The story of the sunken South Korea ferry has been on our radar--it is tragic and pointless that so many probably lost their lives in such as accident. But news today just got weirder: Prosecutors are seeking an arrest warrant for the captain of the ship--the man who said sorry but also who apparently may not have been in command when the ferry went down.. And this: The high school principal who was among the rescued has been found dead. Hanging from a tree in an apparent suicide.. According to reports, he was found hanging from a tree where relatives of the missing have been camping out .. The events are going from tragic to incomprehensible.. What did this Captain know--or what didn't he? The world is watching..
The ferry sunk at sea.. the plane went missing on then planet. News on Flight 370 has turned into a trickle.. A robotic sub is trying to find the plane.. But it has not yet. And maybe will not..
Pope washes the feet of disabled and elderly Muslim . Francis, doing things again only like Peter the Roman can..
Update: Michael Egan, Bryan Singer's accuser, alleges a number of rapes by Hollywood moguls.. Egan said the FBI and police were made aware of the allegations in 2000, but nothing came from those cases.. and something similar to what Corey Feldman has been saying for years: Allegations are being made in this case that Egan and other minors were 'passed around like pieces of meat' at the supposed sex orgies.. The real question: What does FOX do now about the release of X-MEN 2? It's release date is next month.. And FOX is left scrambling and Singer has skipped this weekend's WonderCon Fanfest.. the joke already is being made: X-MEN 2 should be renamed XXX-MEN .. Fanboys and fanmen are already debating the movie release--and the Singer allegations. Just look at how heated the comments thread is becoming on AINT IT COOL..