When the dramatically high Easter Sunday numbers were posted about BATMAN VS SUPERMAN, I had a hunch.. Those numbers were so good.. soo amazing.. and sooo ready to crash and burn the week after. The movie was talked about all week around water coolers and on school buses.. and people were all in agreement: IT sucks.

This may be one where critics and moviegoers actually find some common ground..

I am choosing not to see the film. Friends of mine who did regard it as one of the lesser qualify pieces of art they have ever consumed.. a few kids think it is cool because of explosions and special effects. But the story line.. the Affleck .. the awfulness of it all..

This weekend is crash and burn time!

Already Friday night lights were dimmed for other films, not BAT vs the super one with WONDER WOMAN somehow thrown in for good measure.

A 79% drop Friday night when compared to the previous weekend. The overall weekend will most likely finish $50 mil with a 69% falloff..

Does that mean the movie is going to flop? No .. it still has some bit to go to make up the over $800 million budget it filmed on, however. But it will make it.

One thing is for sure: ZOOTOPIA is coming in second place and still--second place after this many weeks--showcasing itself as a major hit ..