There are new and clear images of Iran’s nuclear site near Isfahan after an explosion took place late November of this year. The true occurrence remains a puzzle--while something happened there has been no definitive proof of what exactly that something was.
FOX NEWS is reporting that, a week after reports of the explosion occurred at the nuclear site in Iran, they have obtained photographs that there are no indications on the photos that an explosion even took place--something the FOX NEWS report says would perhaps not be clear on anyway this soon after the alleged incident.
Initial reports in Iranian media of the explosion were removed very soon after publication. Israeli officials suggest a blast occurred near Isfahan.
Some have speculated that a covert attack occurred in Iran, something that very well could have led to the sounds of explosions in the area. Officially, nothing is being reported, said, or told. It is seemingly a matter now of someone's above top secret security file.
While no one is clear what happened in November, Iran is busy showcasing what it says is an American drone. State TV has shown images of officials pacing methodically around the drone.. an escalation of war games.. and an escalation of war talk continues.