Call and ye shall answer

I called 760-733-9969 a few times since Clyde Lewis mentioned it on his show last night.. Though I had heard about the famed Mojave desert phone booth many times over, I had forgotten it returned a few years ago thanks to someone who bought the line and made a conference call bridge out of it..

Obviously with the newfound attention of Ground Zero listeners, the number has a vast possibility of gaining traction all over again..

The call this morning was at times annoying, frantic, strange, bizarre.. Creepy. People speaking about Jesus and also crying out about the devil. At one point when there were only about six people on it, I actually had a bit of a meaningful conversation with the people talking..

I promise this: Some more urban legend and desert facts about the Mojave phone booth will be coming after I conduct more research.. And also more phone calls will be placed to hear the shenanigans and strangeness greeting me on the other end..

Certainly hope Clyde Lewis does another show about it in total..