All the trouble in the world: Syria

The world watches in shock at the horror developing in Houla, a suburb of Homs..
CNN reported this disturbing quote:
"By God, I washed the dead bodies of nine children. One was less than nine months old!" a man screamed to a U.N. observer. "Why are they treating us like animals? We are humans. Did the infant carry an RPG? Was he a fighter? It was a baby, he had a pacifier in his mouth."
A pacifier in his mouth.. and now dead. A corpse. Someone who didn't make it past even the first year on this pale blue dot.

Maybe it's not even worth asking, but will there be any future generation, or even civilization, that figures out a way to live together without forcing others to leave with violence? Will we ever eradicate murder?

Or war?
Not this time.
Because there seems to be a gut feeling that these murders in Syria may lead to nothing else BUT war..