Update: Mysterious booms in Guthrie Oklahoma..
The flu infection rate in America is widespread, early, and strong.. 41 states hit hard..
Rand Paul's son arrested for intoxication at NC airport..
China cold snap: Ships are frozen in water as sudden cold hits the nation..
Blistering heat wave sweepts Argentina..
Blast from the past: Chuck Hagel nominated for Defense Secretary..
New Dehli: Gang-rapists finally accused in court..
Future fear: The sea level may rise 3 feet worldwide as Greenland melts, so say experts..
New information revealed about Sandy Hook shooting: Adam Lanza fired at Lauren Rousseau's car before killing her and murdering all but one of her students..
The TERMINATOR defends: Schwarzenegger says film violence not linked to school shooting
Bieber munchies: "trying to be better" about pot allegations..
Farmers take long trip to DC to take on Monsanto..
Horror weekend: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (3D version) rakes in cash at box office.. top spot in $23 mil debut..
MASSACRE the 'surprise winter'
CHAINSAW MASSACRE 3d proves 'horror still rules'
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