New century sadness: Suicide rates skyrocket since '99

 Suicide rates among non-Hispanic American Indians and Alaska Natives were, in 1999, already the highest of any ethnic group, despite being widely underreported. By 2014, roughly 1 in 2,000 men in this ethnic group committed suicide, a 60% increase over the suicide rate among male American Indians and Alaska Natives that prevailed in 1999.
 Among all men under 75, suicides surged. In the age group most prone to fatal self-harm -- 45 to 64 -- almost 30 in 1,000 men committed suicide in 2014, a 43% increase over 1999's rate. Non-Hispanic black males were the only racial or ethnic group of either gender to have a lower suicide rate in 2014 than in 1999.
 All since the class of 99...
 Since Columbine.
 Economic collapse.
 Suicide and escapism...

Lions and tigers and tsunamis oh my

As so many areas of the ring of fire began to burn, there are newfound fears of a mega quake and tsunami in places that haven't seen them in lifetimes: The pacific coast of the United States..
 Foreign press reporting that new efforts are being made to try to deal with the threat.. Cameras, sensors, drones will all be included in the pre fight.. And also an historical study of what places previously dealt with such affairs..
 The USGS and other experts often warn of doom in '30-50' years. They play down Yellowstone but still say to always 'be prepared'..
 Behind closed doors, they are people too. People who, like others who anxiously await the next shaking, hope the ground under their feet stays stable..

The Virgin Mary: A hillside symbol of strength in quake torn Ecuador

From the New York Times report:
 APRIL 21, 2016
 MONTECRISTI, Ecuador — The earth shook and the steeple fell, taking most of the bell tower with it. A white facade gave way, leaving the pews open to the street.
 But amid the wreckage at the basilica, one object remained untouched: Our Mother of Monserrate, the statue of the Virgin Mary for which the church was named.
 Dressed in gold robes and wearing a tiny crown, she is only about three feet tall. But the statue, which landed on these shores from Spain in the 16th century, has long played an outsize role in the history of Montecristi.

 Hope among the hopeless after a natural disaster..
 The statue that weathered so much. Weathering more..

Prince overdose possibility

As the days tragic events unfold, yet again TMZ is leading the charge with salacious details of the pop star's death..
 Some already labeling it a 'purple haze.' .
 TMZ REPORTING THAT PRINCE WAS TREATED FOR AN OVERDOSE 6 DAYS BEFORE HIS DEATH.. . They even say that doctors administered a 'save shot' to counteract the effects of an opiate..
 The body hasn't even gone cold yet!
 But the tumors are flying!
 Chemtrails coughs.. Overdoses..
 All this On a day of death. April is cruel..
 It started with the 9th wonder of wrestling, Chyna, meeting an early date.. And the Prince of music also leaving he earthly realm.
 Guitars gently weep this eve'.. Doves cry. Rains fall..
 And a clamor arises from the stammer of masses: How did our pop star die?


The Sheriff's department says Prince was found in an elevator at Paisley Park. They performed CPR, but were unable to revive him. He was pronounced dead on the scene at 10:07 AM Central Time.

...TMZ reporting The Carver County Sheriff's Office tells TMZ they are now investigating the circumstances of Prince's death. At this time, there are no signs of foul play

Aretha Franlin verbalzing her fear that ZIKA killed Prince..

Other rumors online now speculating that Prince is the latest victim of the 'chemtrail cough,' the same that conspiracy theorists say killed Merle Haggard only weeks ago. Both Haggard and Prince, incidentally, have publicly spoken out concerning the subject of chemtrails...

At this the public arena, besides being filled with rumor, is also being filled with official declaration that Prince died of 'flu like symptoms.' ...


Purple page! Drudge goes purple for Prince death!

Drudge only changes colors for Christmas.. And now showcasing the cultural event Prince's death has become, it has been changed to purple..

The Prince death: More information being revealed

The latest information about the death of the artist at 57: Weeks of suffering from 'flu like symptoms'..
 A few days ago he was battling TMZ to show he was okay after rumors of him suffering.. And TMZ was one of he original sources to report his death to the world..
 Prince is a high profile death.. But the flu like symptoms plague is not new to America.. State by state, there is a strange flu circling in our air .. Deaths and hospitalization of mostly younger and older people..
 The sadness of the death is evident online where fans of all ages have expressed their confusion and sadness over the sudden loss of Prince..

Prince dead at 57!

Developing now
 (A bad day for deaths)

Mystery over El Salvador

The skies over El Salvador turned red and people feared a meteor was about to strike.. The appearance of the red was visible for seconds and went back to normal again..

Chyna dead

Joanie Laurer, the wrestling star and entertainer, has been found dead in her bed.. She was 45..

The speculation about her expiration so young has already turned to drugs.. Tmz is reporting that their sources report to them it was an overdose..

Chyna .. A star of the ages and a character and iconic star who changed the role of females in professional wrestling.. Dead at a young age..

Another proven example of the curse of the wrestling star.. He hardcore lives end suddenly and rapidly..

I'll tune into the next Ric Flair podcast to see if he brings anything about this.

The Shade Room goes dark

 If you were one of the 4.4 million 'fans' of the Shade Room on Facebook, the page is unavailable today..
 Proving two things.. 1) your content is not yours and you don't own what you write on social media platforms .. And 2) having 4.4 million followers doesn't matter at all when it wants to remove content.

When good guys get VAXXED

Houston hell: Flooding across city leads to worst disaster since Allison in '01

five people have died from weather-related causes since Houston began experiencing major flooding late Sunday night, according to the Associated Press.
 Traffic cameras showed two of the victims driving around barricades in an unsuccessful effort to drive through a flooded underpass, Harris County Judge and chief administrator Ed Emmett said in an afternoon press conference, the AP reports.
 All parts of Houston are virtually flooded.. And the billions estimated in damage is the worst since Allison in 2001..

The 'killing season'

 The CHICAGO TRIBUNE is running an amazing article about this time of year.. The violent time.. As they report, The 'killing season'
 Without question this is one of the cruelest months.. Hitler's birthday. Columbine. Waco.. Oklahoma City. Stabbing in PA. Riots..
 All April.
 All April 19.
 All the time when the worship of Baal is the strongest--now until May.
 Oddly enough this year it seems the climate has picked up on the action. Flooding in Houston. Japan quakes with a fear the island could break apart.. Tornadoes and windswept fears across the land. Spring is rebirth. And new birth of new fearful possibilities.
 Give it a read.. and don't be afraid. The flowers of May will soon bloom.
 If we make it through April we'll be fine.

The erupting earth

This is a good resource to check out where volcanoes are erupting on the planet earth right now:
 A few points..there are 38 (my count) erupting volcanoes at the present moment.. Just this past weekend when Japan began seemingly splitting into two there were three volcanoes worldwide that joined the list..

The concerning quake cluster


x x x
The Japanese share market fell more than 3 percent on Monday after a series of earthquakes measuring up to 7.3 magnitude struck a southern manufacturing hub, killing at least 42 people and forcing major companies to close factories

An update from Art Bell from a Vegas hospital



Last night, a photo appeared on Art Bell's Facebook stream, but it was quickly taken down. It was a snapshot of Art Bell, the famed radio talk show host, laying in a hospital bed with monitors hooked up to him..

The photo can be seen here but I will not post it at this time..

There is no follow up to explain what exactly Bell is in for. Some on the message board BELL GAB have taken to theorizing it could be routine, others explaining it is an ER situation. Some even closely--very closely--have analyzed to the photo to actually determine what Bell's blood pressure is!

One poster writes,

Yes, and his oxygen saturation is 96% on room air (not oxygen) which is good, esp for someone with COPD. His heart rhythm looks a bit irregular, might be artifact...He's on a gurney, not hosp bed, probably in ER. IV running at 100 ml/hr. He's smiling but looks uncomfortable lying flat, I'd raise his head up....It could be his back, which might explain why he's lying flat.

We will continue watching the story..



The earth is shaking!!! A 7.8 hits Ecuador!..

Quake now in Tonga .. !

There have been countless quakes in Japan .. and an entire portion of the island has moved!
Not to sound alarming, but this is quite alarming..…/

More from Japan: Buildings swaying every hour.. foam in the streets.. and now mudslides are hampering the rescue efforts in Japan..

From the reports:

JAPAN: The 'region is swaying every hour' .. there seemingly is more coming..…/…/16/asia/japan-earthquake/index.htmlThis from the CNN report:
After a series of powerful earthquakes hit Japan, emergency crews are scrambling to rescue survivors trapped in rubble as aftershocks sway Kyushu region.
At least 23 people died in the latest Kyushu earthquake, according to Kumamoto Prefecture's disaster management office. The 7.0-magnitude quake hit early Saturday local time.
Two days earlier, a 6.2.-magnitude quake rattled the area, killing nine people. This brought the total death toll from both earthquakes to 32. Both earthquakes left 968 people injured, according to the disaster management office.

And this strange aftermath: Big quake. Big foam. Strange material floats down streets in Japan after the 7.3 quake..…


More to read: The earthquake in Ecuador was 6 times stronger than the one in Japan..
As rescue workers rushed in, officials said Sunday at least 77 people were killed, over 570 injured and the damage stretched for hundreds of miles to the capital and other major cities...


A few days ago, a story was prevelant thanks to a link on the Drudge Report, from the UK EXPRESS: Experts, it reported, said the 'big one' would happen within 48 hours after the Japan quakes began.. The big ONES maybe more like it.