taxes!
Eli Roth to produce horror film THE SACREMENT..
Russian company turns horror movie icons into odd-flavored ice cream..
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY producer branches out into haunted houses..
Paranormal Hollywood: Fact vs fiction..
Is this the entertainment of the future? "Robot Restaurant" in Tokyo a hit..
President Obama speaks at DNC convention.. accepts nomination. Fall here.. campaign to November..
Gabby Giffords stirs the crowd..
Voters react to Barry's speech..
The strange speech of Jennifer Granholm at the DNC convention.. Rev up your engines? Meltdown on stage!
Lybian militant claims CIA abuses..
Update on massive Anchorage storm: "It was like a war zone" .. Wind gusts were 131 mph in the Glen Alps area! 131 mph!? That is something that is just .. well, unbelievable. But true.. and even more, imagine standing in that wind, imagine trying to keep your balance.. Imagine your home or business being swept away into the sky during a windstorm that strong.. it's no shock now to see why power was out so quickly during this big Alaska storm..
Big outbreak of high winds and hail occurs from Texas to Kansas..
A rare tornado has hit New Jersey..
Series of earthquakes in China kill at least 50..
New bayou bubbles now occurring miles away from Louisiana sinkhole...
The new normal: The EU is funding an Orwellian AI plan to monitor innocent citizens for 'abnormal behavior'.. the plan is called Project Indect.. While this news comes from the UK, it's clearly the goal of governments around the world. "Pre-crime" was a notion in MINORITY REPORT ... Tom Cruise's film was on to something. It's going to be reality soon--but will the computer programs be as bogus as someone "weighing a soul" after a body dies? Junk science? .. maybe. But lots of convictions of crimes that never get committed may occur 20 years from now. This is the new future. And the future is now..
Low testosterone now linked to Alzheimer's in oder men..
Yosemite extends hantavirus warning..
Is PBS playing a 9/11 truth video?
Monsanto is losing a battle--to a corn rootworm!
Mars image may indicate a presence of water ice!
Astronomers wonder: Are two different galaxies interacting?
Hubble captured the images..
She kissed a boy and she liked it: Katy Perry smooches with boy-band singer Niall Horan..
Are strippers artists? A strip club named Nite Moves in NYC is hoping to get dances classified as 'art' to avoid taxes!
Eli Roth to produce horror film THE SACREMENT..
Russian company turns horror movie icons into odd-flavored ice cream..
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY producer branches out into haunted houses..
Paranormal Hollywood: Fact vs fiction..
Is this the entertainment of the future? "Robot Restaurant" in Tokyo a hit..
Two hurricanes converge? Could Leslie and Michael form a partnership?
Forecasters and others closely watching the Northern part of the Atlantic this weekend: Two storms, Michael and Leslie, appear to be heading for the same part of the Northern reaches of the planet .. And their tracks are close enough to make some wonder if they can converge into a larger storm.. Perhaps it could be the storm to end all storms! the storm of the century! the big one!
Or perhaps none of that will occur.. Much ado about nothing?
If the storms did converge where would they go? Would they retain their individual identity? Their name could change? Would we name it Meslie or Lichael? Or Lilly? or .. Michelle? Possibilities are endless.
But the facts are these: Michael remains a very strong and impressive storm in the Atlantic Ocean right now. In just 12 hours from being named, it quickly became a category 3 storm. According to Accuweather,
"As Leslie intensifies and becomes larger, it should influence the northward movement of Michael in about 4-5 days. This will also exert increased shear over the storm [Michael], causing it weaken during early next week," Kottlowski stated.Michael's path will also be over colder water, another factor that will favor weakening.
Both storms will be moving over cooler waters as they travel, which will cause a degrading of their power regardless of how strong and impressive they are now.
The NATIONAL HURRICANE site of obviously tracking both storms.. this graphic may be of interest, as it appears to show a possibility of power converging in the Atlantic .. in the middle of the water..
The other important fact is this: Can two hurricanes combine and form one? It sounds like an appealing proposition for a Hollywood movie (or a new Art Bell and Whitley Streiber book) .. but the fact remains that wind shear from a stronger storm or cold waters will most likely cause one or the other to weaken, or they will interact with each other and weaken on their own. One storm will cause another to fall apart.. the ocean is only big enough in a sense. A match made in hell or marriage made in the ocean is unlikely with two storms.
There is something called the Fujiwhara effect.. that is when two storms appear to begin orbiting around each other.. Even in that weather oddity, the merging of the two storms is uncommon and rare..
In our world..
Anything is possible.
The HORROR REPORT will put its money on the likelihood that the storms will stay separate and one or the other, or both, will weaken in their travels. That's my money. But don't take that to the bank.. I don't have much money and I am not a forecaster by degreed-trade.
Watching those waters churn.. and wondering which storms will be the first to say "This ocean is only big enough for one of us"..
Two hurricanes converge? Could Leslie and Michael form a partnership?
Forecasters and others closely watching the Northern part of the Atlantic this weekend: Two storms, Michael and Leslie, appear to be heading for the same part of the Northern reaches of the planet .. And their tracks are close enough to make some wonder if they can converge into a larger storm.. Perhaps it could be the storm to end all storms! the storm of the century! the big one!
Or perhaps none of that will occur.. Much ado about nothing?
If the storms did converge where would they go? Would they retain their individual identity? Their name could change? Would we name it Meslie or Lichael? Or Lilly? or .. Michelle? Possibilities are endless.
But the facts are these: Michael remains a very strong and impressive storm in the Atlantic Ocean right now. In just 12 hours from being named, it quickly became a category 3 storm. According to Accuweather,
"As Leslie intensifies and becomes larger, it should influence the northward movement of Michael in about 4-5 days. This will also exert increased shear over the storm [Michael], causing it weaken during early next week," Kottlowski stated.Michael's path will also be over colder water, another factor that will favor weakening.
Both storms will be moving over cooler waters as they travel, which will cause a degrading of their power regardless of how strong and impressive they are now.
The NATIONAL HURRICANE site of obviously tracking both storms.. this graphic may be of interest, as it appears to show a possibility of power converging in the Atlantic .. in the middle of the water..
The other important fact is this: Can two hurricanes combine and form one? It sounds like an appealing proposition for a Hollywood movie (or a new Art Bell and Whitley Streiber book) .. but the fact remains that wind shear from a stronger storm or cold waters will most likely cause one or the other to weaken, or they will interact with each other and weaken on their own. One storm will cause another to fall apart.. the ocean is only big enough in a sense. A match made in hell or marriage made in the ocean is unlikely with two storms.
There is something called the Fujiwhara effect.. that is when two storms appear to begin orbiting around each other.. Even in that weather oddity, the merging of the two storms is uncommon and rare..
In our world..
Anything is possible.
The HORROR REPORT will put its money on the likelihood that the storms will stay separate and one or the other, or both, will weaken in their travels. That's my money. But don't take that to the bank.. I don't have much money and I am not a forecaster by degreed-trade.
Watching those waters churn.. and wondering which storms will be the first to say "This ocean is only big enough for one of us"..
The Earth is groaning: Seattle edition
Noises yet again are keeping residents on this planet awake and confused--this time the hum is in Seattle.
The earth groaning. Moaning. Or something?
The news of the Seattle noise comes from KING5, a news site in Seattle.. According to the report on the site, residents are even recording the noises in order to let the world hear them. One who was quoted in the story said "It gets high and lower, and goes away, then comes back." KING5 even has a recording of the hum on its website..
King5 says that some people are even feeling rumbles and being shaken out of bed by the earth groan..
As usual, companies are stating they are not to blame. There has been no official comment from the military. (remember the Navy blamed itself for the rumble in San Francisco this summer) ..
One suggestion is that the Seattle hum is an industrial noise ..
The mystery will continue, most likely..
And why not. No other earth groan or noise from across the planet have been cleared up since they began.. from Kiev to now Seattle, and all points in between.. a mystery exists over what noises are coming from the ground, below the earth.. or above us in the sky..
The earth groaning. Moaning. Or something?
The news of the Seattle noise comes from KING5, a news site in Seattle.. According to the report on the site, residents are even recording the noises in order to let the world hear them. One who was quoted in the story said "It gets high and lower, and goes away, then comes back." KING5 even has a recording of the hum on its website..
King5 says that some people are even feeling rumbles and being shaken out of bed by the earth groan..
As usual, companies are stating they are not to blame. There has been no official comment from the military. (remember the Navy blamed itself for the rumble in San Francisco this summer) ..
One suggestion is that the Seattle hum is an industrial noise ..
The mystery will continue, most likely..
And why not. No other earth groan or noise from across the planet have been cleared up since they began.. from Kiev to now Seattle, and all points in between.. a mystery exists over what noises are coming from the ground, below the earth.. or above us in the sky..
The Earth is groaning: Seattle edition
Noises yet again are keeping residents on this planet awake and confused--this time the hum is in Seattle.
The earth groaning. Moaning. Or something?
The news of the Seattle noise comes from KING5, a news site in Seattle.. According to the report on the site, residents are even recording the noises in order to let the world hear them. One who was quoted in the story said "It gets high and lower, and goes away, then comes back." KING5 even has a recording of the hum on its website..
King5 says that some people are even feeling rumbles and being shaken out of bed by the earth groan..
As usual, companies are stating they are not to blame. There has been no official comment from the military. (remember the Navy blamed itself for the rumble in San Francisco this summer) ..
One suggestion is that the Seattle hum is an industrial noise ..
The mystery will continue, most likely..
And why not. No other earth groan or noise from across the planet have been cleared up since they began.. from Kiev to now Seattle, and all points in between.. a mystery exists over what noises are coming from the ground, below the earth.. or above us in the sky..
The earth groaning. Moaning. Or something?
The news of the Seattle noise comes from KING5, a news site in Seattle.. According to the report on the site, residents are even recording the noises in order to let the world hear them. One who was quoted in the story said "It gets high and lower, and goes away, then comes back." KING5 even has a recording of the hum on its website..
King5 says that some people are even feeling rumbles and being shaken out of bed by the earth groan..
As usual, companies are stating they are not to blame. There has been no official comment from the military. (remember the Navy blamed itself for the rumble in San Francisco this summer) ..
One suggestion is that the Seattle hum is an industrial noise ..
The mystery will continue, most likely..
And why not. No other earth groan or noise from across the planet have been cleared up since they began.. from Kiev to now Seattle, and all points in between.. a mystery exists over what noises are coming from the ground, below the earth.. or above us in the sky..
Powerful earthquake hits Costa Rica..
After 35 years, Voyager nears the edge of the solar system..
No denial: West Nile cases top 2,000..
Thousands of dead fish wash up on Lake Erie shore..
Ferocious wind storm knocks out power in Anchorage, Alaska..
7-year-old girl catches PLAGUE from fleas on dead squirrel..
Vlad the Impaler Putin muses on the benefits of group sex!
Hacker group Antisec has leaked information suggesting that the FBI is tracking and monitoring all Americans with iPhones..
New information: Extinction had already started before the dino killer asteroid (though wasn't there a story just a few months ago that the asteroid never occurred and something ELSE killed off the dinosaurs?
The human genome is far more complex than what scientists ever thought.. Which brings up the pesky question: Evolution or divine power? Maybe hand in hand? I heard a theory that perhaps, just perhaps, the truth can be found once science and spirituality merge together.
Wild Bill: First Clinton was late for last night's Democratic convention speech.. then he went way over the 24 minutes given to him--by double.. Think he thinks he was campaigning for his third term? The 1990s.. cheap gas prices, fun times, Seinfeld.. oh and the dotcom bubble, the beginning of the housing market crisis, and NAFTA and GATT getting rid of American jobs. Pick the version of the 1990s you want to remember..
"God" was put back into thge Democratic platform--but not before the room lit up in anger about it..
2013: The year of the food crisis..
5 ways to spot a fake photo..
Powerful earthquake hits Costa Rica..
After 35 years, Voyager nears the edge of the solar system..
No denial: West Nile cases top 2,000..
Thousands of dead fish wash up on Lake Erie shore..
Ferocious wind storm knocks out power in Anchorage, Alaska..
7-year-old girl catches PLAGUE from fleas on dead squirrel..
Vlad the Impaler Putin muses on the benefits of group sex!
Hacker group Antisec has leaked information suggesting that the FBI is tracking and monitoring all Americans with iPhones..
New information: Extinction had already started before the dino killer asteroid (though wasn't there a story just a few months ago that the asteroid never occurred and something ELSE killed off the dinosaurs?
The human genome is far more complex than what scientists ever thought.. Which brings up the pesky question: Evolution or divine power? Maybe hand in hand? I heard a theory that perhaps, just perhaps, the truth can be found once science and spirituality merge together.
Wild Bill: First Clinton was late for last night's Democratic convention speech.. then he went way over the 24 minutes given to him--by double.. Think he thinks he was campaigning for his third term? The 1990s.. cheap gas prices, fun times, Seinfeld.. oh and the dotcom bubble, the beginning of the housing market crisis, and NAFTA and GATT getting rid of American jobs. Pick the version of the 1990s you want to remember..
"God" was put back into thge Democratic platform--but not before the room lit up in anger about it..
2013: The year of the food crisis..
5 ways to spot a fake photo..
CNN reporting
President Obama's speech formally accepting the Democratic presidential nomination will be moved indoors due to "severe weather" forecast for Thursday in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Democratic National Convention Committee announced today.
CNN reporting
President Obama's speech formally accepting the Democratic presidential nomination will be moved indoors due to "severe weather" forecast for Thursday in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Democratic National Convention Committee announced today.
I already notice some yellow and orange showing on the once green trees. Life is like this.. it comes and goes.. and even though the oppressive heat and humidity of summer 2012 was not something you can miss, you'll end up missing it once the cold winds begin to bite ..
The first workday of September (unless you work weekends), news of the world:

There is no investigation planned into Michael Clarke Duncan's death..
Celebrity world mouns death of the gentle giant Duncan..
Hollywood stunned at Duncan's demise..
Duncan was also the star of an upcoming horror film called THE SIBLING..
The future is now: Chinese scientists unveil 'mind-controlled' drone!
The swarm of earthquakes taking place in California continues.. now it strikes Beverly Hills with a 3.3..
Indonesia warns of eruption of volcano..
Syria continues to degrade into atrocity and chaos..
Frustrated new labor leader throws empty chair in rage..
Democrats set to open DNC convention: Tonight Michelle Obama delivers prime time speech..
Are Nicki Minaj's latest lyrics an endorsement of Mitt Romney? .. does Mitt Romney know who Nicki Minaj is?
Billy Graham condemns: America's 'last chance' ?
A study concludes that organic food is no more nutritious than non-organic.. I will be doing some research on to who funded the study..
Fukushima nightmare: Radiation begins to be measured in baby food..
FEMA requesting emergency food..
Isaac dumps thousands of GIANT dead swamp rats on beaches..
LABOR DAY BOX office success for horror film THE POSSESSION..

An astronishing long 'solar whip' caught on camera.. NASA released a new image showing a 'solar whip' on the surface of the sun. Captured by from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, it shows a very long, whip-like solar filament extending over half a million miles in a long..Radiation from the 'whip' heading towards the sun..
Evolution: Tigers change their behavior to live near people..
Bill Nye sparks controversy by saying creationsim should not be taught to kids (you know, the theory that earth is 6,000 years old and the devil planted dinosaur bones to make us dought the Bible)
Robbie Williams to buy an ISLAND to view UFOs!
Makes fakes his own death to propose marriage to his girlfriend!
Anger: Woman cuts off her boyfriend's penis and then flushes it down the toilet..
Underwater wheelchair dancing is a hit
I already notice some yellow and orange showing on the once green trees. Life is like this.. it comes and goes.. and even though the oppressive heat and humidity of summer 2012 was not something you can miss, you'll end up missing it once the cold winds begin to bite ..
The first workday of September (unless you work weekends), news of the world:

There is no investigation planned into Michael Clarke Duncan's death..
Celebrity world mouns death of the gentle giant Duncan..
Hollywood stunned at Duncan's demise..
Duncan was also the star of an upcoming horror film called THE SIBLING..
The future is now: Chinese scientists unveil 'mind-controlled' drone!
The swarm of earthquakes taking place in California continues.. now it strikes Beverly Hills with a 3.3..
Indonesia warns of eruption of volcano..
Syria continues to degrade into atrocity and chaos..
Frustrated new labor leader throws empty chair in rage..
Democrats set to open DNC convention: Tonight Michelle Obama delivers prime time speech..
Are Nicki Minaj's latest lyrics an endorsement of Mitt Romney? .. does Mitt Romney know who Nicki Minaj is?
Billy Graham condemns: America's 'last chance' ?
A study concludes that organic food is no more nutritious than non-organic.. I will be doing some research on to who funded the study..
Fukushima nightmare: Radiation begins to be measured in baby food..
FEMA requesting emergency food..
Isaac dumps thousands of GIANT dead swamp rats on beaches..
LABOR DAY BOX office success for horror film THE POSSESSION..

An astronishing long 'solar whip' caught on camera.. NASA released a new image showing a 'solar whip' on the surface of the sun. Captured by from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, it shows a very long, whip-like solar filament extending over half a million miles in a long..Radiation from the 'whip' heading towards the sun..
Evolution: Tigers change their behavior to live near people..
Bill Nye sparks controversy by saying creationsim should not be taught to kids (you know, the theory that earth is 6,000 years old and the devil planted dinosaur bones to make us dought the Bible)
Robbie Williams to buy an ISLAND to view UFOs!
Makes fakes his own death to propose marriage to his girlfriend!
Anger: Woman cuts off her boyfriend's penis and then flushes it down the toilet..
Underwater wheelchair dancing is a hit
Michael Clarke Duncan dead at 54
Breaking news unveiled by his fiancée, Reverend Omarosa Manigault, in a statement released by publicist Joy Fehily.. The GREEN MILE star has passed away from the planet after weeks in an LA hospital..
He was 6'5" huge.. He was 54.. And he never seemed to recover from a heart attack in July.. recently he said he was healthier after becoming a vegetarian..
Sad news tonight. RIP .. The GREEN MILE will mean even more now..
Michael Clarke Duncan dead at 54
Breaking news unveiled by his fiancée, Reverend Omarosa Manigault, in a statement released by publicist Joy Fehily.. The GREEN MILE star has passed away from the planet after weeks in an LA hospital..
He was 6'5" huge.. He was 54.. And he never seemed to recover from a heart attack in July.. recently he said he was healthier after becoming a vegetarian..
Sad news tonight. RIP .. The GREEN MILE will mean even more now..
A few days ago the HORROR REPORT discovered a Ghost Society from North Caorlina that uses a more scientific approach to find ghosts, dispel rumors of them, and weed through the fakery in turn to find the real ghost stories that are truly unexplained. Jason Porter is the head of the Carolina Paranormal Society, and he said 90% of ghost stories can be explained away.
That leaves 10% ..
The HORROR REPORT was able to speak to Mr. Porter in more detail about his organization.
The Carolina Paranormal Society is four years young now, beginning in 2008. Before moving from Maine to North Carolina, Porter has his own ghost hunting team. In North Carolina, he wanted to join a new one. But he didn't find what he wanted to.. Not impressed by the groups that existed, he started his own, formed a website, and put a call out for a team.
It worked. He has 17 people now and wants to eventually have 32, which would be two full teams.
Porter's team travels a 100 mile radius around Charlotte. They have traveled further than that to speak at conventions. I asked him would it would take to go beyond the 100 mile range. Porter said, "In order for us to HAVE to go there, it would have to be a really cool location with a lot of history, decent claims of activity, not had many (preferably none) previous investigations, and we are NOT paying anyone to investigate."
According to his society's history, about 25% of cases that get reported are even worthy of investigation. Often if they tell people to 'document their evidence' for 1 month, most don't even call back. Legitimate cases then get sent to a case manager who weeds through.. people accepting a ghost hunting team on their property must agree to terms.. it can take some time. But as Porter said, "If they are really wanting us to investigate, they will gladly endure the whole process. The process that we have come up with is not perfect. It's the paranormal, nothing is normal."
As said, Porter's approach to finding ghosts is to debunk those that can easily be explained--which is a high amount according to his experience.
So here was my thought: What do people who are convinced a ghost in their home or business think when a ghost hunter comes in and tells them 'no it's not a ghost'? Porter said, "We have had several people get upset when we told them that we debunked all their claims. I had a guy in Maine that got VERY upset when I told him that we debunked everything and that the evidence that he sent us was faked (which it was and we proved it)." Porter went on to explain just how upset the man got. "He got irate, telling me that we didn't know what we were doing and he told us we were never allowed on his property again. After looking around the internet, I found a website that he had put up with his evidence that he faked, trying to get people to come to his "haunted hunting lodge."
So people can get upset.
Porter did say though that most people are thankful if their haunting can be expained..
Speaking of evidence, the Paranormal Society website hosts a number of different video evidence and audio clips of EVPs. Porter said, "I think the best evidence anyone can get is an EVP. You are actually hearing someones voice that isn't there. Most of the time, the best EVP's come when you are having general conversation. Most people don't like to be interviewed, same goes with ghosts. They are people too. It's easier to just jump in on a conversation rather than to be interviewed."
I recall fondly (sometimes frighteningly) listening to ghost hunters playing EVPs on Art Bell's program from the 1990s through early 2000s. Many of those EVPs contained children's haunting voices. Interesting, Porter has not had the same experience as other ghost hunters seemed to have. "We really don't get many EVP's of children. I assume that if a team is getting EVP's of children then they were investigating a location that children would be, such as a children's ward of a hospital, an orphanage, or a school."
Have voices on EVPs ever said their names? How do you ask? Jason Porter has an easy answer: "You can simply ask, and hope they respond on the audio." But what if they lie? "Can you be sure that you are talking with Elvis or JFK? NO! Humans lie, ghosts are humans, ghosts can lie too. Hell, I could have a ghost in my living room claiming to be Napoleon, can I trust that it's him? No, he could be lying."
It makes sense. If ghosts exist, why would they be any less or more honest than they were as humans?
There has been a blizzard of ghost hunting TV shows that grace homes now. From those where the hunters turn off the lights and taunt spirits, to others where they are visibly upset running through abandoned mental facilities screaming. You can see it all. But do these ghost hunting shows help or harm? Porter said, "What I see that bothers me is the fact that we are called in many times to investigate locations for the simple fact that someone wants to see an investigation first hand, for the novelty of it. What most people don't understand, when they call us in for the novelty of it, they are wasting our resources. It cost us time, money, gas, possible equipment damage, all to fulfill someones curiosity. When we could be helping someone in true need that is on the waiting list. ."
In follow up, we asked if he'd consider a TV show: "ABSOLUTELY. I can't stand when these shows that are fake. The viewers need to understand that an investigation isn't 1 hour and they rarely yield true evidence. I don't even watch paranormal shows anymore." Porter was emphatic with the HORROR REPORT that he even if his group was featured on TV, he would set the ground rules: No doctored footage and no spicing up the camera shots just for entertainment purposes.
There are fundementally large issues at the heart of what the Jason Porter's Carolina Paranormal Society are doing. Is there life after death? Where do souls go? If there is an afterlife, why do spirits seem to stick behind and haunt? Maybe they are just lost? On those issues, Porter has as much trouble as everyone else. He said, "Are there ghosts? I believe there are ghosts. What are they? No one truly knows. Are they what humanity has deemed them to be, the souls of the dead? Are they people from a different dimension, and our dimensions are bleeding into one another? Are they people from a different time, and our time period is intersecting with theirs. All these theories exist, but no one truly knows the answer. What are ghosts, and is there life after death? These, in my opinion is the questions that true investigators are trying to answer."
Indeed they are. Questions that we all want to know the answers to. Which is why the HORROR REPORT will support any group that weeds through fraud and fakery to find the real cases that help get closer to answers about the mysteries of life.
A few days ago the HORROR REPORT discovered a Ghost Society from North Caorlina that uses a more scientific approach to find ghosts, dispel rumors of them, and weed through the fakery in turn to find the real ghost stories that are truly unexplained. Jason Porter is the head of the Carolina Paranormal Society, and he said 90% of ghost stories can be explained away.
That leaves 10% ..
The HORROR REPORT was able to speak to Mr. Porter in more detail about his organization.
The Carolina Paranormal Society is four years young now, beginning in 2008. Before moving from Maine to North Carolina, Porter has his own ghost hunting team. In North Carolina, he wanted to join a new one. But he didn't find what he wanted to.. Not impressed by the groups that existed, he started his own, formed a website, and put a call out for a team.
It worked. He has 17 people now and wants to eventually have 32, which would be two full teams.
Porter's team travels a 100 mile radius around Charlotte. They have traveled further than that to speak at conventions. I asked him would it would take to go beyond the 100 mile range. Porter said, "In order for us to HAVE to go there, it would have to be a really cool location with a lot of history, decent claims of activity, not had many (preferably none) previous investigations, and we are NOT paying anyone to investigate."
According to his society's history, about 25% of cases that get reported are even worthy of investigation. Often if they tell people to 'document their evidence' for 1 month, most don't even call back. Legitimate cases then get sent to a case manager who weeds through.. people accepting a ghost hunting team on their property must agree to terms.. it can take some time. But as Porter said, "If they are really wanting us to investigate, they will gladly endure the whole process. The process that we have come up with is not perfect. It's the paranormal, nothing is normal."
As said, Porter's approach to finding ghosts is to debunk those that can easily be explained--which is a high amount according to his experience.
So here was my thought: What do people who are convinced a ghost in their home or business think when a ghost hunter comes in and tells them 'no it's not a ghost'? Porter said, "We have had several people get upset when we told them that we debunked all their claims. I had a guy in Maine that got VERY upset when I told him that we debunked everything and that the evidence that he sent us was faked (which it was and we proved it)." Porter went on to explain just how upset the man got. "He got irate, telling me that we didn't know what we were doing and he told us we were never allowed on his property again. After looking around the internet, I found a website that he had put up with his evidence that he faked, trying to get people to come to his "haunted hunting lodge."
So people can get upset.
Porter did say though that most people are thankful if their haunting can be expained..
Speaking of evidence, the Paranormal Society website hosts a number of different video evidence and audio clips of EVPs. Porter said, "I think the best evidence anyone can get is an EVP. You are actually hearing someones voice that isn't there. Most of the time, the best EVP's come when you are having general conversation. Most people don't like to be interviewed, same goes with ghosts. They are people too. It's easier to just jump in on a conversation rather than to be interviewed."
I recall fondly (sometimes frighteningly) listening to ghost hunters playing EVPs on Art Bell's program from the 1990s through early 2000s. Many of those EVPs contained children's haunting voices. Interesting, Porter has not had the same experience as other ghost hunters seemed to have. "We really don't get many EVP's of children. I assume that if a team is getting EVP's of children then they were investigating a location that children would be, such as a children's ward of a hospital, an orphanage, or a school."
Have voices on EVPs ever said their names? How do you ask? Jason Porter has an easy answer: "You can simply ask, and hope they respond on the audio." But what if they lie? "Can you be sure that you are talking with Elvis or JFK? NO! Humans lie, ghosts are humans, ghosts can lie too. Hell, I could have a ghost in my living room claiming to be Napoleon, can I trust that it's him? No, he could be lying."
It makes sense. If ghosts exist, why would they be any less or more honest than they were as humans?
There has been a blizzard of ghost hunting TV shows that grace homes now. From those where the hunters turn off the lights and taunt spirits, to others where they are visibly upset running through abandoned mental facilities screaming. You can see it all. But do these ghost hunting shows help or harm? Porter said, "What I see that bothers me is the fact that we are called in many times to investigate locations for the simple fact that someone wants to see an investigation first hand, for the novelty of it. What most people don't understand, when they call us in for the novelty of it, they are wasting our resources. It cost us time, money, gas, possible equipment damage, all to fulfill someones curiosity. When we could be helping someone in true need that is on the waiting list.
In follow up, we asked if he'd consider a TV show: "ABSOLUTELY. I can't stand when these shows that are fake. The viewers need to understand that an investigation isn't 1 hour and they rarely yield true evidence. I don't even watch paranormal shows anymore." Porter was emphatic with the HORROR REPORT that he even if his group was featured on TV, he would set the ground rules: No doctored footage and no spicing up the camera shots just for entertainment purposes.
There are fundementally large issues at the heart of what the Jason Porter's Carolina Paranormal Society are doing. Is there life after death? Where do souls go? If there is an afterlife, why do spirits seem to stick behind and haunt? Maybe they are just lost?
On those issues, Porter has as much trouble as everyone else. He said, "Are there ghosts? I believe there are ghosts. What are they? No one truly knows. Are they what humanity has deemed them to be, the souls of the dead? Are they people from a different dimension, and our dimensions are bleeding into one another? Are they people from a different time, and our time period is intersecting with theirs. All these theories exist, but no one truly knows the answer. What are ghosts, and is there life after death? These, in my opinion is the questions that true investigators are trying to answer."
Indeed they are. Questions that we all want to know the answers to. Which is why the HORROR REPORT will support any group that weeds through fraud and fakery to find the real cases that help get closer to answers about the mysteries of life.
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