'LIGHTS OUT' deserves its own post..

I wrote about LIGHTS OUT in my morning update today.. After much thought, this short film deserves more attention with a post dedicated to it..
The video is here.. watch it in the dark.

LIGHTS OUT: Is this the scariest short film ever made!? I have two thoughts on it.. first off, it shows our attention spans collectively has shrunk rapidly. Comedy is down to 5 seconds.. horror is down to 2 minutes. 

BUT.. it also shows that there is creativity in the ranks of younger horror enthusiasts.. people who are tired of the blood and gore of nothingness and into trying to creature something new and fresh. 

This 2+ minute video, LIGHTS OUT, actually gave me a few jumps.. It was tense and pretty damn amazing. 

Congrats to David Sandberg for LIGHTS OUT .. an award well deserved.