South Korea crisis as thousands treated for toxic gas release

According to press reports, a factory owned by chemical maker Hube Global exploded on September 27. Since then, over 3000 people in South Korea near the city of Gumi have received medical attention--the explosion caused hydrofluouric acid to affect crops, livestock and people.. 

According to the stories circulating, people have been receiving treatment for a list of symptoms, the least of which was nausea and rashes, the worst  chest pains and throat problems and blood in saliva.. 

Reports indicate that a strong and 'acrid' smell is in the air over villages. 

South Korea officials are probing into what caused the explosion that has led to this medical crisis. In the mean time, dozens of villagers are evacuating the scene before their health problems get worse.

UPI reports that the region being hit may be designated a disaster zone.. 

Developing story..