The Christmas countdown is starting..
But we also are counting down until the end of time, December 21 (sarcasm there) .. Yes, indeed, after all these years the end of the world is upon us. Party like it's 1999
Conspiracy theories (and a lot of hoaxes) are rapidly spreading about the Newtown CT shooting..
More rumors surface on Ryan Lanza: The UK DAILY MAIL is reporting that the killer spent hours a day playing CALL OF DUTY and other violent video games..
Newtown CT children return after Sandy Hook massacre..
Article appearing in SALON: I am friends with Ryan Lanza on Facebook ..
Does sports eventually cause children to hate each other?
The Louisiana sinkhole salt dome collapse may end up being 30 football fields large..
You Tube video: A massive eagle snatches baby off the ground and carries it before dropping it..
Belgium government considers allowing the elderly (and young) to kill themselves with help..
Bad day: A 12 ton boulder lands on a house..
Now coming: The CERN zombie movie!
The fiscal cliff debate impacting the NASA moon probe..
Could this be an ancient alien burial site?
US celebrity hacker jailed for ten years (more than some get for harsher crimes!?)
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