The AQAUAMAN scene popular in China

“I'm thinking of all the crazy set pieces and all the cool visuals and all that," James Wan tells The Hollywood Reporter. "I wasn't even remotely close. They said, 'It's the scene where Amber [Heard] eats the flower."

The scene in question finds Arthur/Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and Mera (Heard) in Italy, in search of Atlan's trident. Mera is unsure of how to act amongst the surface dwellers, and in a market she ends up eating a flower as though it were a piece of fruit. Not one to make her feel out of place, Arthur follows suit and eats a flower as well. 

"When he is in her world, he's the fish out of water. When she's in his world, she's the fish out of water. And it is about finding those moments," says Wan, who notes he spends as much time working on the small human moments as he does on the set pieces. 

The film will warn more than $900 mil in global markets with more than $260 mil coming from the newest majority movie consumer: China