The sequel, It Chapter Two, could be set to surpass its...

The sequel, It Chapter Two, could be set to surpass its predecessor, however, with Boxoffice Pro projecting that it will bring in over $130 million in its opening weekend. Their chief analyst Shawn Robbins writes:

“With director Andy Muschietti returning, the promise of this being the end of the story, and — perhaps most intriguingly — an ensemble cast with several popular adult actors the likes of Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, and Bill Hader taking over their kid counterpart roles, there may arguably be just as much of a ‘must see’ status for Chapter Two as there was for the first film. Perhaps, initially, even more of one.

This is the one many horror fans have waited for–what will they do with the story.. stay true to the spider? The ending? The sex.. the intrigue.. the suicides? The murders? There are rumors of a horribly blood soaked scene coming in this film that just about made the R rating cut…

The made for TV movie ending was not much to be desired.. but CGI effects in the early 1990s were not either.

This film has the buzz and the stamina to create a box office masterpiece.. IT .. ends.. soon.

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