20 years later after the perfect storm: Where were you during the Blizzard of 93? I was 13 years old, enjoying every moment of the storm, living through a blizzard. I don't want to brag, but early on in my life I was a weather and news enthusiast.. and I realized that I was living through history--even at 13--I was able to recognize that this event probably would not happen again in my lifetime.. three foot snow drifts later, it didn't.. I'd love to know if you remember where you were during the original 'superstorm' .. email me at Bryan@horrorreport.com..
Two years later: The great Japan earthquake and tsunami.. It seems like just yesterday, these news events and our collective lives can go by so fast.. two years later, we still see the horror .. the wall of water, the debris being taken along with lives--and the unfolding and still slowly developing nuclear nightmare at Fukushima, regardless of what officials in Japan tell us..
Mark Burnett on THE BIBLE: "Weird things happened during filming".. Burnett speculated: "We had a snake wrangler every day on the set. I mean, we've got a couple hundred people shooting, and we can't afford to have people getting bitten by snakes. Every day, this guy would find a snake or maybe two snakes, and remove them. [But] on the day of the crucifixion … he found 48 cobras and vipers hidden within the rocks around the cross"
Tension and war games: South Korea and US practice..
Four asteroids buzzed earth.. -- yes, 4!