Tonight, though, researchers are giving new life to the age old rumors.. Planet X may exist, and as NBC news reports, Planet Y may as well..
This from NBC:
At least two planets larger than Earth likely lurk in the dark depths of space far beyond Pluto, just waiting to be discovered, a new analysis of the orbits of “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) suggests.
Researchers studied 13 ETNOs — frigid bodies such as the dwarf planet Sedna that cruise around the sun at great distances in elliptical paths. [Meet Our Solar System’s Dwarf Planets]
It’s interesting to note that just under one year ago, NASA announced lots of new planets–but they made sure to say there was no Planet X in the mix..
The newest news of a potential massive planet beyond Pluto is a game changer–or at least a potential if it should prove to be true..