Cruzing to a bruising: Ted Cruz loses the vampire vote

The acclaimed vampire spectacle on HBO, TRUE BLOOD, got political this weekend when it featured Senator Ted Cruz..

Here is how RAW STORY summed up the plot:
In the episode, characters Eric Northman and Pam De Beaufort dress up in stereotypical Texan Republican trappings to infiltrate a Cruz fundraising event in Dallas. “Oh my God. I’m a Republic*nt,” Pam remarks after seeing herself in the mirror.

Ted Cruz responded to the show on his Facebook page, saying, "Of all the places I never thought to be mentioned, HBO's True Blood vampire show would have to be near the top of the list. Sunday night, they aired a misogynist and profanity-ridden episode where Texas Republicans are murdered attending a "Ted Cruz fundraiser." Well, I'm sorry to have lost the vampire vote, but am astonished (and amused) that HBO is suggesting that hard-core leftists are blood-sucking fiends...."

Here is the scene from the show: