Andrew Sullivan on 2020 race.. "Trump would be the oldest president in history at 74; Buttigieg would be the
youngest at 39. Trump landed in politics via his money and celebrity after years in the limelight; Buttigieg is the mayor of a midsize midwestern
town, unknown until a few weeks ago. Trump is a pathological, malevolent narcissist from New York, breaking all sorts of norms. Buttigieg is a
modest, reasonable pragmatist, and a near parody of normality. Trump thrives on a retro heterosexual persona; Buttigieg appears to be a rather
conservative, married homosexual. Trump is a coward and draft dodger; Buttigieg served his country. Trump does not read; Buttigieg does. Trump’s
genius is demonic demagoguery. Buttigieg’s gig is careful reasoning. Trump is a pagan; Buttigieg is a Christian. Trump vandalizes government;
Buttigieg nurtures it."..
LIVE WITHOUT KATHIE LEE GIFFORD.. Her time as co-host of the fourth hour of
"Today," "Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda," has come to a close after nearly 11 years...