There may not be a war directed at Christmas.. but there sure are wars ON Christmas..
News from Ohio this year.. A homeowner is making news after reporting to the world that his township is telling him to take down his zombie nativity scene.. The owner of the scene also has a haunted house called 13 ROOMS OF DOOM... And he believes his first amendment rights are being violated..
Woman arrested in attack on Satanic Temple display..
Another fatal shooting near Ferguson.. according to reports, an 18-year-old pointed a hand gun at a police officer.. he was shot. The protesters say that the brutality aspect entered when police failed to call for medical assistance for Antonio Martin after he was shot.. The St. Louis Police Department is handling the internal investigation, but we know that the inital AP report is this for the record: "One of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer, Schellman said. The officer fired several shots, striking and fatally wounding the man. The second man fled, and the dead man's handgun has been recovered, according to Schellman" ..
Texas family says they see the Virgin Mary in a tree..
Western journalist given unprecedented access to ISIS for days.. he came back reporting that ISIS plans the largest religious cleansing of the planet in history.. Even more: The reporter says that the West has no concept of how dangerous ISIS is.. With that premise: ISIS sets its sights on 'cleansing' Europe next..
ISIS shoots down war plane..
SONY releasing INTERVIEW on Christmas after all.. I wrote last night that I felt a little queasy about agreeing with SONY's position on this whole thing after what occurred.. I am not the only one who thinks a marketing scam may have just taken place..
Canadian cannibal porn star found guilty of murder..
2015 Predictions: Zombie Apocalypse Virus Becomes Possible Via An Artificial Virus Bioweapon..