Fearful Friday news update from the world and beyond


Mystery dolphin deaths now all along the East Coast.. Carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual.. Federal scientists have declared it an "unusual mortality event" and are investigating the cause...

They create a deadly flu just to prove they can?? WHAT! Scientists argue whether their strange bird flu experiments are safe..

News media shows photo of dead woman on live newscast! *Watch at your own risk.. I am only posting to prove how disgusting the media can be, not at all to glorify a death or give added grisly attention to it.. There is no way in hell the media should have shown the dead woman, this is pitiful and disgusting..

Horror movie app has been approved by Apple. Thanks Apple. I am sure you'll still censor if things get 'out of hand'

Weekend box office: WE'RE THE MILLERS set to flop.. watch and see..