Of bronies and men

Child attempts suicide after being bullied at school for being a fan of My Little Pony »

This is horrifying…
I applaud the "bronies" among us.. Seriously do.
I had a discussion with someone today who, for better or worse, uses her Christian background and judges all 'bronies' as gay .. She condemns them, in a sense, without knowing them.
I showed her this story about this child who was bullied for liking MY LITTLE PONY and informed her that the bronies were raising lots of money to help the family.. It did not change her perspective.
It reminded me that all judgement and condemnations come from parents, are handed down to children, and a new generation bullies based off of assumptions made of other people.
And happy 11-year-olds try to kill themselves because of it.
So sick.. so horrid. 
Go bronies.
You're shining bright with goodness in your response to this .. Good job.