Reports from across the nation of strange lights in the sky

On those strange lights in the sky..

While we need to 'check our sources' on a regular basis, this interesting story of strange lights being in the American skies the past few nights has been brought to the HORROR REPORT's attention from emails..

The main source on these lights appear to be WORLD NET DAILY--a news site conservative and religiously alarmist in nature.. But nonetheless, they offer this article about mystery lights on July 27 that were seen throughout the United States.. ..much of the article listed YouTube channels of vidoes where these lights in the sky were seen on that date..

Another story was sent to me from WORLD NET DAILY stating that there are more lights in the sky--'they keep coming'

The story was posted yesterday and once again uses YouTube users as the main source of content..According to date stamps on the videos, it appears these new lights were from August 4..

Some reports quoted in the article say that the lights appeared to be in formation, not blinking at all, and seemingly headed in one direction before simply vanishing before the eyes of witnesses. The reports came from various states..

Interestingly enough, around the second to last week of July, a person who is very close to the HORROR REPORT (and mostly labels me a tin foil conspiracy madman) told me of a craft she saw.. I will keep her nameless to protect her. She described a triangular craft that seemed to hover above her over a major interstate and business center. She said it made no noise, and seemed to somehow glide with the air. Interestingly enough, clouds shrouded the sky that day except for the portion of the sky where this strange craft was.. I told her my thought was it was most likely a military plane or a drone, nothing out of this world (that is typically what I think 99% of UFO accounts are to begin with)n .. but the fire in her eyes describing this and the way she was shaken up telling me about the weirdness of it all did cause me a little concern. She is a very logical person who does not typically go down the road of paranormal or otherworldly..

But what this all may mean is something is going on in the skies above us..

I would love to know if you out there have any reports or videos or links to lights like this .. please email me at with your information.. I will keep your name confidential..