The movie is a surprise blockbuster at $123 million. Here’s one reason why.
“Everyone needs reassurance that it’s good to be part of a group, and it’s great to come together against division and fear,” Andy Muschietti told EW on Monday morning. “Fear is used as a tool these days to divide and control and conquer. And hate is a tool. And that’s something Pennywise does, so that’s something resonating in our society right now.”
One things that contributes to the frustration are those under the sway of the monster, who refuse to see the reality of what’s happening — much like the adults in It, all of them grotesques whose darkest sides are activated by the monster lurking below.
King himself hit this comparison right on the red nose, joking in a speech at the Women’s March in Sarasota, Fla., last January: “We just elected Pennywise as president.”
That is an observation I can believe in.. I just wrote about PENNYWISE’S HURRICANE WEEKEND at box offices … how we are ALL members of the losers club.. and how we are actually potentially united more if we unite against fear, whether it is a clown or a natural disaster. Nice to see that Muschietti agrees..
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