Experts call new bird flu strain one of the 'most lethal influenza viruses'.. say it transmit easily between humans..
Worse than 2003 outbreak..
"Extremely dangerous"
Did Michelle Obama visit Saudi former 'person of interest' in hospital?
American teens are heading for Canada..
And there's not even a draft!
Judge reinstates charges against Kermit Gosnell for baby tossed in shoe box and still breathing..
Birds falling from sky like horror movie in Duluth.. "“Crows were picking off the live ones,” he said. “I’ve never seen this before,” Pohl said of the event. “I’ve worked here 12 years.”"
Business is booming! Monsanto expansion coming..
Zooey Daschanel receives an apology after the Boston marathon caption mistake.. (But it created endless memes..)
CERN scientists find new difference between matter and antimatter..
Hubble gets first glimpse of 2013's 'comet of the century'
Can't hear me now: NASA launches three smart phones into orbit..
New app "Pikinis" helps creepy people find your bikini photos with ease..
PARANORMAL LAWSUIT: Filmmaker Michael Costanza claims the studio and two producers used concepts he submitted in 2010 for the hit 2012 horror movie
Ghost hunters claim to hear a voice at ancient ruins..
So .. we are supposed to believe that Megan Fox looks
like this
in bed.. and when she wakes up?
Boy.. these Hollywood folks sure are perfect ain't they?
NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION reboot has been delayed indefinitely after ratings debate..
Off the wagon: DISNEY didn't want alcoholism for IRON MAN 3..
Love, horror style: Horor movie fans tie the knot dressed as flesh eating zombies. How romantic.
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