But this weekend finally getting accustomed to CHANNEL 0 CANDLE COVE.. It is a SYFY original based on a creepypasta, and it has a good nostalgic 'stranger things' type of feel to it.
Highly recommended from the HORROR REPORT..
The show only had a few episodes, but was greenlighted for a new season 2..
Candle Cove (2016)
A child psychologist (Paul Schneider) returns to his small home town to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his twin brother and a slew of other children in the 1980s, and how it is connected to a bizarre local children's television show that aired at the same time.
The No-End House (2017)
A young woman named Margot Sleator (Amy Forsyth) visits the No-End House, a bizarre house of horrors that consists of a series of increasingly disturbing rooms. When she returns home, Margot realizes everything has changed.
One part of season 1 that somewhat chilled me a bit was the tooth-child!
That is frightening an brilliant! It preys on the deepest and darkest fears I have always had as well..
Aside from just the puppets of Candle Cove, Channel Zero’s first season is inhabited by what appears to be a young boy made entirely out of teeth. “So the Tooth Child,” Antosca explained, “came to me in a nightmare. After envisioning this thing, it harkened back the ideas of childhood, of losing your teeth, of growing up, and of having recurring dreams that explored all of these things. When I proposed the idea of the creature, it struck a chord with the writers’ room. We had some fantastic artists, who also worked on Hannibal, create the suit for us and we couldn’t be happier with it. For the record, no those aren’t real teeth.”
I never trusted the Tooth Fairy growing up. I always pictured him or her as some beastly and ghastly creature that stole teeth and ended up doing sordid things with them--this before I knew just how horrible humanity itself could be.
This tooth child would be, in my nightmare, what the tooth fairy looks like.
So happy to hear that the show will be back for me..