It was midnight in the desert.. and I was unfortunately sleeping

Check out .. there's something brewing there even more than before.. Letters in the words 'Wanna take a ride?" are linking to YouTube videos. I frequent the forum. While I was soundly sleeping last night on the East Coast, someone in the high desert chose to link my other site,! That's right.. and I missed it. Thankfully, I was able to read about it on CoastGab this morning.. Soon after my article about Ross Mitchell leaving Coast to Coast AM was linked, so it was taken down and replaced with a link to the Alien in the Freezer show from the 1990s.. But for a brief moment in time, CoalSpeaker was noticed .. Pretty cool stuff. I am proud my little site was seen by Art Bell himself. Cool stuff.

Now he needs to gets his feet out of the desert sand and return to the night's airwaves. George Noory has ruined them long enough..