The year of the goat and sheep. And ram. Expect the horns


No, that's not a famous song line, you're thinking of the year of the cat..

This is the year of the goat--or at least will be in February when the Chinese new year ends the horse we have been living through and gives us a brand new theme with a brand new animal.. The goat..

I am about tired of the recycling of 2014 at this point.. the memories, the years in review. Sure, even I promulgated a year in review, but in my opinion did it early enough to let it exist without forcing it down anyone's throat.

The ball has since dropped. Ryan Seacrest has since cleaned off at least some guyliner, and Taylor Swift hopefully put on some pants.. It's 2015..

But as we enter into the goat's time period under Saturn, it's fair to take a quick look as to what it may or may not mean..

The sheep, or goat is among the calmest of animals in tradition.
This year has been called the year of the sheep.. it's the year of the goat.   And even more, in 2015, the Chinese animal sign for 2015 is 'yang.'  That is the inclusive term for the sheep and goat together, which speaks of that conflict as to what animal this year in fact is going to be represented by. Since the Chinese calender can't really decide, I will: It's actually, really, the year of the ram.

Things seem good, too. At least according to the horoscopes so many take stock in.. This year will be more positive, we are told.. the sheep's meekness, or the goat's givingness will endure. Of course, with any animal, especially a ram, expect a fierce kick to the backside now and then from fate.

There is a chance, we are told by some experts, that we will be seeing an immediate change in the way we look at problems this Ram year..

Sheepish people may be pessimistic. The ram may use that to its advantage..

The last time we endured a year of a sheep or goat was 2003. While my nostalgic memory longs for the days when I was 23 years of age, world history wasn't too nice. That was the year of war, when George W. Bush launched the Iraq attack in March and the United States began frying "Freedom fries" in honor..

The logic in China is that it's best to have a child before February of this year, since a baby born during a 'horse' is more likely to be a leader in the future as opposed to one born during the sheepish months that are coming..

In Western culture, of course, the sheep may mean something far darker than the the honorable meekness is represents in Asia. In the United States, for example, leading the sheep to slaughter is a common term to showcase the stupidity of the sheep or goat, and how easily others can prey upon them..

As 2015 begins, so do predictions over what this year will bring. Last night, George Noory hosted a predictions Coast to Coast AM with Joseph Jacobs, Glynis McCants and her numbers, John Hogue and his quatrains, and Vincent Genna.  Hogue had perhaps the more interesting take on what 2015 will bring: His point is that 2015 is going to be the time period that could be called the year of the spark, when something may light the explosion.. Additionally, the American dream is going to be refined and retuned, he said..

Clyde Lewis had similar thoughts last night on his own program GROUND ZERO.. Lewis worried that a black swan event will take place in 2015.. 

The HORROR REPORT has already made its predictions..
While the important events of the year that take place can never be prognosticated regardless of the 'clairvoyant' uttering the words, themes can be .. moods and collective consciousness, I argue, can sway the mood of the nation and planet.

But those surprises that come when you least expect them are the true life changing events..

Meek and mild mannered sheep we may be.. but a ram is coming. And that ram may have a field day with the year of the goat.

Out with the new. In with the old.

The rituals begin anew..
Fireworks around the world.. celebrations. Bars packed with amateurs attempting to recreate the perfect scene from a movie that never really was real to begin with.. And Times Square. That beautiful little piece of concrete island where a million people sway together, sing together, kiss each other, and desperately try to find a working toilet or corner alley to relieve themselves of their holiday cups of cheer..

It's New Years Eve..
And we don't have Dick Clarke to kick around anymore.. Ryan Seacrest will due. He's not 'out' at this time but certainly has solidified himself in becoming the face that my three year old will see one day when he is 21 years of age and hopefully--hopefully! making smart decisions with his body in bars..

We will have to ensure Taylor Swift, undoubtedly. She is the flame of the year--he flame is bright and she's mopping up each last second of fame and TIME magazine covers.

That is how 2014 was.. it was a year of the unreal--planes going missing and acts of war that were never called them. Children being massacred as sacrifices to demons.. Selfie sticks. The perversion of television.. the mind numbing ignorance of Americans.. the total comedy collapse. It was a year when everything stopped being funny.

Jokes don't work anymore, but GIFs do.. Sitcoms are toast. But VINE is the most.. and REDDIT is king, but 4CHAN still leads--they're the engine that creates the creative machine..

As we turn a blind eye to the calender's end and welcome in a new year with drunken melodies at watering holes, I am enthusiastically looking forward to 2015..

There's a few reasons why, which I will tell you in this already too lengthy post..
A listing of why 'everything is awesome.'

2015 is just cool.

Think about it.. we made it this far. 2015.. I can recall so many events over the past 15 years--hell, even 30.. And it all just flew by. The sands of time are quickly moving through the hourglass of our minds.. But that is nothing to be sad about. As some would say, the only real thing that exists is the present. The moment you're in now.. the time you're reading this, or scanning it, or clicking off in boredom. This is real. The past was real.. but it's gone. Nothing to lament or be shameful of.  So make everyday a little more real and seize the day. This day. Nothing from yesterday.. and ignore the future, it doesn't even exist..

We have gone through 15 years of mindless hell. Terror and torture.. no role models worth modeling.. an invasion of technology and humanoids.. machines and robots that will take our jokes away..
We have also endured the setup to what appears to be a police-like state, which constant surveillance and Fusion Centers, red light cams, and constant drivel on the still existence cable snooze networks about how  it's all to keep us safe..

But in 2015, we're so over that.
It's time for a change, and attitude adjustment and a rude awakening for the hounds of negativity that worship at the alter of evil. We have the power to change the course of history, and I think 2015 may be the year we will.

We are so over some other stuff, too..
I think selfishness has gotten boring. Perhaps this is the year when the selfies will end and, well, maybe the couplies will take over.. we will still capture and tweet and tumble all the moments of our lives, but I sense a bit of something more taking place. I think we long for affection, not attention. I believe that 2015 will be the year we decide to forgo the nonsense of meaningless and start searching for the soul again.. A deeper appreciation of life, and a core meaning to what we are even earthlings to begin with.

Maybe 2015 will be the year we collectively decide that reaching for the stars is the best thing humans can do. Maybe we are made for the stars since we are from them anyway. Often during ocean trips, I stare at the ocean and become frightened but secure all at the same time. Frightened at the immense body of water knowing the power it has to indiscriminately kill me, but yet at the same time know that somehow that ocean is the home to all human life. The same with space--staring at the stars does not feel like peering at other worlds, but quite the contrary. It feels like you're looking at a photograph of where you were from, you're youth before life, complimenting your mortal body's makeup of stardust and ancient history..

I feel we are getting a little 'over' celebrity .. Twitter has made us feel closer. We can stream music. We don't need theaters to see movies anymore.. and the TVGUIDE has outlasted its time. Things are changing.. the old days are over. That's not a bad thing..
Instead, the user, the moviegoer or music lover, TV addict or avid reader, all have new abilities to see the art their choose to and enjoy the entertainment they want to. When they want to.. We are not impressed with the rich and famous--instead we have sort of grown to ignore their non-plight. I think that will continue in 2015..

The economy sucks. Just plain sucks. Joblessness is immensely bad, and without question you know someone who is unemployed or you are unemployed.. We are over this. We want a change.. Maybe the collective consciousnesses will assist us in making a better future in the coming year. Sometimes when you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you make the choice to stop being sick and tired.

I think 2015 will be the food revolution's culmination. The FOOD BABE is mocked and hated by millions, but think about her message, minus the political tones.. She is simply saying to eat better and know your ingredients. And stop eating plastic. And food coloring.. and stuff. All that stuff. Just eat food. I think in 2015, we will continue to shop smarter and better, and with prices soaring, we will start to educate ourselves about what we are paying for.. and going broke for. And maybe our stomachs will thank us by December 2015 with a better digestive system..

We will accept more people in 2015.. as the generation born since 1995 becomes 20, they will bring with them a strong pursuit of acceptance. Hate is so 20th century.. I hope it stays confined to that..

The challenges around the world are going to become more clear--the despot and dictators who ravage the landscape and kill the spirit of their people will be evident. In 2014, we saw the senseless murder of children.. women.. babies.. we know the enemy. The enemy is seemingly not of this world. I hope 2015 is the year when the world puts its hands together and deals with the disgusting vermin who inhabit far too many towns and nations on this globe..

I think President Obama will have a better year.
There's something to be said for his critics. He has been far less in the change and hope category.
But Americans want to like their leader. This may be the year we finally do, the year we accept him as President.. I don't think Americans really did accept him yet. He was an obscure figure who inhabited the White House, someone who had a seemingly happy family and golfed .. In 2015, we will come to understand he's our president--but that does not mean we'll think he's good at the job.. instead we will realize he has the job.

2015 is a big deal--it's a marker in history.
It's been 15 years since Y2K did not kill us. It's been 3 years since the Mayan calender ending. Each non event become a new beginning.

I think 2015 is a new beginning.

Filled in my spirit, there is a great deal of enthusiasm for the year to come.. I pray it will not be 12 months of hell on earth, but instead each day may be the best day ever.

My son Ayden really got to enjoy a show this year, and you've most likely heard of it if you're under the age of 18 or have children under the age of 10: Phineas and Ferb.  I actually got to love it, too.. The theme of the show was performed by the band BOWLING FOR SOUP--a big bad when I was around 21.. there is an extended version of the main theme called  TODAY IS GONNA BE A GREAT DAY. Clearly the song has ludicrous lyrics.. until you really get to the point of the song. It's a song of hope and happiness. And watching my son, in all of his innocence, dance his head off when he hears this song, gives me hope and brings a smile to my face that often cannot leave, despite the negative world that exists around us. I suggest you make this song at least a brief part of your day. Enjoy it.. have fun. And dance like a child who innocently still looks at the world.

Maybe we all should do that a little more..
Dance like no one is watching?
Or dance even harder when they do watch..


The year ends with a fireball

A massive evening fireball was reported by over 300 people from Montreal to Delaware last night around 6:35, with some reporting flames, others comparing it to fireworks, and at least person catching it on a dash cam.
This ends a dramatic year of fireballs and pink stars falling, a reference the HORROR REPORT made on several occasions comparing the strange fall of space debris with the CBS show UNDER THE DOME..

Harrisburg PA radio show host from WHP580 Ken Matthews saw it too and spoke about it on his program Tuesday at 3pm, saying it was one of the brightest fireballs he'd ever witnessed..

That adds to the other reports. The American Meteor Society said it has received more than 500 reports of a bright fireball just after 6:30 p.m.

Video here..

The final scene

What is a year?
A passage of time.
From sidewalks of earth
To the sublime.

A path not taken,
A memento of space,
It's been a rough year.
Let's make haste .

So here's to the cheer
And a drink from the well,
Welcome '15,
Please don't bring with you hell.


There have been a lot of folks ‘down’ on New Years lately—people are taking the approach that staying in is better than going out. And I completely get that. The notion of sharing a night with amateurs who pronounce Filet Mignon as “fill it mig nun” isn’t too appealing.

However, take a peek back in time .. MASHABLE put together a nifty set of photos that showcases new years in Times Square since the 1930s..

From shirts and ties, tuxedos and top hats, to the more modern attire at the affair, just being a part of Times Square in New York is cool. Sure there may be no place to urinate, except the street you’re standing.. and yes it’s cold and you get hungry.. and of course on TEE VEE you can see Ryan Seacrest up close, but he is wearing too much makeup anyway.

Being apart of New York on New Years is being a part of history, raising the glass to times gone and singing Auld Lang Syne to a new time, one that hopefully brings with it good moments and profits of the wallet and spirit.

Do what you want to on new years eve.. but do it because you want to, not because talking heads without brains tell you what to do..

Maybe your local watering hole.. a church.. a library. Do they have libraries in 2015?? Or maybe a casino.. I don’t know.

Maybe watch the Twilight Zone marathon.

Heck, maybe Times Square.

Either way raise the cup of cheer and sing in a new year..


Bodies and debris found at sea as the missing AirAsia plane turns up.. Developing..


For some, the best thing about New years is the Twilight Zone marathon on SYFY, a long standing tradition that goes back to when the network was even called SCI FI..

And now a complete listing of time and title of the shows during the upcoming marathon..

Dec 31

08:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Old Man In The Cave

Dec 31

08:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Caesar And Me

Dec 31

09:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Last Flight

Dec 31

09:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Little People

Dec 31

10:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

Third From The Sun

Dec 31

10:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Long Live Walter Jameson

Dec 31

11:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

A Piano In The House

Dec 31

11:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Perchance To Dream

Dec 31

12:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Most Unusual Camera

Dec 31

12:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Arrival

Dec 31

01:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Thing About Machines

Dec 31

01:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

And When The Sky Was Opened

Dec 31

02:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

I Shot An Arrow Into The Air

Dec 31

02:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Nick Of Time

Dec 31

03:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Night Of The Meek

Dec 31

03:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Number Twelve Looks Just Like You

Dec 31

04:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

What's In The Box

Dec 31

04:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Walking Distance

Dec 31

05:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Hundred Yards Over The Rim

Dec 31

05:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

People Are Alike All Over

Dec 31

06:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Probe 7 Over And Out

Dec 31

06:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Stopover In A Quiet Town

Dec 31

07:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Game Of Pool

Dec 31

07:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street

Dec 31

08:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Dummy

Dec 31

08:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Invaders

Dec 31

09:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

To Serve Man

Dec 31

09:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Nightmare At 20,000 Feet

Dec 31

10:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Stop At Willoughby

Dec 31

10:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Hitch-hiker

Dec 31

11:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Dead Man's Shoes

Dec 31

11:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up

Dec 31

12:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Midnight Sun

Dec 31

12:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Obsolete Man

Dec 31

01:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The After Hours

Dec 31

01:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Night Call

Dec 31

02:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Lonely

Dec 31

02:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

King Nine Will Not Return

Dec 31

03:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Hunt

Dec 31

03:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Mr. Denton On Doomsday

Dec 31

04:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

Uncle Simon

Dec 31

04:30 AM

The Twilight Zone


Jan 1

06:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

I Dream Of Genie

Jan 1

07:00 AM

The Twilight Zone


Jan 1

08:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Purple Testament

Jan 1

08:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Mr. Bevis

Jan 1

09:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Rip Van Winkle Caper

Jan 1

09:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Ring-a-ding Girl

Jan 1

10:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

Little Girl Lost

Jan 1

10:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Hocus-pocus And Frisby

Jan 1

11:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

Escape Clause

Jan 1

11:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Prime Movers

Jan 1

12:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Mr. Dingle, The Strong

Jan 1

12:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

One For The Angels

Jan 1

01:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Silence

Jan 1

01:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Sixteen-millimeter Shrine

Jan 1

02:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Death's Head Revisited

Jan 1

02:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

It's A Good Life

Jan 1

03:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Nice Place To Visit

Jan 1

03:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Penny For Your Thoughts

Jan 1

04:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Black Leather Jackets

Jan 1

04:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Five Characters In Search Of An Exit

Jan 1

05:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Odyssey Of Flight 33

Jan 1

05:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The 7th Is Made Up Of Phantoms

Jan 1

06:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

A Kind Of Stopwatch

Jan 1

06:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Bewitchin' Pool

Jan 1

07:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Kick The Can

Jan 1

07:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Masks

Jan 1

08:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

I Sing The Body Electric

Jan 1

08:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Living Doll

Jan 1

09:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

Time Enough At Last

Jan 1

09:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Where Is Everybody

Jan 1

10:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Howling Man

Jan 1

10:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

Eye Of The Beholder

Jan 1

11:00 PM

The Twilight Zone

The Shelter

Jan 1

11:30 PM

The Twilight Zone

I Am The Night - Color Me Black

Jan 1

12:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

Long Distance Call

Jan 1

12:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

Judgement Night

Jan 1

01:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

Nightmare As A Child

Jan 1

01:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Grave

Jan 1

02:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Four Of Us Are Dying

Jan 1

02:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

A World Of His Own

Jan 1

03:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

In Praise Of Pip

Jan 1

03:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Fever

Jan 1

04:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The Last Rights Of Jeff Myrtlebank

Jan 1

04:30 AM

The Twilight Zone

What You Need

Jan 1

05:00 AM

The Twilight Zone

The New Exhibit

Format Change: Michael Savage becomes a 'life coach' in 2015

Michael Savage takes on new broadcast role: Life coach and ‘wise father’ »

Michael Savage is changing things .. The fiery talk show host who many hate is changing his style.. the conservative host said he will continue to talk about news when needed, but his 2015 format will be featuring a “wise father” attempt at giving advice and life coaching..

Even more, Savage said that he will also have “unprotected talk”—unscreen open lined, a-la-Art Bell..

Even more, Savage has coined the term ‘unprotected talk’ and copyrighted it for its protection..

It’s hard to think of Dr. Savage as Oprah.. Especially when you consider the call that got Savage fired from MSNBC..

But hey. It’s all about marketing.


The stock dumps conspiracy theories are made of

The AirAsia flight vanishing act is going to be just as controversial and weird as the Malaysian jetliner from earlier in 2014.. and adding to that: Stock options and a CEO dumping all of his days before an AirAsia plane disappeared..

This is how the story got started.. On December 26—before flight QZ8501 fell somewhere to the earth—it was reported that AirAsia CEO Tony Ferdandes dumped over 944,000 shares of stock..

Then it gets weirder (as it so often does when you deal with reality) .. A report has been spreading online concerning a mysterious and unnamed Chinese blogger who apparently warned to avoid AirAsia flights, warning that upcoming planes would be targeted by ‘powerful’ forces..

Then the AirAsia flight vanishes. We are told that bad weather forced an abrupt turnaround. It fell off the radar.. 162 people were on board..

This after an AirAsia magazine said that one of its flights would ‘never get lost’ .. 

In the aftermath of the flight loss, AirAsia stock is being hit hard..  it has dropped the most since 2011.

The loss of the light is forcing the media to look at Tony Fernandes.. the spotlight is now on the CEO.The Financial Express is reporting some in depth information on him, including his ability to play drums and keyboards and come up with provocative advertising that used misogynist references.. But the publication didn’t mention the stock dump that happened days earlier.

And based off of the whole event some news media sources are actually reporting some conspiracy theories making the rounds… Such as the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES .. included with the IBT report are the facts about the stock dump..

While we are being told that the plane is probably ‘at the bottom of the sea,’  there are still some strange occurrences worth exploring..  Such as this: Reports that a relative of one of the people on board the plane received a text message that the plane landed and all were safe.. Also this: Official websites reported the missing flight having landed in Singaporebefore reports were broadcast to the world that it went missing.

So with that all said and linked for your digestive tracts to attempt to endure, it is fair to say nothing will stop conspiracy theories now.

Not even a CEO who can play keyboard and bang the drum..

The missing plane, an update

First full day of search for AirAsia jet #QZ8501: Object in sea NOT the missing jet »

History is repeating itself. It feels just like the spring of 2014 when Flight 370 went missing. Reports of it landing, then it didn’t.. reports of families getting text messages, and then the media saying it’s just delusions of the grieving.. reports of the government finding wreckage, and then yielding nothing.

This is the stuff conspiracy theorists salivate over. And why wouldn’t they? The notion of the same thing happening two times in one year, and being almost exact in a mystery is breathtaking. Also the aftermath is even more alarming, with the same rumor mill pumping and the tough part of separating fact from fiction.

We simply know this: Another jet has been ‘lost’ and there are no signs, traces, or hints of the wreckage anywhere.

Along with the loss of the jet, 162 people including 17 children and 1 infant are most likely gone from this earthly existence..

A bad year for aviation indeed.
Or one of completely mystery that one day will be explained by future events..

The Monday after.. 360 days left until Christmas!

It's over.. It's time to relax. Put away the Christmas decorations, or if you're like several of my neighbors just wait until the big thaw in July. Or heck, even leave them up for a bit longer and before you know it the rest of the town will join you.

There is something strange to me about the post Christmas blues.. even though stores are busy and lively, people are returning their items purchased. And the Christmas music that still plays in the mall is a little insulting to the senses.. it's like beating a dead horse, the song has played itself out. The fire has burned .. the light is growing dim..

For every child, the countdown now begins until school returns to session. Until then, the solid week of vacation is on.  It goes fast, though..

And during adulthood, life starts again earlier. As though it never stopped..

Now the scales will be busy with people who forgot to count calories, or those who had a few too many spirits. The new years resolutions will begin, with outlandish prophecies from people about how their personal lives will make an abrupt turnaround in 2015.. By the second week of January, the fat will stop burning and the money will start spending.  Perhaps a daily affirmation would be better than a yearly resolution?

So that was Christmas.. and what have we done?
Another year over.. A new one just begun.

It all reminds me of the second video of the DON'T HUG ME I'M SCARED series, maybe because I was recently reminded of how freaky it was. The video is called TIME. And don't tell me it doesn't scare the hell out of you, too..

But as time would have it, there's only 360 days left until Christmas. And the frightening reality exists: Christmas 2015 will be here before we know it and we'll do all the same things again..

Plane vanishing act

It would seem unlikely that an unlikely event would take place two times in one year.. but that has occurred.. It's been months since flight MH 370 vanished without a trace or evidence of debris, and now another flight may be added to the list of strange airline disasters of 2014.

This is what is known this far about the newest and weirdest air disaster..

The Airbus A320-200 disappeared at approximately 2320 GMT while en route from Surabaya in Indonesia's east Java to Singapore.
Shortly before it vanished from the radar screens, the pilot had asked air traffic controllers to ascend by 6,000 feet to 38,000 feet to avoid severe thunderstorms.

Indonesia has deployed seven aircraft, four navy ships and six boats from the search and rescue agency...

The search has been called off at this time due to darkness and bad weather..

We so know there were at least 18 children on board his fought including an infant..

While loci would say the worst has occurred, families are still holding out hope for a miracle..

The scenes I wailing families are similar to the aftermath of flight 370's vanishing act..

As could be expected, this mystery is also being intensified by online rumors, including one that has even reported on several sites that a family member got a text message saying the people are board were safe and that the plane landed..

Even more, there were early reports on official aviation websites that the plane landed in Singapore hours before the reports surfaced of the plane going missing..

We are following this story and attempting to not report every rumor we come across.. But the oddities surrounding this plane going missing seem to be the same as flight 370..

Until more develops, the misery of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 will persist..