There is going to be a burst of feminine adrenaline when FIFTY SHADES OF GREY is released into theaters in 2015.. But Ronnie Berke wrote a piece on CNN as to why she doesn't want her daughters to see it.. The trailer is interesting, to say the least.. the movie will feature sexual bondage for sure. But as Berke writes, the question is: Does "Grey" have the chance of manipulating young female minds with a film telling them what their proper sexual roles are? I say ... it will. This is going to be, as some point out, the STAR WARS of the female millennial crowd. Get ready for a GREY 15..
And anyway.. Don't tell me it's not porn..
Here is a troubling story from across the pond.. A Christian woman of Italian descent was found beheaded in her garden in a London Suburb.. Palmira Silva, 82, beheaded.. Reuters reported that she was elderly and authorities are saying it was not a terrorist act.. So... we're talking an every day run of the mill beheading as opposed to one of a terrorist nature. Right? Of course we see some more online sources have a bit more of the blanks filled in compared to Reuters.. such as the fact that it was a beheading taking place in the broad daylight.. the machete wielding man was 'menacing' others prior to this beheading. And the other sort of unsaid fact: Edmonton has a higher than usual Muslim population. While this may not be a terror act, could it not be a terrorist inspired crime? Oh, and finally, this: Locals in the town told reporters that the suspect beheader converted to Islam last year.
The bombshell CDC whistleblower story continues.. now Dr. William Thompson has gone further and said specifically that mercury does cause autism..
A follow up to a post we had yesterday.. what in the world is happening to Barack Obama?
Alex Jones' INFOWARS reporter Joe Biggs dresses up like someone from ISIS--and crosses the border without incident!
Michael Gearson from the Washington POST writes about Ebola: Nature is out to kill us.. (It always is.. but eating bush meat makes things easier in that regard..)
Experts now say: Ebola is 'unstoppable.'
Sierra Leone is contemplating a nationwide shutdown over Ebola..
Some want an international military response to the Ebola crisis..
Ebola could spread to the United States by the end of September..
Lava is flowing at the Iceland volcano.. video shows a must see event.. In reality, it's both beautiful and frightening all the same.
Fears over Hawaii event: Volcano alert raised to 'warning' with an emergency declared by civil defense..
Billionaires quietly preparing for stock market crash..
Late night hosts honor Joan Rivers..
A lot of people are sharing and re-posting the supposed ghost of room 209 at the Windgate Hotel.. But in 2013, the website Museum of Hoaxes did a good analysis on the supposed ghost video from 2003. Good read. I did some more of my own digging, and figured hotel review sites may be the best sources of information on whether a ghost truly exists in this hotel.. One review on TRIP ADVISOR wrote that someone who traveled there on business in 2009 left thinking the place was haunted. Another reviewer was more critical of the staff than the dead.
'STALKED BY AN AD' is a horror movie trailer for the modern age.. It's a spoof for sure.. but by God it's true. Sometimes the ads that follow me are an embarrassment for multiple reasons. Damn you adsense!