Mall Santas try to reinvent themselves in the modern age of dying malls..
Pennsylvania doctor accused of having a pill mill -- 5 patients dead from opioid overdoses..
Doctor arrested..
Faces 20 years..
Pennsylvania Christmas display making national news: CHRISTMAS VACATION..
Papa John's founder will step down as CEO..
McMahon is chairman and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, which filed details with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission about McMahon's sale of 3.34 million shares of WWE, equaling about $100 million!
SLENDERMAN CASE UPDATE: A judge has sentenced one of the two Wisconsin teenagers accused of stabbing their friend in the woods to please the online fictional character Slender Man. Anissa Weier, 16, will now spend 25 years under a mental health institution’s supervision, with credit for her 1,301 days already spent in incarceration. More than two years and six months of her sentence will be spent in a mental hospital before she can petition the court for release every six months. If released, Weier will remain under institutional supervision until year 2039 and will be 37 years old.
Teen YouTube star murdered by drug cartel..
Drug cartel murders dad at Christmas party as they force his son to watch..
Mark Hammil has a problem with LAST JEDI.. "He's not my Luke Skywalker"
Rian Johnson looks at the implications from the decision about SNOKE in LAST JEDI.
Sean Buckley: Hate 'Last Jedi?' The Star Wars Expanded Universe is worse
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