Gingrich locks in the cartoonist block

Iowa may end up not voting for Newt Gingrich--and America may grow to (re)disdain him after they hear him enough, but a voting block that supports him wholeheartedly: Political cartoonists.

They point out that he's a dream come true.. the easiest to draw since Nixon..  The big pudgy face, mean eyebrows, and large head of white bushy hair.. it's a cartoonist's paradise .. The actual face of Newt is already drawn for them.. in photos around Iowa and the nation, he looks like a giant bubble headed cartoon of a real person.. An inflated head. And inflated ego to match.

I can imagine some cartoonists of the Democratic persuasion may even switch parties in order to vote for their money maker for a potential 4 years--or at least one campaign season.