Will the global 2012 drought lead to 2013 problems?

Anyone paying attention to headlines knows.. Farmers know.. People relying on a corn and crop yield know that one may not be coming this year. It's going to be a morbidly dry and harsh harvest .. Even cattle relying on feed are having troubles ..

This year's drought began, settled in, and to today never ended. The Midwest was soaked with sun all summer..

And it's not just the USA.. Russia expects its grain surplus for export to be 5 million tons lower than last year .. Rain is below average in India, putting the new planting season at risk.

What does this all equal?? Could food shortages lead to global uncertainty, chaos? Riots? Tension around the planet? All of the above?

The future is filled with water shortage wars and increased tension due to climate change. Those are facts. Hard facts to consider.. This may not just be future, but those facts could begin this year..