I was childless and in a whole different personal place in 2001..
Changes occurred.
Now I just wonder to myself, so many years now after 9/11 occurred, what could kids of today possibly think of all this?
My son is only a little over two and has no clue why he's wearing his red Angry Birds shirt with his white and blue shorts.. He did not live through that day, unless reincarnation really does happen..
There are a lot of kids who did not live through that day and will never know what it meant to live through the first few hours of the beginning of a whole new world..
From the time the news networks gather their thoughts and went to live special report programming for what seemed like 100 hours straight, everything certainly did change.
The teenagers of today were too young to truly recall the horror of then, and the early 20-year-old crowd now probably has distinct memories of being picked up at school by their parents or watching some old television set with live streaming coverage of planes hitting buildings.. But I dare say that it is my generation, the folks who are now about 30 through 35 years old, that felt the biggest impact of change.. Being 21 and suddenly realizing that you're really not safe in America, and that war and modern hate exists is quite dramatic..
I actually believe that to this day, many people still will feel the same emotions swell inside them when they watch the videos from 12 years back.. They will recall the exact whereabouts of their bodily condition, and they will also remember their mental stability fluctuating for hours as we watched America enter the 21st century of war..
On September 11 last year an embassy in Libya fell victim to attack, and this year September 11 falls a day after the president addressed the nation about the prospects of another war in Syria..
...war. All this war and not a drop to drink
So I will not belabor the point, or write an endless amount of words about today's anniversary-- you can certainly read my past posts throughout the past 12 years to get enough melancholy September 11 propaganda for me..
But I would just say that as time passes and we look in the mirror at our aging faces, what story lurks in your eyes? Even in your own personal life think of the people that you lost to disease or death over the past 12 years.. Think of the monumental changes in technology that occurred in just the past two years. I bet you can still however, even with all of this change, recall those very specific emotions you felt around 9 AM on September 11, 2001..
If you were here to live through them of course..