IT FOLLOWS review roundup and theater locations

The movie is being released in a limited capacity today.. but that doesn't matter to reviewers and fans of horror. The film has attracted untold amounts of attention through intelligent social media buzz and positive reviews--the film is boasting a near 100% rating on ROTTEN TOMATOES. Those types of things don't happen too often..

Here's a wrap of some of the reviews for the film that seem readable:

A VOX review is calling it the scariest movie in years.. "This is a movie you need to see right now."

A THE WEEK review calls it a mesmerizing 'coming of age' movie"  "The sense of unease is buoyed by Rich Vreeland's terrific, pulsing score, which recalls John Carpenter's unforgettable work for Halloween"

SALON: An instant horror classic about the dark side of teen sex: "There are distorted but obvious images of several real-world issues in “It Follows,” including acquaintance rape, teen suicide and mental illness, but you can’t boil the movie down to any of those things any more than to a metaphorical treatment of Detroit’s social and racial divide."

i09: Proof that horror movies don't have to be dumb to scare you: " It offers an unpredictability that's become increasingly rare in horror. For that alone (and for not being a sequel, a remake, a found-footage extravaganza, or gratuitously gory) It Follows deserves high praise. This movie is absolutely one of the year's must-see horror films."

Entertainment WEEKLY praises: "Even with its flaws, though, It Follows is a dizzyingly tense and creepy workout. Oh, and I almost forgot… Hey kids, don’t have sex!"

NEW YORK POST says the movie will stick with you.

A VULTURE reveiwer says 'I've rarely been as scared as I was in IT FOLLOWS'

There aren't currently too many theaters showing it. I have a feeling word of mouth will create demand.. and create a sensation. It will be the sleeper hit of 2015.

This is a full listing of the theaters you can see it