Troubling news..
Unsettling news.
It's all in a Thursday..
This is going to be a fact of the future: Smart pills are here. They are getting better and they are equipped with cameras and robotic parts.. And they are raising some very important and troubling ethical questions. Chips that people cannot remove. The medical miracles are on the way--but they will be doubled up with moral and ethical worries..
But the future is now, not just in medicine, but in banking.. more and more biometric banking is how things are being done. It is becoming commomplace..
There is no stopping "progress."
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Elliot Rodgers' crime has ignited fierce debate--even Hollywood stars defended their city and blamed guns instead. But here is another perspective as written by Michael Snyder: The crime is a product of teaching men that the only thing important is life is having sex.
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Brad Pitt has scary moment as he was attacked on the red carpet at movie premiere.. According to reports, he was struck in the face by a notorious gate crasher..
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SNAP!! Snapchat founder is 'mortified' over leaked emails that he wrote.. Even Spiegel wrote emails referencing cocaine, binge drinking, and urinating on women. Snap. They were the frat days..
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Bilderberg 2014: The world's elite are apparently going to debate "privacy" ..
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After all this time, the missing Flight 370 is NOT in the search area where investigators were looking. That means that all of those 'pings' we were hearing about did not originate from any crash site.. So bizarre, still..
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