And on that note: The news of the day.
News that I don't look forward to even typing about. So let's get this over with now:
The HORROR REPORT and various other sourcereported
The HORROR REPORT a various other sources reported some troubling news recently about the beheading of an elderly woman in the UK.. And now this news: Another person, this one a disabled elderly Londoner, had his throat slashed.. It was potentially a beheading attempt --and the third one in weeks..
Irish MIRROR: Children of the Caliphate: Junior jihadis play with severed heads and enjoy crucifixions..
This is a disturbing article: Meet the British mothers who behead Chistians..
The kids aren't aright: 100 teens swarm Memphis plaza and knock down shoppers..
Teens beat store worker unconcious..
I have no proof, but I wonder if this Memphis beating and swarming was a PURGE style act?
Yet another massive dust storm blankets Phoenix..
Breath easy.. But I am getting a little nervous about this one: The respiratory virus hitting kids in America continues..
More than 1000 kids in ten states..
Satantic temple to open in Detroit..
The BOX OFFICE has been having a rough time of it this summer. This past weekend was no better: It was bad. very bad.. But as conncidences go, here's the weird part: This was the lowest box office since September 11, 2001.. just as we prepare for the anniversary of September 11..
Toxic and decaying meat being sold as fresh..
Not sure how true.. but it's being reported in various publications: Amateur sleuth claims that he identified Britain's notorious killer, Jack the Ripper..
Big internet slowdown coming.
The paranormal becoming science every day: Scientists achieve brain-to-brain 'telepathic' communication for first time! This is just an amazing story..
CHICAGO FIRE actress Molly Glynn dies after being hit by falling tree..
New studies point to brain injuries being the root cause of autism.. could might be that dysfunction within the cerebellum at crucial moments in development that lead to autism. The doctor who did the study says it all happens when the brain gets injured in the womb.. But what about those brains of children that seem to develop fine for a while.. children smile, learn, and even talk. And then around, oh say 15 months (or an MMR vaccine), and the immediate regressing begins? And food for thought: Vaccine injury funds often go to helping children who had brain injuries ..
More coverage of the Dr. Thompson autism scandal..
The harvest: September supermoon tonight..
Will 'something' happen on September 9? Someone took great pains to put this all together. It may be pure bunk.. but read and discern accordingly. Either way we will find out in 24 hours. And speaking of finding out of strange space events will happen in 24 hours, this from SPACEWEATHER: NOAA forecasters have raised the odds of an X-class solar flare today to 30%. Two sunspots turning toward Earth pose a threat for such eruptions: AR2157 and AR2158. Both are capable of strong geoeffective activity..