A creepy foggy night

This was an image taken tonight from a street corner near my home as I walked Mutley the dog.. The night was shrouded in fog.. I was completely unable to see mere feet in front of me.. There has always been something about certain weather elements that frighten me. Fog may top the list.. maybe it’s the movie THE FOG, maybe the abundance of fog in the paranormal.. Maybe it’s all those images drawn of the famed killer Jack the Ripper lurking in fog.. Tonight as I tried to quickly walk Mutley back the the house, there was a strange moon light above, causing the air around me to appear as if it was glowing a yellow orange hue.. It was amazing, but scary all the same. Every noise, every rustle of a leaf, and every tree moving in the distance, all sounded accentuated. It was as though something was creeping behind me for every step.. Safely at home, I now write this.. I am closing my curtains.. just in case I see a strange figure silhouetting under the fog drenched street light a stone’s throw away.. 
This was an image taken tonight from a street corner near my home as I walked Mutley the dog.. The night was shrouded in fog.. I was completely unable to see mere feet in front of me..
There has always been something about certain weather elements that frighten me. Fog may top the list.. maybe it’s the movie THE FOG, maybe the abundance of fog in the paranormal.. Maybe it’s all those images drawn of the famed killer Jack the Ripper lurking in fog..
Tonight as I tried to quickly walk Mutley back the the house, there was a strange moon light above, causing the air around me to appear as if it was glowing a yellow orange hue.. It was amazing, but scary all the same. Every noise, every rustle of a leaf, and every tree moving in the distance, all sounded accentuated. It was as though something was creeping behind me for every step..
Safely at home, I now write this..
I am closing my curtains.. just in case I see a strange figure silhouetting under the fog drenched street light a stone’s throw away..