It forced me into a strange place.. contemplation over what this whole NET thing is doing to the world. To us. To news.. to everything.
I turned 21 a week before 9/11 happened. When that terror attack took place, I went online and immediately began updating –in HTML mind you–my website about the terror attack.. There is still a record of it somewhere on So in that regard, I was immersed in the NET world at 21 before REDDIT and Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. Back then it was AOL Chat rooms and Drudge, along with very basic chats..
But now? Twitter? REDDIT.. The REAL error of citizen journalism is here. And it’s fast, sloppy, messy, and amazing.
But to what end?
The funny thing is after watching THE THREAD, I feel out of the loop. Even though I was a NET kid, it was new then.. it was all new. Now it’s ‘always been’ to the generation born since 2000. Think about that.. Kids of today have no idea what a boring Sunday afternoon watching NICK meant.. Now it’s constant life online. Nothing boring but yet everything is. Kids of today? You don’t KNOW boring..
And even though I was somewhat on the ‘cutting edge’ of media evolution with my VERY OWN DOT COM in the early part of the century, it’s rudimentary when compared to the fast paced information overload of today’s age.
Fast news.
Loose rules..
What you see isn’t what you get.
And the best chance of real factual information may come when the book is written years later.
But we are all experimenting with this old media murder. The journalists of yesterday who are still paying their school loans are watching the carpet pulled from them. YOU. Me. EVERYONE can be a reporter.
Is it too much/ Too much Trump? Too much of a good thing?
Live streaming until it gets dull?
Periscope…And all of the rest of the social networks popping up hourly.
Yes it is changing everything.