An amazing mainstream story published on satellites controlling a man's behavior

The term 'electronic harassment' has been around for years--but recently it's been made more famous by talk shows like Coast to Coast Am and Ground Zero Radio dedicating entire shows to the phenomena.. 

Shao claims he is being watched by government officials. He says he is the victim of electronic harassment. He told the local CBS reporters that his brain is 'blasted' by signals every few minutes.. Police had warned him to stop calling 911. The overall opinion appears to be that he needs counseling..

It's amazing that this story showed up in mainstream news--however the comments on the story are less than kind about Shao's predicament. They are mocking his behavior and stating he's crazy.. the reality he lives in could very well be one of mental illness, but it begs a question: Is there anything to electronic harassment claims people make?

An Internet search will unveil a treasure trove of information.. from people blogging about their experiences to others stating the 'experiences' are those of strange mentally ill minds. This topic causes as much debate as others like UFOs and ghosts. There are even websites that will sell you detective equipment to find electronic gadgets harassing you. But the idea of electronic harassment captures my imagination. I believe it's quite possible that this occurs.

A great read on the subject comes from Clyde Lewis' GROUND ZERO RADIO page. Lewis dedicated en entire show in April to the subject entitled the Mental Manhattan Project. In the well documented article accompanying his show that day, he spoke of MK Ultra. The ultimate mind control story..It's also a well documented story of the CIA experimenting with human behavior--and among the tidbits included with the story are potential experiences of electronic harassment.

It's simple to dismiss someone claiming anything out of the ordinary is a nutcase with a dream of getting attention. It's equally easy for online bloggers to anonymously mock and ridicule people going out on a long ledge without backup.. But with the dark history of mental mind games taken into account, it should give pause to any incredulous person that maybe, just maybe, the words of Shao and others claiming electronic harassment, should at least be heard and thought about..