The typical topic Saturday nights since John B. Wells began hosting has been government conspiracies..
Tonight, though, during a storm of mayhem taking place across the planet in protests of the United States, wells is abandoning the political fare for the more historical Coast to Coast AM topic: UFOs, and in tonight's case, Reptilians..
Bret Lueder will be the guest.
During the first hour: Time travel.
If you're awake at that time, tune in on your local AM affiliate or online..
If you're not awake, you may want to just let the ear phones in, just in case the 3am hour comes and your room is filled with the light of a reptilian looking for a body to snatch.
JOHN B WELLS going with UFOs tonight on Coast to Coast AM
The typical topic Saturday nights since John B. Wells began hosting has been government conspiracies..
Tonight, though, during a storm of mayhem taking place across the planet in protests of the United States, wells is abandoning the political fare for the more historical Coast to Coast AM topic: UFOs, and in tonight's case, Reptilians..
Bret Lueder will be the guest.
During the first hour: Time travel.
If you're awake at that time, tune in on your local AM affiliate or online..
If you're not awake, you may want to just let the ear phones in, just in case the 3am hour comes and your room is filled with the light of a reptilian looking for a body to snatch.
Tonight, though, during a storm of mayhem taking place across the planet in protests of the United States, wells is abandoning the political fare for the more historical Coast to Coast AM topic: UFOs, and in tonight's case, Reptilians..
Bret Lueder will be the guest.
During the first hour: Time travel.
If you're awake at that time, tune in on your local AM affiliate or online..
If you're not awake, you may want to just let the ear phones in, just in case the 3am hour comes and your room is filled with the light of a reptilian looking for a body to snatch.
... So The BUNNY GAME is 'fiction'?
Tell that to Rodleen Getsic.. The NEW YORK TIMES reports that the address who stars in the direct to video horror torture porn movie actually has branding scars on her back to prove that most of what occurred to her in the movie was done in .. real terms.
The movie is a simple concept--as most torture porn flicks have been. A truck driver kidnaps her to rape her, torture her, slap her, spit on her.. all of those things that a mentally deranged truck driver would do.
Oh, and he puts a rabbit-shaped hood on her, giving the movie the name THE BUNNY GAME.
THE NEW YORK TIMES profiled the movie and quoted the actress Getsic saying "Part of my soul did die in making this film."
The TIMES also reports that horror fans are split on this movie. (As they are about this whole newfound torture porn element of scary movies)..
I myself don't think I'll be watching the BUNNY GAME. Though the image of the rabbit mask it itself is chilling, plus the fact it was shot in black and white also has a creepy factor, the movie seemed to be complete garbage. More sickening torture for .. the purpose of? What? To showcase how someone can scream in pain? To show how someone loses a soul through constant rape? This is what entertainment is? I don't find myself compelled to view a movie that has such disturbing elements -- if the elements were tamed by more of a storyline perhaps the movie would have a societal point. But with the absence of a story besides rape and horrific brandings, I doubt this film has any point at all. Other reviewers, including this one from INSIDE PULSE, seem to agree. PULSE goes on to write:
I understand film as art and I understand showing the unpleasant side of life. But I don’t understand, nor do I want to understand, the desire to make a dark twisted film like this. If anything like what really happened in this film really did happen to Getsic then I’m really sorry for her, but I don’t see why she had to reenact it on film. Some may call The Bunny Game an art film, others will want to call it a snuff film.
But the movie's existence in itself shows how horror is evolving, or perhaps devolving. Even though this is a low budget movie, THE BUNNY GAME produced physical pain for Getsic. She 'got into her work' I suppose.
From the SAW franchise to HOSTEL .. to remakes of 1970s good horror films added the newfound torture porn element, I am just sick of it all. Rob Zombie is a bit of a genius. But to date I have refused to watch more than three minutes of his HALLOWEEN remakes. I just can't find myself eager to watch brutality and gore without more than gore for more than that much time.
I liked SAW when it came out .. the first one. That was good. It appeared to me to be a more graphic and gory SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. But then it phased out its freshness and created just regular old sickening scenes with torture and hopelessness. There is something about horror that can provide hope. The women in horror movies who fight back.
THE BUNNY GAME appears to be a doing a great disservice to horror in itself. After all, there is a common thought out there that women are just abused without point in horror movies. THE BUNNY GAME seems to do that. It makes the point for detractors who already think horror is a genre not worth watching.
Maybe I am getting old.. maybe being a dad has tempered me too a place where I can only view PG-13 horror and enjoy it.. But call my crazy, there is something wrong with society if it wants to emulate torture.
I have always believed that professional wrestling and horror movies are good working examples of the pop culture and society of the day. Being that I have not watched wrestling in years, and have steered clear of torture porn since I got sick of it mid-2000s, I can only say it appears society continues to turn into a mass of dribbling and morbidly rancid-souled folks.
Is it unfair for me to review THE BUNNY GAME without even seeing it? Maybe. Judging from descriptions of the depictions, there isn't much at all to review anyway..
... So The BUNNY GAME is 'fiction'?
Tell that to Rodleen Getsic.. The NEW YORK TIMES reports that the address who stars in the direct to video horror torture porn movie actually has branding scars on her back to prove that most of what occurred to her in the movie was done in .. real terms.
The movie is a simple concept--as most torture porn flicks have been. A truck driver kidnaps her to rape her, torture her, slap her, spit on her.. all of those things that a mentally deranged truck driver would do.
Oh, and he puts a rabbit-shaped hood on her, giving the movie the name THE BUNNY GAME.
THE NEW YORK TIMES profiled the movie and quoted the actress Getsic saying "Part of my soul did die in making this film."
The TIMES also reports that horror fans are split on this movie. (As they are about this whole newfound torture porn element of scary movies)..
I myself don't think I'll be watching the BUNNY GAME. Though the image of the rabbit mask it itself is chilling, plus the fact it was shot in black and white also has a creepy factor, the movie seemed to be complete garbage. More sickening torture for .. the purpose of? What? To showcase how someone can scream in pain? To show how someone loses a soul through constant rape? This is what entertainment is? I don't find myself compelled to view a movie that has such disturbing elements -- if the elements were tamed by more of a storyline perhaps the movie would have a societal point. But with the absence of a story besides rape and horrific brandings, I doubt this film has any point at all. Other reviewers, including this one from INSIDE PULSE, seem to agree. PULSE goes on to write:
I understand film as art and I understand showing the unpleasant side of life. But I don’t understand, nor do I want to understand, the desire to make a dark twisted film like this. If anything like what really happened in this film really did happen to Getsic then I’m really sorry for her, but I don’t see why she had to reenact it on film. Some may call The Bunny Game an art film, others will want to call it a snuff film.
But the movie's existence in itself shows how horror is evolving, or perhaps devolving. Even though this is a low budget movie, THE BUNNY GAME produced physical pain for Getsic. She 'got into her work' I suppose.
From the SAW franchise to HOSTEL .. to remakes of 1970s good horror films added the newfound torture porn element, I am just sick of it all. Rob Zombie is a bit of a genius. But to date I have refused to watch more than three minutes of his HALLOWEEN remakes. I just can't find myself eager to watch brutality and gore without more than gore for more than that much time.
I liked SAW when it came out .. the first one. That was good. It appeared to me to be a more graphic and gory SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. But then it phased out its freshness and created just regular old sickening scenes with torture and hopelessness. There is something about horror that can provide hope. The women in horror movies who fight back.
THE BUNNY GAME appears to be a doing a great disservice to horror in itself. After all, there is a common thought out there that women are just abused without point in horror movies. THE BUNNY GAME seems to do that. It makes the point for detractors who already think horror is a genre not worth watching.
Maybe I am getting old.. maybe being a dad has tempered me too a place where I can only view PG-13 horror and enjoy it.. But call my crazy, there is something wrong with society if it wants to emulate torture.
I have always believed that professional wrestling and horror movies are good working examples of the pop culture and society of the day. Being that I have not watched wrestling in years, and have steered clear of torture porn since I got sick of it mid-2000s, I can only say it appears society continues to turn into a mass of dribbling and morbidly rancid-souled folks.
Is it unfair for me to review THE BUNNY GAME without even seeing it? Maybe. Judging from descriptions of the depictions, there isn't much at all to review anyway..
Royals just like to be in the buff
Maybe the crowned jewels are so miraculous that they find them necessary to be shown to the world. But does that explain the Dutchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, buffing it up as well.. She was photographed by a French magazine topless. Much to the chagrin of the Royal Family, those pictures were published.. she isn't getting the star treatment that Prince Harry got for his wild sex romped weekend in Vegas. Middleton was more demure in her attempt to be wild. She was topless but there is no other evidence of orgies or all night pool parties with stars.
And this time, the Royal family is going to take action. They are going to sue the French Magazine closer FOR PUBLISHING THE PHOTOS.
Unfortunately if the Royal Family doesn't think hundreds of other publications are already publishing the photo they are wrong. Forever now, Middleton's bare-breasted day in the beach will be fully able to be seen, so as long as there is a free net and free speech.
Despite doom and gloom and horrific news of fiction and non, the HORROR REPORT is a little bit family friendly. So you'll only get a censored image from me. You can do the rest of the world yourself should you be desperate to see Kate Middleton's breasts. Here's a secret, though: They look like everyone else's. Nothing Royal about body parts in the end...
And this time, the Royal family is going to take action. They are going to sue the French Magazine closer FOR PUBLISHING THE PHOTOS.
Unfortunately if the Royal Family doesn't think hundreds of other publications are already publishing the photo they are wrong. Forever now, Middleton's bare-breasted day in the beach will be fully able to be seen, so as long as there is a free net and free speech.
Despite doom and gloom and horrific news of fiction and non, the HORROR REPORT is a little bit family friendly. So you'll only get a censored image from me. You can do the rest of the world yourself should you be desperate to see Kate Middleton's breasts. Here's a secret, though: They look like everyone else's. Nothing Royal about body parts in the end...
Royals just like to be in the buff
Maybe the crowned jewels are so miraculous that they find them necessary to be shown to the world. But does that explain the Dutchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, buffing it up as well.. She was photographed by a French magazine topless. Much to the chagrin of the Royal Family, those pictures were published.. she isn't getting the star treatment that Prince Harry got for his wild sex romped weekend in Vegas. Middleton was more demure in her attempt to be wild. She was topless but there is no other evidence of orgies or all night pool parties with stars.
And this time, the Royal family is going to take action. They are going to sue the French Magazine closer FOR PUBLISHING THE PHOTOS.
Unfortunately if the Royal Family doesn't think hundreds of other publications are already publishing the photo they are wrong. Forever now, Middleton's bare-breasted day in the beach will be fully able to be seen, so as long as there is a free net and free speech.
Despite doom and gloom and horrific news of fiction and non, the HORROR REPORT is a little bit family friendly. So you'll only get a censored image from me. You can do the rest of the world yourself should you be desperate to see Kate Middleton's breasts. Here's a secret, though: They look like everyone else's. Nothing Royal about body parts in the end...
And this time, the Royal family is going to take action. They are going to sue the French Magazine closer FOR PUBLISHING THE PHOTOS.
Unfortunately if the Royal Family doesn't think hundreds of other publications are already publishing the photo they are wrong. Forever now, Middleton's bare-breasted day in the beach will be fully able to be seen, so as long as there is a free net and free speech.
Despite doom and gloom and horrific news of fiction and non, the HORROR REPORT is a little bit family friendly. So you'll only get a censored image from me. You can do the rest of the world yourself should you be desperate to see Kate Middleton's breasts. Here's a secret, though: They look like everyone else's. Nothing Royal about body parts in the end...
Now anti American protests hit Australia !!!
They are spreading.. The latest in the land down under..
CNN reporting:
CNN reporting:
Carrying signs that read: "Obama, Obama, we like Osama" and "Behead All Those Who Insult the Prophet," protesters gathered on the steps of the consulate.
The demonstration turned violent after protesters were pushed back from the building by police.
Now anti American protests hit Australia !!!
They are spreading.. The latest in the land down under..
CNN reporting:
CNN reporting:
Carrying signs that read: "Obama, Obama, we like Osama" and "Behead All Those Who Insult the Prophet," protesters gathered on the steps of the consulate.
The demonstration turned violent after protesters were pushed back from the building by police.
The news was brutal this week
Did you ever want to crawl up into a ball, go into a dark corner, and just think happy thoughts?
I think most of the planet wishes they could..
But instead chaos rages across the world.
Over a movie?
I doubt .. that.
I think most of the planet wishes they could..
But instead chaos rages across the world.
Over a movie?
I doubt .. that.
The news was brutal this week
Did you ever want to crawl up into a ball, go into a dark corner, and just think happy thoughts?
I think most of the planet wishes they could..
But instead chaos rages across the world.
Over a movie?
I doubt .. that.
I think most of the planet wishes they could..
But instead chaos rages across the world.
Over a movie?
I doubt .. that.
Big Sanba
A massive super typhoon is heading to land, and Sanba appears to be bringing the Pacific Ocean with it..

Big Sanba
A massive super typhoon is heading to land, and Sanba appears to be bringing the Pacific Ocean with it..

What would happen if a big volcano eruption took place in the Salton Sea? It's possible. And with the fish die off and smell of sulfur engulfing California, lots of people online are re-broadcasting the news video from 2011..
What would happen if a big volcano eruption took place in the Salton Sea? It's possible. And with the fish die off and smell of sulfur engulfing California, lots of people online are re-broadcasting the news video from 2011..
UK news media outlets blanketed their front pages with allegations and reports that the United States was warned 48 hours in advance to the Libya chaos that an attack would happen. As expected, the Obama Administration has now denied those allegations.. This at the same time that Egypt intelligence was warned on September 4 of possible attacks..
There was also some interesting information reported by the Rachel Maddow show last night concerning a cable written in 2008, and a leak from Wikileaks involving Ambassador Christopher Stevens..
Maddow--and lots of others with sense--are showcasing how the violence taking place across numerous countries now is not a result specifically of the movie INNOCENCE OF MUSLIMS, no matter how much the media attempts to frame it that way. There are deeper issues involved. However, a movie inciting violence provides an easy cover sheet on top of a book filled with gory details. In truth, this was bound to occur after Qaddaffi's death--and after we helped his enemies kill him, people who were oncAe our enemies and appear to be again. Sometimes chess matches in foreign policy get ugly.
But speaking of that movie, INNOCENCE OF MUSLIMS, there are some interesting facts regarding it. And there are some interesting mysteries engulfing it. Namely this: Who made it!!? According to rules, any movie shot in California has to receive a permit beforehand. The permit names the directors and those in charge of the film. According to the AP Thursday, "authorities believe that a 55-year-old Coptic Christian, a US citizen named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is behind the film. A convicted felon, Mr. Nakoula has changed his version of events numerous times in interviews with various news outlets." According to the chain of events being published, a permit was issued to MEDIA FOR CHRIST to shoot the ridiculous film INNOCENCE FOR MUSLIMS. According to documents being reported on, there was a permit issued to film for one single day in August 2011. The mystery of the movie will surely continue to develop..
In the meantime, US missions are now braced for chaos and fear spreading protests.
All the tension in the world.
Oh, and if that's not enough warfare broiling for you just yet, read this: There are increasing tensions as China surveillance ships enter waters claimed by Japan. .. Sigh...
UK news media outlets blanketed their front pages with allegations and reports that the United States was warned 48 hours in advance to the Libya chaos that an attack would happen. As expected, the Obama Administration has now denied those allegations.. This at the same time that Egypt intelligence was warned on September 4 of possible attacks..
There was also some interesting information reported by the Rachel Maddow show last night concerning a cable written in 2008, and a leak from Wikileaks involving Ambassador Christopher Stevens..
Maddow--and lots of others with sense--are showcasing how the violence taking place across numerous countries now is not a result specifically of the movie INNOCENCE OF MUSLIMS, no matter how much the media attempts to frame it that way. There are deeper issues involved. However, a movie inciting violence provides an easy cover sheet on top of a book filled with gory details. In truth, this was bound to occur after Qaddaffi's death--and after we helped his enemies kill him, people who were oncAe our enemies and appear to be again. Sometimes chess matches in foreign policy get ugly.
But speaking of that movie, INNOCENCE OF MUSLIMS, there are some interesting facts regarding it. And there are some interesting mysteries engulfing it. Namely this: Who made it!!? According to rules, any movie shot in California has to receive a permit beforehand. The permit names the directors and those in charge of the film. According to the AP Thursday, "authorities believe that a 55-year-old Coptic Christian, a US citizen named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is behind the film. A convicted felon, Mr. Nakoula has changed his version of events numerous times in interviews with various news outlets." According to the chain of events being published, a permit was issued to MEDIA FOR CHRIST to shoot the ridiculous film INNOCENCE FOR MUSLIMS. According to documents being reported on, there was a permit issued to film for one single day in August 2011. The mystery of the movie will surely continue to develop..
In the meantime, US missions are now braced for chaos and fear spreading protests.
All the tension in the world.
Oh, and if that's not enough warfare broiling for you just yet, read this: There are increasing tensions as China surveillance ships enter waters claimed by Japan. .. Sigh...
This world is insane.. the world is beyond nuts. So it's time we have a nice story, don't you think?
Here it is.. and for dog lovers like me, it will make even more of an emotional impact.
I needed that. I needed a good cry.
The world creates tears of horror.
It's nice to have tears or melancholy joy every now and then...
I needed that. I needed a good cry.
The world creates tears of horror.
It's nice to have tears or melancholy joy every now and then...
This world is insane.. the world is beyond nuts. So it's time we have a nice story, don't you think?
Here it is.. and for dog lovers like me, it will make even more of an emotional impact.
I needed that. I needed a good cry.
The world creates tears of horror.
It's nice to have tears or melancholy joy every now and then...
I needed that. I needed a good cry.
The world creates tears of horror.
It's nice to have tears or melancholy joy every now and then...
John Hogue set for COAST TO COAST AM tonight
Nostradamous expert John Hogue will appear as a guest on Coast to Coast AM tonight .. it's worth a listen should you be roaming your dark home around 1am EDT, 10pm Pacific.. Hogue will comment on the significance of the latest attacks in Libya and how it relates to prophecy in general.
Tune in should you be awake.. Hogue is always a reliably great guest on the show..(though it appears he will only be a short segment guest)
John Hogue set for COAST TO COAST AM tonight
Nostradamous expert John Hogue will appear as a guest on Coast to Coast AM tonight .. it's worth a listen should you be roaming your dark home around 1am EDT, 10pm Pacific.. Hogue will comment on the significance of the latest attacks in Libya and how it relates to prophecy in general.
Tune in should you be awake.. Hogue is always a reliably great guest on the show..(though it appears he will only be a short segment guest)
Another volcano is erupting on the planet, this time in Guatemala. It's blowing for the sixth time this year.. this time the Fuego volcano is so bad that 33,000 people are being forced to leave for their safety..
This new eruption is the biggest since 1999..
This new eruption is the biggest since 1999..
Another volcano is erupting on the planet, this time in Guatemala. It's blowing for the sixth time this year.. this time the Fuego volcano is so bad that 33,000 people are being forced to leave for their safety..
This new eruption is the biggest since 1999..
This new eruption is the biggest since 1999..
The UK INDEPENDENT has published an earth-shattering news account of what occurred days ago at the American embassy in Libya. The attack at the location left Americans dead--including ambassador Christopher Stevens. A political battle quickly ensued between Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama over the US response. The US media squelched most criticism of the President. However tonight, a bombshell account published by the UK paper may only cause more questions.
According to the report in the INDEPENDENT, the United State was warned of the attack 48 hours beforehand--warnings that both embassies in Cairo and Benghazi would be targeted. The State Department neglected to issue any warnings .. Also in the paper, sensitive documents have gone missing.. Additionally, the attack in Libya is supposedly retribution for drone attacks taking place in the nation..
More information is appearing in the UK GUARDIAN, including one piece of information that at least 400 attackers were involved in the mayhem that developed .
The information being revealed about the death of Chris Stevens is horrific. Numerous reports in Middle Eastern media indicate that Mr. Stevens may have been sodomized either before or after his death. Other worldwide news organizations have yet to confirm that.. but my God who would want to..
Two other stories relating to the crisis developing: A report indicates that American Marines are not permitted to have live ammo in Egypt.. and the FBI is warning that violence may still take place in America due to the serious situation taking place worldwide.. Reporting tonight indicates that the Obama Administration was 'caught off guard' by the violence taking place.. more violence is expected..
The UK INDEPENDENT has published an earth-shattering news account of what occurred days ago at the American embassy in Libya. The attack at the location left Americans dead--including ambassador Christopher Stevens. A political battle quickly ensued between Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama over the US response. The US media squelched most criticism of the President. However tonight, a bombshell account published by the UK paper may only cause more questions.
According to the report in the INDEPENDENT, the United State was warned of the attack 48 hours beforehand--warnings that both embassies in Cairo and Benghazi would be targeted. The State Department neglected to issue any warnings .. Also in the paper, sensitive documents have gone missing.. Additionally, the attack in Libya is supposedly retribution for drone attacks taking place in the nation..
More information is appearing in the UK GUARDIAN, including one piece of information that at least 400 attackers were involved in the mayhem that developed .
The information being revealed about the death of Chris Stevens is horrific. Numerous reports in Middle Eastern media indicate that Mr. Stevens may have been sodomized either before or after his death. Other worldwide news organizations have yet to confirm that.. but my God who would want to..
Two other stories relating to the crisis developing: A report indicates that American Marines are not permitted to have live ammo in Egypt.. and the FBI is warning that violence may still take place in America due to the serious situation taking place worldwide.. Reporting tonight indicates that the Obama Administration was 'caught off guard' by the violence taking place.. more violence is expected..
Violence continues to escalate today in the Middle East..Now protesters have stormed the US embassy in Yemen.. Witnesses say Yemeni security forces fired shots as demonstrators scaled the walls of the compound in Sanaa. The main embassy building appears not to have been breached at this time.. Stay tuned for more on this develops..
Death toll from Ebola outbreak in DR Congo doubles since last week to 31; epidemic 'not under control,' WHO spokesman says..
Violence continues to escalate today in the Middle East..Now protesters have stormed the US embassy in Yemen.. Witnesses say Yemeni security forces fired shots as demonstrators scaled the walls of the compound in Sanaa. The main embassy building appears not to have been breached at this time.. Stay tuned for more on this develops..
Death toll from Ebola outbreak in DR Congo doubles since last week to 31; epidemic 'not under control,' WHO spokesman says..
Bayou bubbles and rumbles again..
The sinkhole developing at Assumption Parish in Louisiana was spared by Hurricane Isaac--however there has been an uptick in seismic activity near the site.. According to reports online, the increase has occurred near the Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou area. USGS monitoring--along with many others as the story continues to unfold..
Only last week, more bubbling was detected near Assumption Parish..
Stay tuned..
Only last week, more bubbling was detected near Assumption Parish..
Stay tuned..
Bayou bubbles and rumbles again..
The sinkhole developing at Assumption Parish in Louisiana was spared by Hurricane Isaac--however there has been an uptick in seismic activity near the site.. According to reports online, the increase has occurred near the Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou area. USGS monitoring--along with many others as the story continues to unfold..
Only last week, more bubbling was detected near Assumption Parish..
Stay tuned..
Only last week, more bubbling was detected near Assumption Parish..
Stay tuned..
Another embassy
Developing.. CNN reporting:
A large number of protesters attempted to storm the U.S. Embassy in the Yemeni capital city of Sana'a on Thursday, with about six demonstrators reaching the main gate and attempting to break windows of the security room, eyewitnesses said
Another embassy
Developing.. CNN reporting:
A large number of protesters attempted to storm the U.S. Embassy in the Yemeni capital city of Sana'a on Thursday, with about six demonstrators reaching the main gate and attempting to break windows of the security room, eyewitnesses said
Embassies in 7 countries warned of attacks
There are more tensions flaring at the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.. The chaos that ensued at the Libyan embassy left Americans, including an ambassador, dead.. An now there are warnings of possible attacks in seven more countries tonight.. The AP reports this:
The embassies in Armenia, Burundi, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and Zambia, along with the embassy in Egypt, which was hit by a protest on Tuesday, all issued warnings on Wednesday advising Americans to be particularly vigilant.
What is known now about the developing crisis: There are more clashes taking place at the hour in Cairo .. outside the US embassy.. Al Qaeda has released a new video of an American hostage.. The Libya attack is bringing new challenges for the United States.... President Obama went to sleep while the crisis developed.. not knowing what was taking place.. No one knew where the ambassador was for five hours and his body was not recovered for twelve hours. Meanwhile on US soil, it's an election year.. Mitt Romney took on Obama over the policy in post-crisis Libya. The media responding by being critical of Romney..
- NBC NEWS has a 'as it happened' attack report
- Earlier people said the attack was a result of a film. A CNN opinion written tonight doesn't back that thesis.
- The US is vowing to hunt down the killers of the US ambassador..
- Interesting story also circulating the web tonight about one of the victims in the Libya rampage.. Sean Smith, now dead, was an avid gamer. He posted something strange on a gamer site stating that he would see fellow gamers another day.. but added: "Assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures"
The world is insane.
News proves it everyday.
The nightmare developing in the Middle East will prove it for some time to come.
Embassies in 7 countries warned of attacks
There are more tensions flaring at the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.. The chaos that ensued at the Libyan embassy left Americans, including an ambassador, dead.. An now there are warnings of possible attacks in seven more countries tonight.. The AP reports this:
The embassies in Armenia, Burundi, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and Zambia, along with the embassy in Egypt, which was hit by a protest on Tuesday, all issued warnings on Wednesday advising Americans to be particularly vigilant.
What is known now about the developing crisis: There are more clashes taking place at the hour in Cairo .. outside the US embassy.. Al Qaeda has released a new video of an American hostage.. The Libya attack is bringing new challenges for the United States.... President Obama went to sleep while the crisis developed.. not knowing what was taking place.. No one knew where the ambassador was for five hours and his body was not recovered for twelve hours. Meanwhile on US soil, it's an election year.. Mitt Romney took on Obama over the policy in post-crisis Libya. The media responding by being critical of Romney..
- NBC NEWS has a 'as it happened' attack report
- Earlier people said the attack was a result of a film. A CNN opinion written tonight doesn't back that thesis.
- The US is vowing to hunt down the killers of the US ambassador..
- Interesting story also circulating the web tonight about one of the victims in the Libya rampage.. Sean Smith, now dead, was an avid gamer. He posted something strange on a gamer site stating that he would see fellow gamers another day.. but added: " Assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures"
The world is insane.
News proves it everyday.
The nightmare developing in the Middle East will prove it for some time to come.
According to reports circulating, officials are stating that the attacks in Libya were coordinated.. They also caused the first death of an ambassador on duty in decades..
Images of Christopher Stevens body being taken through streets are being seen throughout the world..
Intensely disturbing images are being showcased on various news outlets..

Continuously developing story..
Images of Christopher Stevens body being taken through streets are being seen throughout the world..
Intensely disturbing images are being showcased on various news outlets..
Continuously developing story..
According to reports circulating, officials are stating that the attacks in Libya were coordinated.. They also caused the first death of an ambassador on duty in decades..
Images of Christopher Stevens body being taken through streets are being seen throughout the world..
Intensely disturbing images are being showcased on various news outlets..

Continuously developing story..
Images of Christopher Stevens body being taken through streets are being seen throughout the world..
Intensely disturbing images are being showcased on various news outlets..
Continuously developing story..
All the chaos in the world..
U.S. officials told NBC News the Marines were preparing to send as many as 200 Marines to Libya to bolster security around the U.S. embassy in Tripoli...
Developing story..
Developing story..
All the chaos in the world..
U.S. officials told NBC News the Marines were preparing to send as many as 200 Marines to Libya to bolster security around the U.S. embassy in Tripoli...
Developing story..
Developing story..
Chaos in Libya
CNN reporting:
The United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in a rocket attack on the American consulate in the city of Benghazi on Tuesday, a contractor working at the mission said Wednesday after seeing Stevens's body.
President Obama "strongly condemns the outrageous attack" that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.
Chaos in Libya
CNN reporting:
The United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in a rocket attack on the American consulate in the city of Benghazi on Tuesday, a contractor working at the mission said Wednesday after seeing Stevens's body.
President Obama "strongly condemns the outrageous attack" that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.
I find it amazing that so many people online are making light of Sheryl Crow's suspision that cell phone radiation gave her a brain tumor. She said that she used the old fashioned clunky cell phone quite a bit.. and the same location where she held the phone is where the tumor resides.
I believe her. I believe her suspicions.
Maybe it is due to my paranoid sensibility.. but I think if she thinks that is what did it, then that is what did it..
After all, look at this thing. How could it a phone almost larger than your face NOT be dangerous..?
I believe her. I believe her suspicions.
Maybe it is due to my paranoid sensibility.. but I think if she thinks that is what did it, then that is what did it..
After all, look at this thing. How could it a phone almost larger than your face NOT be dangerous..?
I find it amazing that so many people online are making light of Sheryl Crow's suspision that cell phone radiation gave her a brain tumor. She said that she used the old fashioned clunky cell phone quite a bit.. and the same location where she held the phone is where the tumor resides.
I believe her. I believe her suspicions.
Maybe it is due to my paranoid sensibility.. but I think if she thinks that is what did it, then that is what did it..
After all, look at this thing. How could it a phone almost larger than your face NOT be dangerous..?
I believe her. I believe her suspicions.
Maybe it is due to my paranoid sensibility.. but I think if she thinks that is what did it, then that is what did it..
After all, look at this thing. How could it a phone almost larger than your face NOT be dangerous..?
11 years after 9/11 the world is still insane
From planes going into buildings to Patriot Acts, and economic depressions and movie theater shootings, the news sure hasn't been good since 9/11.
And today, on the 11th anniversary of the dark day in American history, the news isn't much better.
Just a smattering of news headlines showcases how insane the world is this September when compared to the 2001 version. Protesters today stormed the US consulate in Libya, this after chaos occurred in Egypt..
And just for good measures, the NY TIMES released information showing that the Bush Administration may have had much more information than previously thought before 9/11..
This September, though, unlike 2001, we have a new President. And President Obama is making some interesting choices as well. He announced that he will be appearing on the David Letterman show even though he told Israeli Prime Minster Bibi that he can't meet him due to a scheduling conflict.. "conflict"..
Presidents and Letterman.. and the past.
Brings back fond memories.
Such as the time when George W. Bush ran for President and wiped his glasses on Letterman's producer's shirt.
Yes indeed, time surely goes fast..
And today, on the 11th anniversary of the dark day in American history, the news isn't much better.
Just a smattering of news headlines showcases how insane the world is this September when compared to the 2001 version. Protesters today stormed the US consulate in Libya, this after chaos occurred in Egypt..
And just for good measures, the NY TIMES released information showing that the Bush Administration may have had much more information than previously thought before 9/11..
This September, though, unlike 2001, we have a new President. And President Obama is making some interesting choices as well. He announced that he will be appearing on the David Letterman show even though he told Israeli Prime Minster Bibi that he can't meet him due to a scheduling conflict.. "conflict"..
Presidents and Letterman.. and the past.
Brings back fond memories.
Such as the time when George W. Bush ran for President and wiped his glasses on Letterman's producer's shirt.
Yes indeed, time surely goes fast..
11 years after 9/11 the world is still insane
From planes going into buildings to Patriot Acts, and economic depressions and movie theater shootings, the news sure hasn't been good since 9/11.
And today, on the 11th anniversary of the dark day in American history, the news isn't much better.
Just a smattering of news headlines showcases how insane the world is this September when compared to the 2001 version. Protesters today stormed the US consulate in Libya, this after chaos occurred in Egypt..
And just for good measures, the NY TIMES released information showing that the Bush Administration may have had much more information than previously thought before 9/11..
This September, though, unlike 2001, we have a new President. And President Obama is making some interesting choices as well. He announced that he will be appearing on the David Letterman show even though he told Israeli Prime Minster Bibi that he can't meet him due to a scheduling conflict.. "conflict"..
Presidents and Letterman.. and the past.
Brings back fond memories.
Such as the time when George W. Bush ran for President and wiped his glasses on Letterman's producer's shirt.
Yes indeed, time surely goes fast..
And today, on the 11th anniversary of the dark day in American history, the news isn't much better.
Just a smattering of news headlines showcases how insane the world is this September when compared to the 2001 version. Protesters today stormed the US consulate in Libya, this after chaos occurred in Egypt..
And just for good measures, the NY TIMES released information showing that the Bush Administration may have had much more information than previously thought before 9/11..
This September, though, unlike 2001, we have a new President. And President Obama is making some interesting choices as well. He announced that he will be appearing on the David Letterman show even though he told Israeli Prime Minster Bibi that he can't meet him due to a scheduling conflict.. "conflict"..
Presidents and Letterman.. and the past.
Brings back fond memories.
Such as the time when George W. Bush ran for President and wiped his glasses on Letterman's producer's shirt.
Yes indeed, time surely goes fast..
11 years later
A lot of people will ask you "where were you when 9/11 happened?" You will remember. We all will remember. Despite our age, economic background, identity, race, color, creed, or gender, we will all recall where we were 11 years back when news dispatches first said "a small plane has crashed into the World Trade Center."
News networks will cover the 9/11 anniversary today. It's still fresh in some minds. Others have forgotten the way the day impacted almost everything.
The HORROR REPORT was around back then, too. We had a dash between our name but our theme was the same. I went to ARCHIVE.ORG to search my own archives .. instead of focusing on 9/11 I went back in history to see what I was reporting on during the day of Monday, September 10, 2001. I was 21, young and dumb, and without full time employment. I had no wife or child. Life sure was different. Amazing how 11 years changes everything. And amazing how 9/11 changed everything else.
Here was what was 'news' that day:
And that was a wrap on 9/10/01. Hours later all that 9/10 news didn't matter much anymore.. and anyway, 11 years later, who really remembers the movie THE MUSKETEER??!
News networks will cover the 9/11 anniversary today. It's still fresh in some minds. Others have forgotten the way the day impacted almost everything.
The HORROR REPORT was around back then, too. We had a dash between our name but our theme was the same. I went to ARCHIVE.ORG to search my own archives .. instead of focusing on 9/11 I went back in history to see what I was reporting on during the day of Monday, September 10, 2001. I was 21, young and dumb, and without full time employment. I had no wife or child. Life sure was different. Amazing how 11 years changes everything. And amazing how 9/11 changed everything else.
Here was what was 'news' that day:
September 10, 2001
Variety: Joy Ride offers 'creepy thrills'
A 'look' at Joy Ride from
AOL/TIME WARNER, VIACOM, others, says 'no more limits' on their power...
From the Sci-Fi Wire: "Mark Steven Johnson, director of the upcoming live-action Daredevil movie, is eyeing Vin Diesel (Pitch Black) to put on the red suit, sources told The Hollywood Reporter. Diesel has reportedly been offered the lead in the Regency Enterprises film, which is based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name."
Matrix stars say training for film is intense...
Six new internet domain names look set to be given the official go ahead in November by Icann, the organization which oversees the net. It comes almost a year after the suffixes, among them .biz and .museum, were first agreed on
Fox plans on releasing Planet of the Apes two days before Christmas...
New Darth Vader is the flavor of the new millennium
Weekend box office results:
1. THE MUSKETEER, $10.7M this weekend, $10.7M since opening
2. TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME, $8.3M this weekend, $8.3M since opening
3. ROCK STAR, $6.2M this weekend, $6.2M since opening
4. JEEPERS CREEPERS, $6.2M this weekend, $24.3M since opening
5. THE OTHERS, $6.1M this weekend, $67.6M since opening
6. RUSH HOUR 2, $5.9M this weekend, $206.1M since opening
7. AMERICAN PIE 2, $4.7M this weekend, $131.2M since opening
8. RAT RACE, $4.4M this weekend, $43.2M since opening
9. THE PRINCESS DIARIES, $3.4M this weekend, $97.1M since opening
10. O, $2.7M this weekend, $10.6M since opening
Hungarians claim to find evidence of life on Mars...
Farmhouse older than the pyramids found...
The Sunday Herald Sun in Australia reports that Jeremy Piven ("Gross Pointe Blank") showed the press at a "Serendipity" press conference a red dragon tatoo, that he was sporting. He hinted that he was going to audition for a role in "Red Dragon," possibly for the role of the "Tooth Fairy." "Red Dragon," the Hannibal prequel and "Manhunter" remake, has Anthony Hopkins reprising his role as Hannibal Lecter, as well as Edward Norton and Emily Watson. The film will be under the helm of Brett Ratner ("Rush Hour").
Mad Cow hits Japan; First Asian case...
Website says it can detail your personality on the web by studying mouse movements...
Exorcist says Mother Teresa was not possessed...
And that was a wrap on 9/10/01. Hours later all that 9/10 news didn't matter much anymore.. and anyway, 11 years later, who really remembers the movie THE MUSKETEER??!
11 years later
A lot of people will ask you "where were you when 9/11 happened?" You will remember. We all will remember. Despite our age, economic background, identity, race, color, creed, or gender, we will all recall where we were 11 years back when news dispatches first said "a small plane has crashed into the World Trade Center."
News networks will cover the 9/11 anniversary today. It's still fresh in some minds. Others have forgotten the way the day impacted almost everything.
The HORROR REPORT was around back then, too. We had a dash between our name but our theme was the same. I went to ARCHIVE.ORG to search my own archives .. instead of focusing on 9/11 I went back in history to see what I was reporting on during the day of Monday, September 10, 2001. I was 21, young and dumb, and without full time employment. I had no wife or child. Life sure was different. Amazing how 11 years changes everything. And amazing how 9/11 changed everything else.
Here was what was 'news' that day:
And that was a wrap on 9/10/01. Hours later all that 9/10 news didn't matter much anymore.. and anyway, 11 years later, who really remembers the movie THE MUSKETEER??!
News networks will cover the 9/11 anniversary today. It's still fresh in some minds. Others have forgotten the way the day impacted almost everything.
The HORROR REPORT was around back then, too. We had a dash between our name but our theme was the same. I went to ARCHIVE.ORG to search my own archives .. instead of focusing on 9/11 I went back in history to see what I was reporting on during the day of Monday, September 10, 2001. I was 21, young and dumb, and without full time employment. I had no wife or child. Life sure was different. Amazing how 11 years changes everything. And amazing how 9/11 changed everything else.
Here was what was 'news' that day:
September 10, 2001
Variety: Joy Ride offers 'creepy thrills'
A 'look' at Joy Ride from
AOL/TIME WARNER, VIACOM, others, says 'no more limits' on their power...
From the Sci-Fi Wire: "Mark Steven Johnson, director of the upcoming live-action Daredevil movie, is eyeing Vin Diesel (Pitch Black) to put on the red suit, sources told The Hollywood Reporter. Diesel has reportedly been offered the lead in the Regency Enterprises film, which is based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name."
Matrix stars say training for film is intense...
Six new internet domain names look set to be given the official go ahead in November by Icann, the organization which oversees the net. It comes almost a year after the suffixes, among them .biz and .museum, were first agreed on
Fox plans on releasing Planet of the Apes two days before Christmas...
New Darth Vader is the flavor of the new millennium
Weekend box office results:
1. THE MUSKETEER, $10.7M this weekend, $10.7M since opening
2. TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME, $8.3M this weekend, $8.3M since opening
3. ROCK STAR, $6.2M this weekend, $6.2M since opening
4. JEEPERS CREEPERS, $6.2M this weekend, $24.3M since opening
5. THE OTHERS, $6.1M this weekend, $67.6M since opening
6. RUSH HOUR 2, $5.9M this weekend, $206.1M since opening
7. AMERICAN PIE 2, $4.7M this weekend, $131.2M since opening
8. RAT RACE, $4.4M this weekend, $43.2M since opening
9. THE PRINCESS DIARIES, $3.4M this weekend, $97.1M since opening
10. O, $2.7M this weekend, $10.6M since opening
Hungarians claim to find evidence of life on Mars...
Farmhouse older than the pyramids found...
The Sunday Herald Sun in Australia reports that Jeremy Piven ("Gross Pointe Blank") showed the press at a "Serendipity" press conference a red dragon tatoo, that he was sporting. He hinted that he was going to audition for a role in "Red Dragon," possibly for the role of the "Tooth Fairy." "Red Dragon," the Hannibal prequel and "Manhunter" remake, has Anthony Hopkins reprising his role as Hannibal Lecter, as well as Edward Norton and Emily Watson. The film will be under the helm of Brett Ratner ("Rush Hour").
Mad Cow hits Japan; First Asian case...
Website says it can detail your personality on the web by studying mouse movements...
Exorcist says Mother Teresa was not possessed...
And that was a wrap on 9/10/01. Hours later all that 9/10 news didn't matter much anymore.. and anyway, 11 years later, who really remembers the movie THE MUSKETEER??!
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