Do you think the hundreds of earthquakes that are rattling California are related?


Despite our flawed human logic telling our small brains that all of these shakings are all linked together, a product of a larger tremor to come, and in a reason to predict anymore larger and more dangerous times on the horizon, scientists state that the swarm isn't something to worry about.

Scientists say.

The USGS said, "As far as we know, they aren't related."

The rest of the USA TODAY article refutes many other theories held by some--theories that one quake can lead to another, or that is stress on a fault line happens in one part of the world, the other side will have to equalize over a period of time.

I know the fine folks at the USGS are smarter than I will ever be..  If scientists would be able to project their intelligence on a wall, it would cause an entire house to light up. But I can humbly say, in my simply logic, that I think there may be some relation between the events. Maybe I am wrong. According to these scientists and I am downright wrong.

However...Go back to March of 2011 when the LA TIMES published a short story and interactive map of earthquakes preceding the big 8.9 in Japan.. were they related or not? At that time, many scientists across the world believed they were.