Is that the sky falling, or just the sea rising?

While it's clear that earth changes are occurring, it is not yet clear what long term ramifications await the world. Theories abound on food and water shortages, along with the fears of entire island nations soon being underwater relics of the time when the earth was a few degrees Celsius cooler.

Now comes this: News that sea rises will hit the East Coast of the United States disparately higher than the global average..

The US Geological Survey concludes that the East Coast is more in danger of flooding than other coastal areas around the earth. According to their report, the Atlantic Ocean is rising at a rate three times faster than the global average--these numbers since 1990.

And finally, their numbers estimate that by 2100, sea levels globally could be about 3.3 feet higher than now.. The East Coast will be 8 to 11 inches even greater in rise, according to the USGS.