Dreary Saturday morning news.. and most of it's not good..


So far hurricane season has been a dud.. but experts are still saying they are coming

We're the kids in America, uh oh: Living in America will drive you insane--literally.. According to data about the United States and the epidemic of mental illness, we may have only ourselves to blame for this new crisis of the mind..

The genetic Adam and Eve uncovered.. .. Research claims that every man on the planet can trace his orgins to one man who lived 135,000 years ago..And that ancient man likely shared the planet with the mother of all women

All this evolution and somehow Justin Bieber is still performing.. and now he shoved a fan's iPhone down his pants during his onstage performance.. When will someone realize that this disrespectful piece of garbage would not make it a day anywhere if he didn't have this stardom behind him...? But I fear his fans are almost as useless as he is..

Ever hear of the curse of the iceman? According recent lure, the Oetzi iceman is killing anyone who researches him. . And the latest news of Tom Loy, a US born molecular archaeologist who was found dead two weeks ago, is adding more fear to that dreaded 'curse'.. Loy was finishing a boy on the Oetzi iceman--and he is the 7th person who studied the Oetzi iceman to die within a year..