My wife challenged me to do something: Write and post nothing but positive articles this week on this website. I read the news today.. oh my. And I cannot do it. Sorry dear, there just seems to be nothing good no where--yes that's a double negative and the incorrect use of grammar, but a double negative was needed to explain just how rabid bad news is.. So here's the news. Maybe some positive stuff later. But nothing positive about the morning update.
Fracking or natural? Multiple earthquakes shake central Oklahoma..
The NEW SCIENTISTS asks is the new tectonic fault system will destroy the Atlantic. We are living on a changing planet-- but sometimes the change that occurs will not have positive results for the evolution of human.. And another article: LOVE IS DEEP IN THE PLANET: A new study suggests that one day in the distant future, Europe and the United States may collide and be united by plate tectonics..
Big Brother is a night hawk.. as a matter of fact, a reporter named Sharyl Attkisson from CBS news had her computer hacked.. it was turning off and on by itself at night.. It happened while she was doing her reporting on Benghazi..
Congressman says the NSA can listen to calls without a warrant.. interesting concept--especially when the government says that calls are being tracked but not being listened to .. Then comes this: CNET reports that thousands of calls have been listened to.. and email have been read.. Well, Nadler says they can..
And then there's this: College students are actually requesting President Obama spy on FOXNEWS employees! That may be tough to do, though, especially since the President is busy defending himself saying he is not Dick Cheney .. Meanwhile Dick Cheney accused Edward Snowden of treason.. and ... and the beat goes on.
World on fire: Now Brazil burns with protesters..
Television screens in Greece remains blank..
Friends in low places: Video emerges of 'rebels' the US now supports in Syria being indoctrinated to praise the attacks of 9/11..
Marriage rates are at historic lows..
The search for Jimmy Hoffa's remains continue.. now a concrete slab has been removed from a field in the search..
Hospitals in China advertise the sale of unwanted babies!
The US military's $2bn robot beauty pageant is all part of its plan to maintain its technological superiority
Tens of millions of Florida bees mysteriously drop dead in just one single day.. Did you see that, you need to read it, too.. and contemplate it. The beekeper thinks it's pesticides. How can we disagree at this point.. Colony Collapse is taking place across this planet..
Lake Michigan beach closed after children emerge from the water covered in a silver mystery substance..
MERS leaving the Middle East.. the virus poses a threat to the entire planet..
SWAT teams storms into a home over a student loan--the WRONG HOME!
A new project begins beaming your messages into deep space.. will any ETs hear them? According to the interesting article from SPACE.COM, the messages will take 17 years or so to get to their destination, GILESE 526, a distant star system.. And if there are life forms somewhere deep out there, hearing us.. will that be good. Is it good to announce to the universe "we are here! come and get us!"? Will it take 17 years for someone to get back to us? Just a fascinating story.
TMZ reports: Justin Bieber fled after allegedly driving his Ferrari into a photographer late Monday night on Sunset Boulevard -- and police are anxious to talk to him ... TMZ has learned...
This is an amazing photo: This is what a thunderstorm looks like from above courtesy @EarthPics..
The next summer blockbuster: WORLD WAR Z draws massive crowds in NYC..