Sonic boom noises being heard across parts of Schuylkill County Pennsylvania

This one is hitting very close to Horror Report home base.. There are hundreds of comments on Facebook at the hour of people claiming to hear sonic booms repeatedly sounding near their homes in the central part of Schuylkill County PA.. Some even say that the booms are shaking their homes..

The towns of Cressona, Schuylkill Haven, and Pottsville seem to be the location for the majority of reports..

Commenters on Facebook write that they have alerted loca police and that law enforcement is aware of the increasingly high number of boom reports this evening..

This is not a new phenomenon. As a matter of fact, the last several years have been populated wth reports of sonic booms and earth groans across the planet, just like those being heard tonight by witnesses..

The Horror Report will follow the story and update accordingly.. 
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Update 4:00am 11/28/15

There was an East coast earthquake only s bit ago, strong as well.. Read more here

Not saying it's related but it's interesting ..