THE CONJURING looks really, really good

Sometimes Hollywood can be creative. I say sometimes only because its creative brain appears limited lately.. we have been handed solid storylines of destruction--booms and doom that occurred at box offices before.. and will again. So often, viewers and reviewers get the same storyline over and over again. This summer, the White House blew up and ... we snored. Box office bust for WHITE HOUSE DOWN--though it was promised to be big.. It was certainly expensive.

But what  have we here? 
A little good horror movie that we're told is 'based on true events'--and we have been told that before. This time, though, it may have been based on some true events.. even if those true events are only true in the eye of the beholder, or the lens of the paranormal ghost hunter..

Six new clips have been released for THE CONJURING.. each one looks a little better than the previous. James Wan may have developed a decent movie from this supposed real story.. 

Summer appears to be the new Halloween for horror. So many movies now for the past ten  years or so have been released in middle to end of summer. And sometimes they do very well. 

Way back in the stone ages of 2001, when we didn't know Victor Salva was sort of creepy in a not so good way, JEEPERS CREEPERS surprised by becoming a summer sleeper. And since then Hollywood realized it can capture an audience of young teenagers off from school and ready to peak at movies that their parents need to get them into.. 

I didn't see THE CONJURING --unfortunately big studios haven't noticed THE HORROR REPORT enough to give me the access--but I read the reviews from others who are praising this as creative and refreshing.. I assume, only based on these reviews and some amazing clips, that I will find the movie to be filled with fear and wholesome horror.