Shameful power bills being sent to Long Island residents

They have been without power for weeks due to Hurricane Sandy..but now power companies are kicking sand in the eyes of Long Island residents who have gone through hell and high water: Outrageously high power bills are being sent to people who don't even have power!!

This is how CNN reports it:
New York (CNN) - The Long Island Power Authority is assuring outraged customers that their latest electric bills with normal monthly charges are no mistake, despite some being in the dark for days or weeks after Superstorm Sandy.

Customers are being billed "based on the estimated reading of (their) energy use from the same month the year before," LIPA spokesperson Elizabeth Flagler said Monday.

Unbelievable circumstances but bills are still due.. Even if they are based on a previous year when people had power--and before destruction swept away so many things..

Power companies aren't backing down.. Neither is mother nature. Get your wallets ready.