An update on the fireballs in Florida skies

Early this morning various sources, including the HORROR REPORT, had information about fireballs racing through Florida skies..

We are beginning to learn more about what exactly happened over Miami last night..

According to reports, numerous fireballs were spotted in the night air--at least one so far was caught on tape, and we fully expect more will be uploaded today online..

One person was videotaping outside when, by chance, the fireball was caught on camera..

Officials are labeling it as a 'possible meteor shower' at this point..

Keep in mind, nothing is amazing about meteors.. they do happen. The earth is constantly being pelted with space rocks. Some make it through, others don't..
But with the latest developments in Russia, along with other places like Cuba and California, Japan, and Australia, it's interesting that these meteors continue to be spotted in various places around the globe.

Also, coincidences are sure fun. Unless they are not coincidences. The United Nations just so happens to be discussing meteors and the threat they pose to the civilized world on earth. The timing is just impeccable. Right...?